Monday, June 27, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

As I heard it
New Laker center Ivica Zubac is from Croatia and I found his name difficult to pronounce. I listened to his interview with Laker broadcaster Mike Trudell, went over it three or four times listening to him pronounce Zubac’s name. I still got it wrong according to Wikipedia his name Ivica Zubac phonetically is “e-Vit-za Zu-buts”.

I just don’t know about Russell Westbrook, I have no doubt of his talent I have difficulty raising him above star level. In other words he‘s no superstar in my book, in addition this is written prior to the series conclusion with the Warriors. Through five games the Thunder point guard has averaged 28 points in 37 minutes of action with an average of 11 assists along with 4 steals and nearly 7 rebounds.

That's the good Westbrook, how about the bad Westbrook?  The bad Westbrook shot 41% from the floor and had nearly five turnovers a game with a high of 7 in Game Five.  We have no method of calculating the number of points the Warriors were able to score from the sometimes poor shooting and turnovers Westbrook had.  

Looking over his shoulder
Is Ricky Rubio skating on thin ice with the Wolves? All indications point to him being a good teammate and an above average point guard. The problem Rubio can’t throw the ball in the ocean. It was clear his shooting skills were limited when he arrived in the NBA the belief his shooting would improve. Rubio is in his 5th year and in a manner of speaking a throwback point guard. A greater premium is placed on distributing the ball rather than shooting. As for the shooting Rubio’s shot has clearly not gotten any better.

Rubio reached a high of .381 two years ago, this past season it was .374. In the 2016 draft the Wolves chose Kris Dunn from Providence, Dunn is a point guard. Dunn can distribute the ball (6.2) and score (16.4) with a healthy shooting percentage .448. Of course these are Dunn’s college numbers he is yet to prove he can reproduce these numbers at the NBA level. The question “Is Rubio looking over his shoulder?” It’s not him its Wolves management and the belief they can raise the level of play if Dunn were the point guard.

Who starts these tales?
The only reason I’m reporting this story because it’s likely to occur again at some date in the future. Believe it or not this is not the first time I’ve heard this story not about this player but another. Draft night story the Bucks Thon Maker was more than 19 years of age. First of all if he proves he can play what does it matter if he’s 19, 20 or 25? My concern (and I can’t do anything about it) are stories which are totally untrue. What satisfaction do you receive circulating a story you know is untrue? I guess it’s like the NBA trolls who are always claiming; “Nobody is watching the NBA.”

Okay trade him!!!
Lakernation a fan website claims “The Lakers have received offers for Brandon Ingram.” Not surprising considering the potential of an Ingram. As excited as this Laker fan is with the pick I say; “Okay trade him.” One aspect to consider the Lakers should receive an outstanding veteran player(s) in return. Who is that player(s) you might ask? I have no idea however this is my criteria, a veteran starter possibly a center a veteran substitute and a draft choice. The Lakers could also include one of their youngsters in the package to make it more enticing, just my thoughts.

Job opportunities
The recent hires in the NBA the season will begin with eight black head coaches (26%) out of 30 teams. Let’s check out the other major sports, in the NFL there are five black head coaches (16%) out of 32 teams. The sport of Jackie Robinson baseball has an even worst record out of 30 MLB teams there is one (1) (3%) black manager. As for the colleges about 25% of the Division I coaches in basketball are black, college football the number is 12.5%. In order to increase minority hiring the NFL adopted the Rooney Rule.

If you are not familiar with the rule it states every time a head coaching position opens an NFL team must interview a minority person. It doesn’t set up a quota system it simply states equal opportunity. One website suggested the NCAA adopt a “Rooney Rule” too. Not possible in my view, NFL owners are beholding to other owners and the league to enforce the rule. The only connection Rutgers has with Gonzaga is both are members of the NCAA. We are dependent on schools doing the right thing i.e. interviewing all candidates rather than utilizing the “good old boy network.”