Sunday, August 23, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Right place, right time plus talented
In this part of the nation we have plenty of Wichita State basketball available to us.  I remember viewing several games and witnessing Fred VanVleet in action.  I remember thinking this guy is good but never entertained the thought he would become so valuable to the Raptors.  Originally from Rockford Illinois he was not highly touted in high school, most basketball offers were from mid major schools such as Wichita State. 

Point guard VanVleet’s game grew steadily while at Wichita State however the NBA was likely out of the question.  In 2016 VanVleet would go undrafted however he managed to play for the Raptors 2016 Summer League team.  From that point it was a matter of proving he could play to earn a roster position, the team had 6 players for a single position on the 15- man roster.  The 6-foot 1-inch VanVleet beat out the others to earn that final roster spot.  He has not always been a starter for the first few years of his NBA career, but is in that role currently.  Fred VanVleet the guy who was at the right place, right time plus talented.   

I am making the pick
As general manager, director of player personnel and head coach I choose to make the Warriors pick at number two.  James Wiseman is the choice by yours truly, why Wiseman over someone else? As pointed out this is not a particularly strong draft so why this name?  The Warriors could certainly use the scoring of Anthony Edwards, but it is not key.  For once I agree with daddy LaVar Ball, he claims son LaMelo is not a good fit for the Warriors. 

Although the development for Wiseman might be somewhat delayed, he is the real deal, at 7 foot 1- and 240-pounds he becomes the rim-protector the Warriors need.  There is speed on his side that will enable him to keep up with Steph, Klay, and other potential teammates.  Wiseman’s offensive game is limited but that is no major issue, when everyone is healthy the Warriors have an ample amount of firepower when everyone is healthy.  Will the Warriors go this route is unknown, it certainly could not hurt.   

Sixer trouble
Prior to the start of the 2019-20 season many did not pencil in the Sixers as Eastern Conference champs although the belief was, they would be competitive.  We had the Raptors plus the Bucks as serious competition.  The season suspension in March, the Orlando Bubble plus the Ben Simmons injury.  Down 0-2 to the Celtics Friday evening and holding a lead in the closing minutes the Sixers were unable to sustain the lead to remain in contention. 

The Sixers would lose the lead and the game due to questionable shooting and defense, final score 102-94.  The Sixers now find themselves in an 0-3 hole, Joel Embiid had a particularly good game but took several questionable shots in the waning minutes of the game.  The Sixers are certainly missing Simmons, but it appears there are additional issues.  Those closer than myself probably see Sixer issues I've failed to note, let us just say change is some form is required.   

Six degrees of Kevin Love 
Many of you are might be aware the fun activity of connecting actor Kevin Bacon to several others.  It is simply titled “Six degrees of Kevin Bacon”, there might be six degrees of Cavs power forward Kevin Love.  First, Kevin is the son of Stan a former NBA player with the Baltimore Bullets, Lakers, and Spurs?  Stan’s NBA career certainly was not at the level of son only lasting five years but wait there is more. 

Like all families there is another famous Love, Stan has an older brother; he is the younger brother of Beach Boys member Mike Love.  One more “six degrees” connection although he is not a relative.  Kevin and the Warriors Klay Thompson were Little League baseball teammates during their 5th and 6th grade years.  This Kevin Love six degrees might not actually be close to the six degrees of Kevin Bacon, it it quite interesting.