Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Words eye view

Basketball from a fan perspective

I’ve lost faith

Mizzou lost again on Tuesday night, the third lost in a row.  This time it was the Georgia Bulldogs whom they played in Athens, the score Georgia 80 Mizzou 70.  The problem for me and others Georgia was/is on the same level, there is no excuse for losing to them.  Jeremiah Tilmon was missing again with a death in his family, but it was more than him.  This Mizzou team appears to have lost their way on the road to the NCAA. 

We can begin pointing fingers at individual players, guard Mark Smith who appears incapable of tossing the ball in the ocean.  How about Xavier Pinson, over penetrating at times and the king of taking difficult or impossible shots.  Did I mention the number of unforced turnovers committed by X?  Finally, we arrive at the coach, I have been one of the biggest fans of Cuonzo Martin, but it appears he is unable to set a course correction for this sinking ship. 

I certainly am not calling for the coach to be fired let’s just say I’m extremely disappointed he appears unable to make the necessary course corrections.  After streaking toward the NCAA Tournament, the Tigers have run smack into a brick wall.  It will do no good to earn a berth and be eliminated in the first game, that’s it I’m out.  In my view it is time to shake up this team, except for Dru Smith and Jeremiah Tilmon a new lineup. 

He’s under no time limit

The countdown has begun, where is Chet Holmgren headed to college?  The 7-foot Big Man and Rivals Top prospect in the Class of 2021 has 7 schools on his list, and one might be out of the running.  Gonzaga is an incredibly good program, but the conference is not strong.  Holmgren even with limited play is likely to not be pushed much in the West Coast Conference. 

This is my belief, the best school for Holmgren to attend is either Michigan or Memphis.  Both schools are coached by former NBA athletes, they know the NBA play like the back of their hand.  They might be able to coach him in a manner none of the others might be capable.  On the other hand, if it’s Ohio State, Minnesota or somewhere else he still should be okay.  Although thin at 190 pounds Holmgren has skills lacking in several other Big Men that’s why I believe he should be okay whatever his choice.    

The brothers

It remains early but consider this thought, the Ball brothers apart from the middle son are decent talents.  Decent because they were talented enough to be drafted and earn a place on an NBA roster, is there superstar status in their future?  LaMelo is in the middle of his rookie year so he certainly has not played enough games to answer that question.  As for older brother Lonzo we can say no, that’s not intended to cast doubt on his ability. 

We can name several players who experienced lengthy NBA careers and never received All-Star prominence.  We have reached the line of reasoning; it states we can say with certainty both brothers have NBA aptitude.  If they manage to keep their heads on straight LaMelo and Lonzo will be able to earn a great deal of money over an NBA career.  Our intention is to focus on them rather than “he said” of the father, in fact the intention is to no longer mention his name in this blog going forward.  

College rivalries

Several rivalries are easy to understand, they could be in the same city (UCLA & USC) or the same state (Kansas & Kansas State).  As for others they might be a little more difficult to understand why the two schools might have become rivals.  The rivalry between Syracuse and Georgetown goes back to the days when both schools were members of the Big East Conference but no more. 

Syracuse is now in the ACC while the Hoyas remain a member of the Big East, how about New Mexico and New Mexico State?  The two schools play in different conferences but are located less than 300 road miles apart.  Kentucky and Louisville must certainly be included in this list, both programs are steeped in basketball lore. 

The same statement could be made regarding these two nearby schools Duke and North Carolina, the campuses are located less than 30 miles distance from the other.  Michigan and Michigan State are contenders for basketball talent and the allegiance of those who live in the state.  There are others omitted however there was a desire to point out those rivalries some going back to the 1900’s. 

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