Sunday, February 7, 2021

Words eye view

Basketball from a fan perspective

The pushback

Several additional players have voiced their opposition to the NBA holding the All-Star Game.  It appears the NBAPA and the NBA are the driving force and revenue from the game is split 50-50.  Saturday events, game on Sunday and leave Atlanta on Sunday night or at least that’s the preliminary plan.  The only question will the NBA allow players to opt out, you remember, don’t you?  Once the season was restarted last July players were given the option of heading to Orlando, several chose to remain home for a variety of reasons.  Personally, I believe this is not good decision and I hope it is cancelled before the March date.  What are your thoughts on the matter?   

What occurs    

This is written about 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning, Mizzou faces Alabama at 11:00 a.m.  This is probably the most significant game for Cuonzo Martin since he arrived in Columbia.  Just in case you didn’t realize Alabama is the number 10 team in the nation while Mizzou is number 18.  Alabama is undefeated in SEC play while Mizzou’s lost three games so what follows about 1:30 p.m. or so this afternoon.  I believe Alabama will be the winner although that is not the outcome Mizzou Nation desires.  Okay, the game is being played in Columbia so that should be a slight advantage for the home team. 

How many points does Mizzou gain playing at home, my guess at least 2-3, will that be enough points to allow a Mizzou upset?  On the other hand, Alabama could blowout Mizzou however that’s only occurred twice this season.  The two teams are close in points allowed by the opposition (69.2 Ala-70.2 Mizzou).  Well, this certainly didn’t turn out as many expected (including this writer), at a point in the first half the backcourt of Dru and Mark Smith had 25 points for Mizzou, the Alabama team had 26.  Alabama came roaring back with less than 5 minutes remaining in the game, final score read Mizzou 68 Alabama 65. 

For Ty Lue & Paul George

Remember the turmoil created last week with the release of the Jared Dudley book.  Laker reserve Dudley writing on the championship season apparently made derogatory remarks regarding the Clippers Paul George.  George took exception with the comment even George’s coach Ty Lue made a statement on the matter, both apparently forget the December George news. 

In early December 2020 George laid the Clippers playoff loss on Doc Rivers.  If you’ve read Words any length of time you realize I am no fan of Rivers however this series of events has proven quite interesting.  Rivers didn’t take the shot that went off the side of the backboard…or did he?  Former President Harry Truman made a statement which still rings true, “If you can’t stand the heat you need to get out of the kitchen.”  Apparently, George (and Lue) can dish it out but cannot absorb push back.  No worry this is the last account you will read on this account.   

Jeremiah Tilmon

He stands 6 foot 10 and 260 pounds, Jeremiah Tilmon is an East St. Louis Illinois guy who decided to make his college choice Mizzou.  Although he appeared to have plenty of talent his first few years were not as productive as hoped by the coach and fans. Appearing in games his freshman and sophomore years he was continually in foul trouble.  Lack of discipline is my contention, he would go for shot fakes, jump out to defend the lane trying to pick up another’s player and be called for fouls.  In addition, the offensive fouls as he often tried to bulldoze his way to the basket. 

An injury in his junior year reduced the number of games he would play to 17.  The potential was always there it was a matter of understanding his role in addition to playing under control.  Tilmon’s blossomed in his senior year, his scoring along with rebounds and defense have step up over his prior seasons. As a senior his numbers are nearly 14 points and 8 rebounds a game along with gaining a defensive stance in the paint.  It’s not likely we hear his name called in the 2021 draft however it’s conceivable he could sign a free agent contract.  If not, the NBA there is always the possibility of Euro basketball, Tilmon’s game is vastly improved over that he first set foot on campus 4 years ago.      

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