Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

“My blood, my sweat your tears” Anonymous  

What do you think?

I held one of those discussions that shall remain unresolved forever.  Television personalities are entitled to their opinions no disagreement on my part.  This is where we part ways, you provide me your view as fact.  The two persons involved in the discussion didn’t agree with me and that’s okay.  I stated, my desire is to be informed not have your opinion being forced to take your view as the truth. 

It’s my belief the public have a love-hate relationship with him.  I’ve yet to read a letter regarding him indicating someone is in the middle.  They either like him or as I do avoid him altogether.  This media member rarely provides us information, plenty of opinions little evidence of the WHY.  So, there it is in front of you, formulate your own view, it's really okay if it's different from mine.   

Few things I can guarantee

There are few things in life I can guarantee, on second thought there might nothing I can really guarantee.  In this instance I say to Sonics fans the Wolves are not moving to your neighborhood.  There is a condition in the bill of sale of the Wolves franchise preventing A Rod and Marc Lore from moving the franchise.  Sorry I hate to be the bearer of bad news but now rather than later is best in my view, that is all for now.     

Dennis Schroeder ist ein baller

Restating my past position, I’ve always attempted to refrain from discussing athletes’ salaries regardless of the sport.  I hate to discuss any issue dealing with money because I believe ALL athletes are overpaid.  As for the subject at hand I like Dennis Schroeder, he’s provided the Laker backcourt good shooting plus defense and other stuff. 

Danny Green certainly has good attributes, Schroeder has been so much better over Green.  Schroeder will become a free agent this summer and the $$ we hear the speedy point guard desires are astronomical.  He should be compensated to his satisfaction however there is no requirement for the Lakers to back up an armored truck to his residence. 

This member of Laker Nation would like to see him in the backcourt beyond this season, based on his reported asking price that might not be possible.  I’m okay if the Lakers explore paying Schroeder but also be on the lookout for a replacement.  As this account was being completed came word the Knicks will seek his services this summer when he becomes a free agent.  As for the headline it reads, “Dennis Schroeder is a baller” in German his native tongue. 

Michael, we hardly knew you 

We are discussing Michael Porter Jr. of the Denver Nuggets; we hardly knew you refers to the three games he played at Mizzou.  In his second full year in the NBA MPJ is averaging 17.2 points a game along with 7.7 rebounds, after playing reserve minutes in his rookie season he now receives starter minutes.  What did you say, this is revisionist history on my part?  You are correct that is indeed the case, the 6-foot 10 inch forward playing in Denver experienced little action in Columbia. 

We hoped he would return for his sophomore year, but the lure of the NBA appealed far too much for this 5-star High School All American.  In my mind it played out in this manner, MPJ returned for his sophomore year along with brother Jontay.  Jontay would play his brothers minutes and this sophomore-junior combo would build on the winning program Cuonzo Martin established his first year.  The next two seasons would witness Mizzou playing .500 plus basketball thus a winning pattern would be established.  Don’t pooo paw my history, it could have occurred in this manner. 

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