Sunday, April 18, 2021

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

“To be successful you must be selfish, otherwise you will never achieve”


Bad Blood

While a member of the Knicks Charles Oakley took on the role nobody wanted.  He rebounded the basketball, he played hard-nose defense on the opposition.  On occasion he could score the ball when called on as well.  This account is not from the Knicks front office rather his former coach at the time Jeff Van Gundy.  Van Gundy says Oakley’s jersey should be retired and hung with other Knick players in the rafters at Madison Square Garden.  As for the former Knick he says; “Thanks but no thanks.”  Most likely this is the result of continuing feud with owner James Dolan.  Oakley has been quite vocal regarding the poor play of the Knicks in recent years, he’s laid much of it at the foot of the Knicks owner. 

Dolan probably didn’t appreciate being placed on blast by Oakley, attending a Knicks game several years back the former player was escorted out of the arena by stadium security. In 2017 a ban was placed on Oakley’s attendance at Madison Square Garden.  It’s highly unlikely there will be a jersey retirement unless the two have a sit-down meeting to resolve the division between them.  As for Dolan it appears his front office has finally hired the right guy, coach Tom Thibodeau has the Knicks hovering around the .500 mark all season.  If play ended as you are reading this, they are playoff bound.  When was the last time the Knicks earned a playoff berth?  I’m pleased you ask the question; it was 2013. 

I can’t remember
It’s been too long for me to remember the culprit.  A member of the media wrote how terrible he believed it was for Mizzou to hire Michael Porter Sr. to the coaching staff.  Arriving with the father was Michael Porter Jr., injury did not allow the son to play as successfully as hoped.  Fast forward to 2019, Oklahoma State hires Cannen Cunningham as an assistant coach.  It just so happens Cunningham has a younger brother Cade who was a 5-star basketball prodigy.  Cade was listed as a top pick on most 2021 NBA mock sites, the season would see OSU earn a tournament berth but lose. 

Recently freshman Cade announced he declared for the 2021 NBA draft, what occurs next?  On Tuesday it was announced Cannen is leaving his position with OSU.  Oh, you thought I was going to mention Cade…this account is strictly sibling related.  There is nothing in the rules preventing a university from hiring a relative it is done all the time and Mizzou was not the first school to hire a relative.  This becomes the driving force in the youngster deciding to attend a particular school.  What was upsetting to me at the time the writer hinted there was impropriety in the Mizzou hiring.  At least Mizzou kept Michael Porter Sr. on the job after the son departed for the NBA, Cade is still at OSU or at least that’s the belief.

Perhaps this should be left alone
I read an account recently and it caused me to scratch my head attempting to figure out “What is he saying?”  A writer discussing Eric Musselman remaining in Arkansas said it was bad news for Mizzou.  No argument from this member of Mizzou Nation despite beating them once Arkansas at least this past season was clearly the better team. Even though Mizzou stumbled at the end of the season they finished ahead of Kentucky, Auburn and South Carolina.  Perhaps the writer is pointing toward the shared border between the two states and not basketball, maybe. 

His future might be in his hands
AD-2 is like AD-1 in a sense, at the time Anthony Davis (AD-1) arrived in Los Angeles he was a pending free agent.  Would AD-1 become a long-term Laker or would he become a rental player.  He would go on in December of 2020 to sign a 5-year contract with the Lakers.  What about Andre Drummond’s (AD-2) future as a Laker, he too will become a free agent in the summer.  At this point the words of Laker owner Jeanie Buss are mentioned here, she’s gone on record indicating she had no problem going over the cap if the ultimate outcome required it. 

Is Jeanie stating she wants another championship or just a deep playoff run by LeBron, AD-1 and AD-2? We recognize the fact LeBron is on the downhill side of a brilliant Hall of Fame career, as for the AD’s that is a different story.  Anthony Davis is 28-years old, and Andre Drummond is 27, if the two are paired with existing and future talent it’s possible the Lakers could have a long playoff and possible championship run.  The picture is one of everything working out perfectly for the Lakers and we realize in life that doesn’t always occur.  There you have it, the design for a future of continuous winning basketball in Los Angeles and several championships. 

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