Thursday, April 14, 2022

Basketball from a fans perspective

The enigma that is Russell Westbrook
I admit as this is being written, the Lakers were so bad this member of Laker Nation saw few games. There were complaints from everyone including Charles Barkley why so much television coverage? It’s clear, TNT, ABC/ESPN set their schedule ahead of the season start. They like most of us believed the Lakers would be much better than the product on the court. With that out of the way let’s explore Russell Westbrook, he fell into disfavor with a majority of Laker fans but why. I saw a tidbit of information which indicated Westbrook was the Laker leader in 7-8 offensive categories. Later we read Westbrook might have been suffering an unidentified injury all season long.

The injury portion of this account cannot be documented as valid. Westbrook managed to play in 78 of the teams 82 game schedule, LeBron played 56 while Anthony Davis was available for only 40 games. Earlier we noted the trio was in action together a total of 21 games, how could Westbrook be expected to carry this team? So, in conclusion the decision is simple if he returns that’s okay. If the Lakers are able to locate a trading partner and Westbrook is moved that’s okay as well. LeBron James has gone on record indicating he’d like the trio to return intact next season. What do you think, was our view of Westbrook based on perceived poor play by him or was it the team? On the other hand, Westbrook claims there were problems between he and the departed Frank Vogel, what was that all about?

The nerd in me
Some of you might remember I wrote of attending a Mavs game in Dallas. Once we entered American Airlines Center my eyes told me “This place is much larger than T-Mobile Center.” Although I’ve followed the NBA extensively this was my first opportunity in years to see an NBA game in person. Well on second thought that’s not quite correct, there have been a number of NBA exhibition games played over the years in Kansas City which I’ve attended.

Back to the subject at hand, American Airlines Center looked huge compared to T-Mobile. Those of you familiar with architecture or real estate might have a better idea than me based on my discovery. American Airlines Center is 840,000 square feet while T-Mobile is listed at 139,932. I’m unsure if the concourse areas are taken into account for the figure we uncovered, the concourse area in American Airlines seemed much wider than T-Mobile. In any event there were 20,000 plus in attendance at the Mavs game, as for T-Mobile it can seat 18,972 for basketball. Sidebar, those old enough might remember the time, the period when corporate signage wasn’t placed in front of a stadium or arena.

Unshared observations
I’ve gone on record; I have no idea if Mizzou’s Dennis Gates is a winner. Despite the fact this coach hit the ground running in recruiting some are not impressed. I’ve read letters stating, “These guys are coming from mid-major programs, Mizzou is in the SEC.” That represents just one letter writer of several who fails to share my optimistic view of Mizzou basketball. I wonder if the guy ever heard of Larry Bird or Steph Curry? Back then Indiana State where Bird played was a mid-major as it is today. The same could be said for Davidson where Steph continued the evolution of his game. Don’t misunderstand there is no claim anyone of these prospects is the next Bird or Curry. The point is talent exists all over it’s a matter of developing it. One area we see a need is at the point, Mizzou was forced to play Kobe Brown (6 foot 8, 250 pounds) for extended periods last season. Rest assured that was not the plan at the beginning of the season, Brown should be moved to his natural position forward.

Perhaps holdover Amari Davis makes the adjustment, he played the point at times. In addition, 6 foot 4 Tre Gomillion who played for the coach at Cleveland State is listed as a combo guard. Although we have no update on his status 6 foot 4 Christian Jones from East St. Louis High School is listed as a point guard too. Jones is one of the two Cuonzo Martin recruited players. I understand many with reservations on Mizzou basketball, we’ve had essentially two down years of play by the team, we have a question for those with reservations. Hold your horses until basketball is played before coming to a conclusion, we need look no further than the NBA for an example. The team assembled by the Lakers was expected to compete for an NBA Championship. We realize how that’s turned out, assembling a bunch of superstar talent doesn’t always result in wins. I fail to believe a mid-major athlete is less talented than one from a Power Five Conference, ever heard of Ja Morant?

The reckoning
I’m a movie buff always have been, I’ve seen a considerable number in my lifetime. One that stands out as a favorite is the western Tombstone, Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday. During a slice of the movie Doc Holiday is questioned about Wyatt Earp from one of the deputy’s riding with them, Holiday’s response, “It’s not revenge he’s after it’s the reckoning.” What exactly does that mean you might ask? This is one of two definitions: “A person’s view, opinion, or judgement.” The judgement is that of the body the NCAA has been given the task of dispensing toward Bill Self and Kansas basketball.

This would be the Independent Accountability Resolution Process or IARP, if we understand this the NCAA will take their recommendation, there will be no appeal process. We believe Kansas basketball is unlikely to receive the death penalty such as occurred with SMU football in 1987. Only one NCAA Championship has ever been voided and it’s unlikely the 2022 championship will be overturned. There are several scenarios which could occur as this case is resolved. Kansas victory totals could be erased during the time in question, the university could be prohibited from playing in next season’s NCAA Tournament. Finally, what will Bill Self face, he could be suspended the length of time is unknown and certainly we make no projections here?

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