Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Basketball from a fans perspective

Fan (atic)
Kyrie Irving was fined $50,000 for his actions on Sunday, the television cameras failed to pick it up. I had a household full of folks for Easter dinner so I might have missed it, I did hear the announcer mention it once. Irving had been giving Celtic fans the bird all game long and the NBA acted swiftly in fining him. Let’s explore this issue a deal more, in the post-game press conference Irving claimed, “Celtic fans were calling him out of his name!” What did that describe, were they using racial code words to get under his skin and rile him up? We don’t know the answer, this we do know. There are fan(atics) who believe “Because I pay my hard-earned cash, I can say anything I want to opposing players.” I always viewed the situation in this manner, if those individuals met Irving on the street would they make the same statement.

From the safety and comfort of their $150-250 seat they feel embolden, after a few adult beverages many believe they can say whatever they wish to an opposing player. Basketball especially the NBA has a problem unlike the NFL and baseball, the action for many in attendance is right on top of the fans. Being so close the players likely can hear individual conversations of fans. The amount of the fine will not dent Irving’s wallet however there is a concern, it’s decency. Boo, hiss do ever what you wish going beyond that is venturing into the danger zone. The fan that told LeBron James “I hope Bronny (James) dies in a car wreck, her male companion made animalistic noise and other incendiary remarks about Bronny.” Both Pacer fan(atics) were ejected but we are unsure of any repercussions. It’s time Commissioner Silver and the Board of Governors address this issue of verbal abuse fully because it will occur again at some future date.

Defensive Player of the Year
The Celtics Marcus Smart received one of the first post-season NBA awards. The NBA announced on Monday Smart was selected ahead of Mikal Bridges of the Suns, Jazz center Rudy Gobert a past winner finished third. Smart becomes the first guard to win DPOY since the Sonics Gary Payton won in the 1995-96 season. The award winner has been dominated by centers, small and large forwards. Congratulations are due Smart with this honor.

Make that plus one
Warrior Nation was anxious for Klay Thompson to return to the lineup. After missing almost two full seasons there were hopes he’d return at nearly the same pace as before his injury. Not only did he return and play outstanding the team received a bonus…an extra player. Allow an explanation, Jordan Poole was drafted in 2019, the 2021-22 season saw him move into the starting lineup at times. He was made the 28th pick in the first round of the 2019 draft, playing a reserve role his rookie season the numbers were not that impressive.

Year two saw his numbers increase significantly and he finished the 2021 season with a 12 point per game average. The recently completed season still a reserve saw his scoring bumped up to 18 points a game, Poole saw action in 51 of 76 games as a starter. The shooting guard replaced Steph Curry in relief and also while Curry was injured. As the playoffs have begun Poole is the starter with Curry his relief. Don’t expect this trend to continue throughout the playoff series. What is most interesting the Warriors Big Three (Curry, Thompson & Green) has now become the Big Four with the addition of Poole.

Check the record
I remember reading this once, “Why must race always be a topic of discussion? We are all the same people.” The statement is correct however sports has been in the forefront of correcting social and civic issues of the past. One of the many areas is head coaching positions. The NFL more than the NBA has been in the news with its poor record of hiring minority coaches. This statement is made despite the fact the NFL has the Rooney Rule in place.

Let’s check out some of the statistics to see the evidence in front of us. For unexplained reasons basketball both college and NBA have done a much better job of minority and black hiring than football. With that said below is information from our research. It’s as accurate as possible but not infallible as change occurs consistently. You check the numbers, which sport appears to have done a better job in the hiring department:

NCAA FBS Football
130 schools        14 black head coaches
32 teams            2 black head coaches 
NCAA Division I Basketball (2020)
353 schools        103 black head coaches
30 teams           12 black head coaches

After assessing the numbers, it is quite clear basketball be it college or the NBA has done a much better job in hiring over that of football.

It's slowed
The college basketball season concluded with the Kansas Jayhawks crowned NCAA Champions. The majority of coaching positions have been filled, in addition most of the player transfers are complete. Coaches will continue to scour the nation for talent but there are limits what they can do regarding the Class of 2023. Naturally with little news to report this impacts Off the Dribble too, if you see lesser numbers of accounts regarding the college game it is that time of the year. Once school begins in August expect to see an increase.

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