Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Basketball from a fans perspective

Published Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday

The Warriors have a bigger problem
The Draymond Green-Jordan Poole fiasco has been discussed earlier. I’ve given my opinion of the fight between the two teammates; your view might be different from mine. It’s my belief Green is history; he will be traded probably after the season however it could occur between the time you are reading this and some point during the season. That’s a small issue compared to the larger one, it’s my belief the Warriors have an even bigger problem, players indicate it’s not uncommon for altercations to occur in practice. This one is different, someone or several someone’s believed it was worth contacting the tabloid website TMZ.

My time in the corporate world informs me this is a clear violation of company policy i.e. contacting media without permission. Warriors general manager Bob Meyers has a job on his hands playing detective and determining who is the responsible party. From what I’ve read, and I believe this might be the case TMZ provides financial rewards to those providing video. I’m going to get ahead of the story and say the Warriors will contact the website first asking for details. Should TMZ refuse it’s likely the Warriors file a lawsuit against TMZ, we might ask the question should this occur is this final step a requirement, a court case?

Laker News
Is it possible Matt Ryan has earned a roster position? Everyone and their brother realize the Lakers of last season lacked effective shooting from three. They picked up Ryan September 26 and Sunday night the signing appeared a success. Against the Warriors Ryan was en fuego as Dan Patrick former ESPN anchor would say once upon a time. Ryan came off the bench in the second half of the game and played 20 minutes. During the appearance Ryan was 6-9 from three along with 2 made free throws…20 points in all. Dennis Schroeder returning to the Lakers was a surprise for me and maybe others in Laker Nation. Schroeder claims he’s got “unfinished business” remaining and went on to explain a story from his past. The point guard claims that reported huge contract he’d been offered never existed. Once again, we must point a finger at the media because the Lakers never made any comment on the contract.

Was it really a pro league?
We’ve covered the American Basketball League in the past, it’s not to be confused with the ABA which came along 6 years later. The ABL began play in the fall of 1961 and the league played until December 31st, 1962, it began as an 8-team league with franchises located in:

Kansas City
Los Angeles
San Francisco
Washington/New York

How did it start, the league was the brainchild of the late Abe Saperstein owner of the Harlem Globetrotters at the time. For the early years of the NBA there was great difficulty attracting fans to their games. The Trotters would be invited as part of a double-header playing the first game, it was hoped fans would remain for the NBA game which followed. Due to his effort in aiding the NBA in those early days Saperstein believed he’d been promised an NBA franchise in Los Angeles. That event would not occur, the NBA allowed owner Bob Short to move his Lakers from Minneapolis to Los Angeles in 1960. With this occurrence Saperstein was upset, he began the American Basketball League he hoped would compete with the established NBA. With no national television contract and little visibility compared to the NBA the handwriting was probably written early.

This upstart league if we wish to consider it that hemorrhaged money just to do business, in truth the NBA had little impact in its demise. Despite its rocky start the ABL established at least two “first’s”, the first black head coach in a major sport and introduction of the 3-point basket. History says the legendary Bill Russell in 1966 became the first, he was in the NBA, but the ABL Cleveland Pipers hired John McClendon in 1962 as head coach. Most believe the ABA with Dr. J., and others was responsible for the 3-point basket, not so it was the ABL. Once the league folded at least 12 players moved into the NBA best of the bunch was Bill Bridges who enjoyed a 12-year NBA career. It should also be noted the late George Steinbrenner owned the Cleveland franchise; it would be 1973 when he along with several partners would purchase the New York Yankees baseball team. So, what do you think, do we consider the ABL a true pro league with such a short life cycle? You make the call on this one, I’m simply providing the history.

A great number of troubling things
The age we live in has been a blessing and a curse. Let’s deal with the curse, one of them is technology. Technology or social media moves at the speed of light it seems at times but that in itself is part of the problem. I have no intention of naming the former NBA player or details of HIS story, if you care to research it, I’m sure you can locate it. The story goes LeBron James took money from a source which silenced him from commenting on a social issue. This is the issue I have with the former players account. The story he reveals has some truth to it in fact I read it prior to his accusation regarding LeBron.

The social media world we live in today allows someone like this former player to point a finger at a subject and LeBron James tie both together although he is the only one thus far. LeBron James has lots of money and enough attorney’s to defend himself adequately, he doesn’t need my commentary but yet I believe he does. The world of social media allows us freedom to accuse anyone or any organization we wish yet offer no proof of the misconduct. In closing the primary reason I refuse to name the player, or the cause is due to the fact mentioned above, give us proof besides your mouth an indiscretion has occurred or will occur. Once the evidence is placed in front of us, we can make a rational judgement on the matter before us.

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