Monday, October 31, 2022

Published Monday through Friday  

How about those other guys
The media and former players and front offices (not publicly) have made fun of the Lakers and their poor start and current record. I guess any team with LeBron James is probably going to receive its fair amount of criticism when the team fails to perform to the expected level. On the right coast there is another team almost as bad, the Nets. The Nets do have one advantage over the Lakers, they have won a game of course hat changed last night with a Laker win. This assessment is not fair I’ve only seen bits and pieces of games while they were off to the 1 win and 5 lost start.

What’s the problem, no more covid restrictions for Kyrie Irving plus he’s healthy; Kevin Durant is scoring at his usual pace and even Ben Simmons has made appearances on the court in a Nets jersey. I have no answer for you, but it also appears Steve Nash and the coaching staff can’t figure it out either. If the season ended today neither the Nets nor the Lakers make the playoffs. Laker Nation probably hoped for a playoff run as for the Nets the situation was totally different, they were supposed to compete. The season is not over due to a poor start, the Nets and Lakers have time to turn it around however they must get going real soon.  

He did what
Although DeMar DeRozan now plays for the Bulls Greg Popovich stopped the game on Friday evening. The game was halted in San Antonio, this clearly demonstrates why coach Pop is one of the best coaches in the NBA. He did this honor a former player DeRozan, who added his name to the record  book becoming the 50th player in NBA history to score 20,000 points or more. DeRozan was drafted by the Raptors in 2009 and would spend the first 9 years of his NBA career with them.

DeRozan played another three seasons with the Spurs and for coach Pop. Last season the Spurs traded him to the Bulls where he continued to his outstanding career, he averaged nearly 28 points a game while shooting .504 from the floor. What’s unusual, DeRozan managed to score his 20,000 points without a great deal of fanfare, in fact I had no idea he was even close to the number. Congratulations are certainly due Compton’s own DeMar DeRozan, although becoming the 50th player in NBA history might not seem like a big deal but consider the number playing the game since 1946. At age 33 DeRozan certainly has a few more productive years ahead of him.

Thanks Chris
Reading my Friday story regarding Pres Obama possibly becoming a Suns owner. Chris reminded me of Obama’s annual fill out the bracket for the NCAA championship. With my memory jogged I remember one year in particular he sat down with Andy Katz former ESPN guy in the White House going over his picks for the champion. I also recall Obama walking through a gym one time picking up a basketball and sinking a 3-point shot.

He did it the first time unless the video was doctored, LOL. In 2019 we witnessed a rare occasion, usually when at team chants MVP it’s for a player on the court or field. In this instance it was Obama’s appearance for Game Two of the 2019 NBA Finals in Toronto. Unless it was a political rally, I don’t remember every hearing that type of greeting for a president attending a sports event. Somebody check me out and see if I’m correct. I located a newspaper article indicating 7 NBA champion teams visited the White House while Obama was in office.

The return of?
Is Emoni Bates ready for the collegiate season at Eastern Michigan? In an exhibition game against Grand Valley State he dazzled the gathering. Scoring 27 points on a variety of shots Bates clearly demonstrated he’s got talent. The one-time cover for Sports Illustrated has traveled a rocky road over the last nearly two years. I’m not going to detail the recent legal issues it’s the basketball part. His freshman season at Memphis did not unfold as we first thought, on top of that an injury cut the season short. I’m unsure about you although I had no advance information I was not surprised when he decided to leave. Although he is still young his basketball outlook may be at a crossroad.

I’ll use this example, Lenny Cooke from Atlantic City NJ, in 2001 he was rated a higher basketball prospect than either Carmelo Anthony or LeBron James. Cooke’s story is a reflection of hundreds of others. Are you asking the question, “How come I never heard of him?” Rather than detail history there is a documentary available on Google recounting his story, bottom line Cooke never made it to the NBA after being rated number one in the nation. I hope this is not considered an indictment of Bates; I certainly would like to see him excel at the game apparently, he loves. The issue for him and others often decisions off the court can impact you severely in the future. If the NBA dream remains alive for Bates it certainly is still possible. Those of us who follow the game know if you’ve got a microorganism of talent NBA scouts are going to find their way to you. 

Not me
I cannot remember who was on the other side of the conversation, whatever the case during our discussion he mentioned he “was not impressed with Luka Doncic.” He went on to explain the WHY and I countered by informing him not me, I don’t agree. The Mavs point forward continues to be the focal point of the team’s offense and defense. All fall and winter mock draft sites listed the 6-foot 7-inch Doncic from the top spot up to number 5, he would become the 3rd pick in the 2018 draft. On Thursday evening he was the driving force willing his team to an OT win over the Nets with another triple double.

Doncic registered 41 points, 11 rebounds along with 14 assists and 3 steals, the only downside to his game is his defense. Don’t confuse the statement, I’m not saying Doncic doesn’t play defense it’s just not the strongest part of his game. I was reminded of an assertion regarding Magic Johnson, it was said he wasn’t a good defensive player. I’m sure Magic and others with similar skill sets played good team defense. Besides the fact, so what if you are not an NBA Defensive Leader. That’s my belief for Luka, you cannot excel in all facets of the game, but I believe he’s not as bad a defender as some might lead you and me to believe. Take a look at this YouTube video from the game, can you say Luka magic?

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