Monday, November 28, 2022

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Basketball from a fans perspective

I’m back
Mass quantities of turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce and rolls were consumed last Thursday. Of course that was Thanksgiving celebrated in the U.S. (I know my Canadian readers observe Thanksgiving October 9), in any event basketball continues despite my absence. College play began in earnest with several teams participating in tournaments. My Lakers demonstrated life still existed for them. As for the other team…do you realize HOW FEW games have been played with Paul George and Kawhi Leonard together? I’ve got the number somewhere and will provide it for you, plenty of catchup to do. 

It might be funny to you
A friend (and Jayhawk fan) asked me, “Did Mizzou play a high school team?” I smiled and ensured him Houston Christian was not that, the school underwent a name change and “Baptist” was replaced by “Christian. In any event they are a Division I team playing in the Southland Conference. They had the misfortune to face a red-hot Mizzou squad and Houston Christian would be on the losing end 105-69. As they say in the ski world (which I don’t ski), “Don’t get out in front of your skis.” I take that to indicate don’t get ahead of the outcome or conclusion of the story, despite that warning by yours truly I cannot help but become excited about this Dennis Gates crew.

Mizzou basketball to date is exciting as they are playing an up-tempo game shooting a sizzling number from the three line. This version of Tiger basketball is 7-0 for the first time since the 2013-14 season. In addition in those seven games Mizzou’s scored over 20 team assists a game. Against Houston Christian the Tigers shot nearly 64% from the floor, in addition at least for now everyone scores. Defenses cannot key on one particular scorer, in the 7 games there’s been a different high scorer in each and this force the opposition to stop the entire team from scoring. Now for the downside, a Big Man report. A member of Mizzou Nation questioned why no sighting of 7 foot 2 Mabor Majek or 6 foot 10 Mohamed Diara. Both players made an appearance, but I see “holes” in their game. Both need work with the coaching staff, don’t confuse my statement its clear the coaching staff must believe in their potential.  More on them and Mizzou in the upcoming weeks.

A race to the bottom
We’ve heard that term utilized regarding the 2023 NBA draft. It’s implied teams will lose on purpose or tank in an effort to ensure they are able to draft Victor Wembanyma. This will be the second time something similar might occur in NBA history, the first time around it was the Houston Rockets being the guilty party although no conclusive proof exists. If you check the Sunday October 9 blog this was briefly discussed, I now intend to provide additional content. The 1983-84 Rockets despite having Rookie of the Year Ralph Sampson in the lineup finished in last place in the Midwest Division, one late season game in particular stands out.

None of the next portion you are about to read can be documented it’s all conjecture. As you might be aware the Kings then located in Kansas City were not very good either, they ended that season in 4th place with a 38-44 record. The Rockets had a late season game in Kansas City, they raced out to a huge lead the number is uncleared. At some point in the 3rd quarter Bill Fitch then Rockets coach pulled all his starters. The Kings playing the reserves of the Rockets came roaring back and would win the game. Although the Rockets didn’t finish with the worst record they did managed to vie for the top pick.

The Blazers would lose the coin flip with the Rockets, the Rockets would pick first and the Blazers second. This draft is considered one of the strongest in NBA history with 4 Hall of Fame players in the 1984 draft. As for our account the Rockets with the top pick chose Akeem (later spelling corrected to Hakeem) Olajuwon, the Blazers selected Sam Bowie. The 7-foot Olajuwon would join the 7 foot 4 Sampson becoming the first twin tower tandem in the NBA. Olajuwon would lead the Rockets to back-to-back championships, as for Sampson injuries cut short his career although he like his former teammate is also in the Naismith Hall of Fame. Can I prove any portion of this account, of course I can? Ralph Sampson was Rookie of the Year and in the Hall of Fame. Olajuwon is a two-time NBA champion and is also in the Hall, as for his connection to Kansas City you become the decider on that story.

That was my father’s sport
All Pro running back and Super Bowl champion Calvin Hill spent most of his NFL career with the Dallas Cowboys. His son Grant chose basketball over football and was an outstanding player at Duke. Despite being impacted in the NBA by extensive injuries Grant would be enshrined in the Naismith and College Basketball Hall of Fame. Today he is part-owner of the Hawks and involved in other business pursuits. In this next story we see the son didn’t follow the father either, I speak of NFL Hall of Fame running back Edgerrin James.

One of the sons who shares his name, Edgerrin James Jr. has chosen basketball rather than the sport of his famous father. Junior is a 6-foot 1 inch 190-pound point guard and plays for Olympia High School in Orlando. He’s awarded 4 stars and rated number 59 in the ESPN 100; Rivals also awards 4 stars and rates him number 53 in the nation. Recently Junior signed a letter of intent to play basketball at the University of Cincinnati in the fall of 2023. The son has a name familiar to a number of sports fans, the name alone fails to connect him to greatness on the court. Junior must make his own way and prove he’s good enough to play at the collegiate level and perhaps beyond.

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