Saturday, November 5, 2022

Published Monday through Friday

Basketball from a fans perspective 

Special edition…The saga of Kyrie Irving
I don’t know this to be a fact but consider it accurate, Kyrie Irving is an intelligent young man. Wisdom fails a person at a time they refuse to take into account they might influence a great number of persons. Larry Laker has few in that arena, whatever is written in this blog affects a small number negatively or positively. On the other hand Irving has a huge number of persons on social media who follow him. Do they believe or agree with everything he says or does…probably not. By now you are aware the Nets have suspended Irving for 5 games without pay, as this is written I’m unsure if the NBAPA will come forth to defend him however that’s for another discussion. Prior to delving into the why of the 5-game suspension we must return briefly to the past, for a time Irving has been a lightning rod for controversy. The first example might be the championship he was part while a member of the Cavs. He would ask the Cavs to trade him claiming “I want to lead my own team” which on several levels doesn’t make sense but his choice. This led Irving being traded to the Celtics for all of two seasons before signing with the Nets as a free agent. Somewhere in this time frame the flat-earth question came to the forefront with Irving insisting the earth was flat, much later retracting it claiming he wasn’t serious.

Then came covid, the world and this country is devastated by the covid plague, a vaccine was perfected, and the nation began immunizing itself. There were exceptions to this process Irving being one of several opposed to the vaccine. On the surface one might say it was an individual choice but only to a point. The City of New York implemented strict guidelines for public gatherings, i.e. Irving could only play road games, in addition Canada did the same as New York City. This meant Irving could not travel out of the country to play in Toronto. As more and more Americans began the vaccination process infection numbers and hospitalizations began to be reduced significantly. The New York mandate was lifted, and Irving was able to play at home and on the road, but it was too late. Nets basketball with Irving in the lineup full time was eliminated in a matter of time in the 2022 NBA playoffs. That’s a thumbnail sketch of the history, now for the present. As far as can be determined Irving has no connection with the film, he linked to his social media page. It’s my understanding the film is not new however Irving’s connection caused an increasing number of persons to view it. I’m only going to cover one portion of it, the denial. The film claims the Holocaust European Jews suffered during World War II never occurred, does the producer provide us proof?

Stating a historical event didn’t occur without offering the WHY doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me. Moving on from there once it was out in the open Irving demonstrated a belligerent attitude regarding the film and why he chose to post it on his social media page. This from Adam Silver NBA commissioner, “I am disappointed that (Kyrie Irving) has not offered an unqualified apology and more specifically denounced the vile and harmful content contained in the film he chose to publicize.” To those who believe Irving’s ability to speak freely has been inhibited consider this fact, it was once said “Freedom of speech does not allow one to yell fire in a crowded theatre.” Late Thursday evening Irving posted this on Instagram, “I take full accountability and responsibility for my actions…To All Jewish families and Communities that are hurt and affected from my post, I am deeply sorry to have caused you pain, and I apologize.” The damage has been done, Irving and others have chosen this path. In closing many reading this will state “You’ve been too critical of him” others might claim “You didn’t hammer Irving like I hoped you would.” These are my opinions alone; you have the right to accept them or reject them. Whenever we venture into this realm, I never ever claim my view is the only one that is correct. NBA players have been quite vocal in the past regarding Donald Sterling, Laura Ingraham, Robert Sarver and others. You cannot have it both ways, complain about racial intolerance with the aforementioned names and fail to reference it in the instance of a Kyrie Irving.

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