Monday, July 10, 2023

Published Monday thru Friday    

Basketball from a fans perspective

Late news updates
Yesterday afternoon came this news. West Virginia’s Bob Huggins did not resign his job. His attorney is threatening to sue the university, more on this bizarre development as the story continues. 

Retirement…that is hardly the case. The Spurs have been treading water the last few years, they were not terrible but not very good either. Stories begin to circulate Gregg Popovich might be leaning toward retirement after all he is in his 70’s. Well that was then this is now, on Saturday it was announced 74-year-old Popovich would sign a 5-year contract. Should we suppose drafting Wemby and the opportunity to return the Spurs to past glory might be an incentive? That might appear to be the case however maybe Pop just loves what he does. I forgot to mention the huge monetary contract Pop will sign.

The naysayers
About 9:45 p.m. or so Central Time Friday evening July 7 the naysayers were giving one another fist pumps and high fives. They said, “See I told you _______________ about Victor Wembanyama’s shortcomings.” You can insert whatever negative you’ve read or heard about the 19-year-old French youngster. The Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas was filled to capacity in addition a national television audience was eagerly waiting for the debut of Wemby. His team won the match against the Hornets 76-68 but in my mind it was more to the game. I’ve got to imagine Wemby had to be nervous, it was different this time in Thomas & Mack.

Last fall he was accompanied by his Metropolitans 92 teammates as they face G-League Team Elite. This time Wemby would be with a new team with little if any practice. “I didn’t really know what I was doing on the court, but I’m trying to learn.” Wemby’s shooting was off (2-13, 1-6 from 3pt), the other numbers were decent, 8 rebounds and 5 blocked shots. No telling how many shots were missed with the 7 foot 3 or 7 foot 4 Wemby looming around the basket. Interviewed after the game he offered no excuses for his performance. “I hope to do better next time” which is all we could ask of any player rookie or 10-year veteran. I can only speak for myself, I cannot allow myself to see Wemby play his first game in a Spurs jersey and conclude he can’t play at this level.

Conspiracy theories
For reasons that cover a multitude of occurrences many in this nation are titled conspiracy theorists. The explanation for a number of occurrences someone in the background fix the event. The conspiracy could involve the existence of alien spacecraft, crisis actors for catastrophic events and even the NBA draft. The NBA draft is our target in this account or rather those who believe in conspiracy theories. I’ve only listed a few of the conspiracy stories surrounding the draft but those below are the largest number. Consider the name, the year and a little history as to why a conspiracy theory exists around that particular player. With that announcement here goes those we most closely identify: 

Patrick Ewing-Knicks 1985
Tim Duncan-Spurs 1997
LeBron James-Cavs 2003
Derrick Rose-Bulls 2008
Victor Wembanyama-Spurs 2023

We begin with Patrick Ewing, Georgetown played a nominal number of games in MSG against St. John’s. In 1985 Ewing was the best prospect in that year’s draft and the Knicks wanted him. Reports have persisted for years a “frozen” or card different from the others was placed in the drum. Once the drum was spun around a few times this allowed Knick GM Dave DeBusschere to pick the card containing Ewing’s name. As for Duncan a season long injury to David Robinson saw the Spurs lose enough games to qualify for the lottery and thus the opportunity to draft Duncan.

Akron Ohio home of LeBron James is some 40 miles from Cleveland, James was able to be drafted by the Cavs need I go any further. How about Chicago, Derrick Rose played at Simeon Academy in Chicago and went on to play his college ball at Memphis yet was able to be chosen by hometown Bulls. The jury remains out regarding Wembanyama however this tidbit of information, the Spurs have an extensive history developing international talent. Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili and several others unnamed are examples of talent developed by the Spurs. I am not a believer in conspiracies but desired to provide you the background for those most familiar to NBA fans.

This incident occurred as described or it didn’t, second to that why am I writing about it? I have no idea except it involves two celebrities one ascending and one on a plateau. In Las Vegas for summer league play is Victor Wembanyama and a host of other rookies and second year athletes. With any story there are two versions, his story and hers, there is a third story, it’s the truth. I’m reporting what was gathered from news accounts of the incident. Wemby claims someone grabbed him from behind as he was walking into a Las Vegas restaurant. His security detail pushed the person away, this was Britney Spears whose account is somewhat different.

Spears claimed she recognized Wemby “tapped him on the shoulder wanting a photo.” Spears says “security backhanded me in the face without looking back. They nearly knocked me down and my sunglasses fell off and broke.” Later Spears ask for a “public apology from Wemby, his security or the Spurs organization.” Las Vegas law enforcement contacted indicated they had received a battery complaint on the matter. This becomes one of those stories that causes you to go…what? As for Wemby I’m more concerned about on the court rather than in the court. The end of the story proves quite interesting for us. In this age there is almost always video available, someone with a camera phone or surveillance video is almost always available. After an investigation by authorities it was determined Spears inadvertently hit herself in the face.

What should we conclude from this incident? I don’t follow celebrity news intently. I’ve heard few news accounts regarding Spears in months, was she attempting to gain publicity? This is what I believe occurred, neither party might have known the other. It’s possible Wemby growing up in France might have been unaware of her, at the same time unless she’s a genuine basketball fan had not a clue who he was. She saw an extremely tall person walking into a restaurant surrounded by bunches of people and figured “He must be a celebrity.”

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