Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Published Monday thru Friday    

Basketball from a fans perspective

“Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your doorway”
The headline has nothing to do with mice or any device used to trap them. It comes from an old saying that implies when you do something better than the next guy someone will always come to you for improvement or advice. Team Germany beat Serbia for the FIBA championship 83-77 on Sunday, I didn’t have the opportunity to view the game but that had nothing to do with the time difference between the Philippines and the U.S. it was something far different, I’ve not decided as of this is written how to address my lack of ESPN. As for the headline a reminder again of the issue, the world catching up in basketball…perhaps. 1. An ever-increasing number of international players now play in the NBA.

From what I was able to read Dennis Schroeder and Franz Wagner were key to the Germany victory over Serbia. In addition to those who play in the NBA a number of international players are acquiring skill playing in America colleges. 2. Youth basketball camps being taught by American coaches in an increasing number of international settings. I said this before and if this appears to be an excuse for the performance of Team USA so be it. I have no idea what occurs in next year’s Olympics although I’m certain the outcome will be quite different. Old man LeBron James has committed to play and is in the process of “recruiting” Draymond Green, Jason Tatum and several others to play for Team USA. Unlike him who will not be named, I’m disappointed in Team USA but far from being upset. The world landscape has changed and some in the U.S. refuse to believe that.

How old is too old?
Rick Pitino will be coaching St. John’s when the college season begins in November. He takes over head coaching responsibilities after serving as Iona’s coach for three seasons. Pitino could have walked away from the game after all he’s 71-years old now so he must do this because he loves the game. I asked the question about Spurs coach Gregg Popovich recently, he’s even older he turned 74 this past January. We can only conclude he loves the game too because just like Pitino he could walk away.  Jim Boeheim Syracuse coach is older than the others, his birthday in November will be birthday 79.

Reports have circulated this is Boeheim’s last season coaching the Orangemen. In the State of Florida we find Leonard Hamilton who turned 75 in August, apparently he is nowhere close to leaving the helm at Florida State. While I conducted research I discovered age is associated with the college game much more than in the NBA, there is not a single NBA coach close in age to Popovich. Don’t think I am suggesting these septuagenarians need to retire if they still have the energy, desire and they continue being productive they need to remain coaching. By the way I discovered a new word while researching this account, the word is septuagenarian any person between the ages of 70-79.

Bits n Pieces
Disappointing, that’s all I can say Team USA losing to Canada in OT 127-118. It’s clear the better team must have won the game based on the scoreboard. I believe there is incentive for world teams whenever they face a representative for the U.S. As for this game in the loss, for the first time in forever the U.S. will not medal. As I tried to point out earlier Team USA was bound to lose one day. That day (no medal) turned out to be much sooner than I expected. Rather than dwell on the why I’d rather look toward the future. As this is being written Team USA for the Olympics will be composed will more firepower and depth than this one. As for future FIBA competition the composition of the team must be built differently no matter who manages to coach the team. With that I’m going to close out my crying spree and prepare for the next basketball session weeks away, NBA training camp.

Color me confused by this, which player is the better choice, Bol Bol or Christian Wood? Over the summer as most are aware the Lakers were attempting to fill that last roster slot and Bol’s name was mentioned. He was available because he’d been waived by the Magic on July 4 and was ready for any team to sign him including the Lakers, a short time later July 18 to be exact Bol would sign a one-year deal with the Suns. This past Friday I read a story on a Suns website asking the question “Did the Lakers make a mistake signing Wood over Bol?” Quick response, let’s wait until the season before we decide which team made the best move. In my view both prospects present huge question marks, is there an upside one over the other?

As Shaggy might say, It wasn’t me but on the other hand, Germany beat Team USA 113-111 in the FIBA World semi-finals. Perhaps someone mentioned for a variety of reasons the “world” is catching up in basketball competition. Despite this loss I continue to believe the best basketball in the world played remains in America. On the other hand for a variety of reasons the best players don’t always represent us in world competition. I am disappointed in the loss, of course I am however the world did not end last Friday. I will continue to look toward the 2024 Olympics and a different composition of players representing the U.S. To borrow from Team USA coach Steve Kerr, “This is not 1992.”

A name that should become familiar
His name is Izan Almansa, he hails from Murcia Spain and will be in action this fall and winter playing for G-League Team Elite. Almansa is 6 foot 10 and weighs 216 pounds, he’s listed as a power forward. Don’t be surprised to hear his name announced as a lottery pick in the 2024 NBA draft. A couple of high points, Almansas was FIBA Under 17 World Cup MVP in 2022, he repeated as FIBA Under 19 World Cup MVP in 2023. This from nbadraftroom.com, “A high energy and incredibly productive player who dominates on the interior. Will have to add range to his offensive game but has a very bright NBA future.” Should Almansa enter the 2024 draft expect to see him make the adjustment, according to scouts he certainly has more upside than down.

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