Friday, September 22, 2023

Published Monday thru Friday    

Basketball from a fans perspective

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

Michael Jordan 

Sometimes talent is just not enough
How about this story, we have an apparent youthful talented player on our roster. Despite his budding talent trouble with a capital T seems to follow him around. Is he the problem or is it something else, we’ll soon find out? Kevin Porter Jr. of the Rockets was arrested, he’s out on bond as this is written. A week ago he was accused of attacking his girlfriend and allegedly strangulation and assault fracturing her neck in a New York City hotel. As this is written there’s been no word from the NBA however Porter Jr. has a pass history of issues.

It would appear he’s got anger management issues based on incidents since he was drafted in 2021 by the Cavs. One key consideration, Porter Jr. is a member of the Rockets because of a problem with the Cavs who drafted him. I am not in a position to determine the path of the NBA but expect it to be tough. Domestic violence incidents are taken serious in this day and age. Porter Jr. is proof no matter how talented one might be there are conditions in place to ensure continued employment. No matter what the NBA decides it appears Porter Jr. should be required to attend an anger management program. I’m going to follow this developing story and update you just as soon as the outcome is known. 

Free agent
With but a few short weeks ahead before NBA training camps open Michael Carter-Williams remains a free agent. Prior to looking at the present a brief return to his past history to determine the WHY. Back in 2013 this former Syracuse Orangeman was the number 11 pick in the first round of the 2013 NBA Draft. Great things were expected from the top point guard in that year’s draft, he was tall (6 foot 5) and had all the tools. That’s the reason the Sixers made him their choice, Carter-Williams would go on to be named NBA Rookie of the Year in 2014. Carter-Williams played 70 games his rookie year, that would be the high-water mark for games played.

The most games was the 54 he played for the Bucks in 2014-15 and the 52 games he played for the Hornets in the 2017-18 season. Moves by Carter-Williams from team to team have witnessed him unable to sustain his health, there has been one injury after another on top of another. After playing in 31 games the prior season for the Magic in 2022-23 Carter-Williams was in action for only 4 games. Despite his apparent talent it’s a simple fact he’s been unable to sustain play for an extended period of time. Carter-Williams certainly is susceptible to injury so that might be the basis for NBA teams unwilling to sign him. Perhaps there is an NBA team somewhere willing to give Carter-Williams a chance to resurrect his NBA career.

“Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in!”
The headline is the declaration by Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1990 movie Godfather III. To a degree that’s me, not the organized crime part but I continue to receive reminders of the past. I’m researching material for the blog and I come across a story on Moses Malone. The NBA championship he aided the Sixers to win over my Lakers still pains me but there is more. In 1976 an expansion draft took place and NBA teams chose the remaining ABA players, one of those chosen was Moses Malone. The Kansas City Kings had pick number 3 in the first round in the 1976 draft. The Kings chose a 29-year-old guard by the name of Ron Boone an above average player but he would never reached the heights of Malone.

With pick number 5 the Blazers selected Malone, they had Bill Walton on the roster plus Maurice Lucas so for a strange reason they failed to keep Malone. Malone migrated to the Rockets were he demonstrated his budding talent before eventually aiding the Sixers to an NBA championship. I’m going to do a little revisionist history, maybe the Kings scouting staff was unable to justify selecting the 6-foot 10 215-pound Malone. I make this excuse despite the fact Malone had an outstanding rookie season for the ABA Utah Stars. Surrounded with talent there is no clue how far the Kansas City Kings might have advanced with a 6-foot 10 260-pound Malone in the lineup. The move that didn’t occur may have been a contributing factor to scores of subpar seasons for the Kings in Kansas City.  

Too tight for your britches
You might be thinking, “What the heck are you trying to say with that headline Larry Laker”, allow me to explain. “The word britches comes from a Middle Eastern word breches which means breeches or pants.” What the heck do pants have to do with basketball? I’m going to supply the definition for britches which states it means “conceited, self-important.” That’s a term I’d like to apply to some (not all of my Kansas basketball friends). All these years since Mizzou left the Big XII I’ve tried to mellow my stance anytime the subject comes up. Despite my effort I continue to read letters critical of Mizzou basketball and what’s gotten worst. Because Kansas football has finally turned the corner some in Kansas have begun to try and put down Mizzou football. Well I’ve compiled a little history here as a reminder to them of past failures of Kansas basketball.

This is not all me some parts come from a story ESPN’s Myron Medcalf and his research. Success has occurred in the past on the basketball court at the NCAA level for Kansas but what about the times they came up short? The Jayhawks are the pre-season number one team for the 2023-24 season, in the 2004-05 season the same scenario existed. They were a three seed team in the 2005 tournament yet lost to number 14 Bucknell 64-63. On that team Wayne Siemien was a first team All American and five teammates went on to play in the NBA. Then we had the 2009-10 team, they were even better having 8 players later go on to the NBA. To detail their dominance for you that team was a number one seed and won 27 of their first 28 games. That team would lose in the second round to Northern Iowa 69-67 on a late three-point basket which won the game. No argument on my part, Kansas basketball has been quite successful but not at all times. There are instances in the past where their teams came up woefully short.

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