Thursday, November 30, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

Best of the Best
I came across a website where the writer selected the best basketball player from each state. I had few criticisms but I guess most of the choices are understandable. As an example for the State of New Jersey Shaquille O’Neal was selected although his game blossomed after growing up in Texas. In Missouri Bradley Beal was chosen ignoring Bill Bradley and Jo Jo White who played earlier. In addition in Missouri (or Kansas) the name of Warren Jabali is added.

As for Kansas it was Alvan Adams although he grew up in Oklahoma. Louisiana named Bill Russell, he too grew his game in California. One additional name to mention is Oscar Robertson, he was selected for the State of Tennessee his birthplace but it was Ohio where he expanded his game. Michael Jordan was chosen, not for North Carolina rather his place of birth, New York. As for Missouri the author failed to take in history when making the selection. Don’t toss rocks at me, Bradley Beal is a worthy name to consider but so are Bill Bradley, Jo Jo White and Warren Jabali. Next door in the State of Kansas ignored in this poll were Lucius Allen along with Jabali.

You are asking two questions, the first WHO is Warren Jabali and second why is he listed in Missouri and Kansas? I’m glad you asked the question and I am pleased to answer it. Warren Armstrong (Jabali) was born in Kansas City Kansas but played his high school basketball on the Kansas City Missouri side. So there you have it, a brief look at the best basketball players from each state. Maybe like me you have concerns about the choices.

Prior to Tuesday evening Mizzou had never played Pitt, this road match for Mizzou was part of the ACC/SEC Challenge. Mizzou upheld its part beating a tough Pitt team 71-64.  This one was unusual in a number of areas, first of all Mizzou outrebounded Pitt. Yes, that is no typo, the stat line read Mizzou 36 rebounds Pitt 33. That was not the only interesting stat line, Mizzou was 45% from the floor while Pitt shot 34% that’s a fact.

Pitt actually shot better in the first half of the game, the second half saw Mizzou step up its defensive effort. What pleased me most, the determination and effort to endure the run of Pitt and the hostile crowd. After Pitt was able to shoot in the 40’s for the first half, Mizzou’s tough defense forced them to subpar shooting for much of the second half. Mizzou point guard Nick Honor went 0-6 from the floor, which was also an anomaly, but that was it. Sean East led the way in scoring for Mizzou with 21 points. He was ably assisted by Noah Carter with 13 and Tamar Bates contributed 12 points. 7 foot 5 Connor Vanover emerged from the bench providing 6 points. The announcer mentioned Vanover is still trying to adjust to the system Mizzou runs.

This was the 3rd win in a row however it was the best, South Carolina State and Loyola Maryland were wins but incomplete in my view. This victorious effort against Pitt was continuous from start to finish. This you might find just as interesting regarding the lineup Mizzou used. In the post-game press conference the coach said, “Sean East texted me at 2:00 a.m. in the morning and suggested the starting lineup for the game.”

Are we watching the same game?
It’s long been my opinion you are entitled to yours…that’s a fact. You are entitled until you make a statement that is incredibly stupid and easy to be contradicted. In this instance I speak of Marquette’s Shaka Smart and his record, a “fan” viewing or reading of the Bill Self-Smart fuss had this to say about their recent game. Allow me to state this upfront, I’m a Shaka Smart fan, have been for quite a time.
“Smart’s not won anything in 12 years,” this was probably a reference to the Final Four run his VCU team made in the 2011 NCAA Tournament.

If this person had bothered to check the coaches won loss record he'd discover the fact he is a winner at more than one coaching stop. At the time Smart departed for the University of Texas his VCU record read 136-56 .744 percentage. I must admit his time at Texas was not as successful as I believed it would be he left with a record of 109-86 .559. Arriving at Marquette in the 2021-22 season his teams have registered marks of 53-21 .716, at all three coaching stops Smart’s had only one losing season in nearly 14 years as a head coach. As for my letter writer there are two schools of thought, he doesn’t like Smart or failed to look at his coaching record. In either case I maintain he should conduct a little more research before sitting down in front of his laptop to compose a letter.

You must have money to make money
I cannot provide you a name or the origin of the headline, as evidence of following the money in this instance we can look at Mavs owner Mark Cuban. There are reports Cuban intends to sell the majority share of the franchise to the Adelson family for a reported $2 billion. The Mavs were purchased in 2000 by Cuban for $285 million, I would say that’s quite an appreciable return based on his acquisition cost. The report further indicates Cuban is not selling all stock in the Mavs franchise.

Cuban would remain in place as governor of the team, in that role he will attend league meetings covering a variety of subjects. In addition to that continuing responsibility he will retain control of all basketball operations. A sale of this magnitude is not easily achieved, there will be weeks and weeks of vetting by the NBA regarding the purchaser. Think about this a moment, Cuban is selling the majority ownership of the franchise but will continue running the basketball side of operations. In addition to the financial reward for Cuban in control of the basketball might be the best of the best should this sale be culminated. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

A winner
Mizzou won a tough road game against Pitt in its ACC/SEC Challenge match. The final score saw a 71-64 victory over Pitt 64, one of the keys for Mizzou was effective rebounding. As I’ve tried to point out that is one area that’s found Mizzou wanting. The Thursday edition will contain a full-scale write-up on the game.

Going in opposite directions
This story could be titled “The James Harden full effect”, the Sixers are moving in an upward manner, the Clippers well. Truth is I can’t blame this completely on Harden but Monday night upset me. The Sixers with Tyrese Maxey replacing HIM in the lineup and a revitalized Joel Embiid. These two alone were the main characters as the Sixers blasted my Lakers 138-94. The Sixers ran around over and through the Lakers who mounted an ineffective defense. The final score offers us proof the Lakers were pretty much defenseless against the Sixers offense. 

Embiid was actually the second leading scorer with a triple-double for the Sixers 30 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists. As for point guard Maxey he was the point total leader 31 points and 8 assists with 0 turnovers. Are the Sixers the best in the Eastern Conference, I’m unsure of that however they look mighty good. As for my Lakers they need to look inside of themselves, this Monday display was more than a loss, it was a beat down by a team they could face if they expect to compete for an NBA Championship. The Sixers are very good, are they 44 points better than the Lakers?

No retreat
There are times when one takes a position or stand they believe. Although I can say I understand the why, there is also the point where you must come to a different conclusion. You admit…perhaps I might be mistaken in my view of the subject matter, that is the case here. I certainly have no intent to disparage Bol Bol of the Suns. Allow me to explain, this is the comparison between him and Victor Wembanyama. First of all I might mention Bol is sort of local, although he was born in Sudan his family immigrated to the U.S. and settled in the Kansas City Metro. Bol attended two high schools in the metro before finishing at Mater Dei and Findley Prep in Nevada. From there it was the University of Oregon and the 2019 NBA Draft and selection by the Heat.

Through a series of moves Bol moved to the Nuggets, Magic and presently the Suns, Bol stands 7 feet 3 inches and 220 pounds. NBA veterans Shaquille O’Neal and Tim Hardaway Sr. went on the record stating their belief Bol Bol was a superior player to Wemby. I haven’t heard or read any expression by Hardaway since the summer however Shaq is still maintaining his earlier position. Early in November Shaq said this, “Bol has the same skill set but Wembanyama has been more consistent.” he said. On the surface that sounds real confusing, I checked the stats November 27. Bol is yet to score a single point, he’s played 2.3 minutes since November 8. Until Bol is able to extricate himself from the Suns bench, Shaq sounds like the adults in the Peanuts cartoons, Wah, Wah, Wah. Shaq’s failed to prove anything to me how about you? 

Bits n Pieces  
It could title this the new Big XII, At this point no one has any idea how the conference race will prevail. In Lawrence most believe the Jayhawks will reign supreme again, there is no argument from me however I pose this belief. The conference race should be wide open. The old guys, Texas, Baylor, Kansas State and Oklahoma to name just a few will continue to play competitive basketball, but what about the new guys? It appears Cincinnati, Houston and BYU have hit the ground running, as this is written all are undefeated. At the end of the conference race Kansas might still be at the top however it will not occur without a few bruises.

Are you superstitious, that’s okay if you admit it you are, there is no criticism from me. You will understand my question if you read this account to the end. As for right now you can cease using those derogatory names you’ve attached to the Lakers Anthony Davis anytime if you please. This is written an hour or so ahead of the Lakers game against the Sixers. Through 16 games these are AD’s numbers per game. In 35 minutes of play he’s scoring at a 22-point clip which includes 12.1 rebounds. From the floor its 54.9% and 30% from three shooting, this includes 3.4 assists and 1.1 steals with 2.9 blocked shots. Because I’m not superstitious I can inform you he’s only missed one game so far.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

12 straight losses for the Spurs makes it somewhat gloomy for a fan. To make note of a rare accomplishment should allow for the sun to peak through the clouds of misery just a teeny-tiny bit, thanks Wemby. In the Sunday loss to the Nuggets Wemby posted 22 points, 11 rebounds, 6 steals, 4 blocks and 2 assists. He becomes the first rookie in NBA history to accomplish the rare feat, according to FanNation the most recent player is James Harden in 2019. Others who accomplished this feat are Karl Malone, Hakeem Olajuwon and Robert Parrish. That places Wemby in some exclusive company if we think about it for a moment.

I’m sure the losses by the Spurs are disappointing to the fan base but it’s my belief you’ve got a good one in Wemby. We can never predict the future but I believe barring injury of some type Spurs fans can look forward to an impending bright future with talent surrounding Wemby. A future where the sun is shining all the time and the clouds have vanished. I located this after completing my contribution, at least one other besides me believes this as well. “He’s 19 years old he’s going to change the game…just sit back and enjoy the show”, the words of Nugget center Nikola Jokic. As for the present coach Pop will lay out the plan but it might come to fruition under another head coach.

Click bait
I hope you are familiar with the headline above, if not it simply points out a fact most of us notice. It simply describes a headline or photo of a story to peak your interest in reading the story. They are attention grabbing, that’s the purpose for them. When I am enticed to read the story it often goes off in a direction far from what I first believed. In case you are wondering where I’m headed allow me to make a brief statement, I’m an amateur writer whose loved basketball all my life.

Basketball doesn’t consume my life however it is an important portion. Certainly my desire is for you to read Off the Dribble but I have no intention to use misleading headlines to make for additional readers. My hope is you enjoy the blog enough to recommend it to a family member or friend. I also make an attempt often to thank those readers who’ve been faithful to the effort. I don’t always get it right however never will I ever state my view is the only acceptable one and you must agree with me. Thanks again and keep reading and hopefully I can continue to provide content enjoyable related to basketball.

Earlier you read of the 1961 College Basketball Scandal, there was one 9 years earlier in 1950. This point shaving scandal involved 7 schools in total. Most of the players involved were on the roster at City College of New York in the 1949-50 season. Unlike the 1961 scandal there were more players (32) from 7 colleges admitted taking bribes compared to the later event. There were residuals in this one far different from the 1961 event. As an example, Kentucky did not play the 1952-53 season. CCNY de-emphasized its basketball program and now plays a Division III schedule. Long Island University shut down its athletic program from 1951-1957, they returned to Division I play in the 1980’s. Although Ralph Beard, Alex Groza and others were barred from play in the NBA Sherman White might have suffered the worst fate of all…prison.

White admits his guilt indicating he accepted money from gambling interests that’s not up for debate, being incarcerated while others “walked away” is a different story. All of the players received suspended sentences except for White. He would receive 12 months in the notorious Rikers Island (he served 8 months and days) for his part in the scandal. There was a question if racism played a role in his sentencing although White claimed he probably didn’t show the respect or humility he should have. In any event after prison White would play in the Eastern Professional Basketball League up through 1963. It’s reported the Knicks were prepared to make him a territorial pick in the 1951 NBA Draft but that would never occur. In 2011 White died at the age of 82 in Piscataway New Jersey. I’ve attempted to provide you a sketch of the 1950 events, by no means should my version be considered complete.  

Gregg Popovich has been coaching the Spurs for several years, he turns 75 in January 2024. Despite the rough and gruff manner he portrays deep down he’s a different sort of dude. It’s clear his beliefs are his and his alone, no requirement for you to subscribe to them. In all the years Popovich’s coach I’ve only heard one former player speak of him in a negative tone. That provides me with the belief his players respect him despite his manner. That ties into the story your about to read. Current Clipper Kawhi Leonard was one of the keys to the Spurs last NBA Championship. In 2018 Leonard was granted his request, the Spurs traded him to the Raptors, from the Raptors it’s become the Clippers.

So as you might understand there have been several visits by Leonard with his new team. If you are familiar with NBA history you are aware Kawhi Leonard once played for the Spurs. Leonard leaving the Spurs as a free agent upset a number of Spurs fans. Since leaving the Spurs Leonard’s played for the Raptors and now the Clippers. It’s been a minute but as you might belief his recent appearance was not the first time he’s returned as a visitor. He was fouled during the game and as he stepped to the line a chorus of boos began raining down aimed at Leonard. Then a strange thing occurred, Pop walked over grabbed the PA mic and chastised the crowd for booing, yes…Pop is a different kind of dude.

A partnership
This discussion centers on NBA expansion once again, this time the talk is a possible ownership group.  When it arrives it will be Seattle and Las Vegas making the NBA a 32-team league. A recognized date for expansion is yet to be finalized however my best guess would be the 2028-30 season. As for Las Vegas Shaquille O’Neal and LeBron James separately have expressed a desire to become owners of this expansion franchise.

This is the twist to the story, although neither player expressed a desire for a partnership, Shaq now indicates he is willing. Up to this point LeBron’s said nothing regarding this matter however he’s got another issue. While LeBron remains an active player NBA rules prohibit him or any player from ownership of a team. Most are aware Michael Jordan has sold his majority share in the Hornets franchise and is no longer an owner. The NBA is highly likely to want a minority owner for this Las Vegas team, even if it’s not a partnership, one or the other of these two is liable to be part of an ownership group.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

No, I can’t do that…that’s the line used by Michael Jordan when he un-retired. He retired from the Bulls to play baseball but returned to play again for them again. I didn’t retire, just took a Thanksgiving break. I hope that if you observe the holiday had a good one. Well back to the work at hand reporting and commenting on the game we love…basketball. 

Coaching your alma mater
It’s difficult coaching college basketball, it might be even more difficult as an alumni of the school. We could ask Patrick Ewing that question. In any event I’m watching an interview with Indiana coach Mike Woodson. The former NBA player groomed his basketball skill while a student and athlete at the University of Indiana. This interview got me to thinking, Woodson is not the only one, there are numerous coaches who played for a school and later returned to coach their alma mater. This list should not be considered complete nor all of the names presently coaching:

Patrick Ewing Georgetown
Matt Painter Purdue
Anthony Grant Dayton
LaValle Jordan Butler
Jamie Dixon TCU
LeVelle Moton NC Central
Penny Hardaway Memphis
Fred Hoiberg Iowa State
Juwan Howard Michigan

Wemby’s lamentation
The stat line read 22 points, 15 rebounds along with 3 assists on .538 from the floor for Wemby. A for Chet Holmgren it was 18 points, 13 rebounds and 2 assists on .454 shooting. The outcome was different for each, Wemby was a loser while Holmgren was a winner. The winner-loser thing was figuratively speaking of course, there might be other rookies but these two are the leading candidates for 2024 NBA Rookie of the Year. The question for you is, does one have an advantage over the other, I believe that to be the case. I just read a letter, a fan claims Holmgren isn’t a rookie since he was drafted two years ago.

Sorry Charley that is not the case, he played 0 minutes as an active player so that makes 2023-24 his rookie season too. You might remember back to 2018, Ben Simmons was named Rookie of the Year although Donovan Mitchell expressed the belief it should have been him. Simmons drafted in 2017 missed what would have been his rookie season. One more thought, should Holmgren win the honor over Wemby is it because he plays on a better team? We can say the Thunder are an ascending team, their blend of youthful talent has seen them rise in the won-loss standards for the NBA. As for Wemby the Thunder are a young team as well…even younger than OKC, is Wemby handicapped by Holmgren playing for a better team? 

Upset alert
This story is an old news reading by your Monday reading but I felt it worth discussing. The top team in the nation the Kansas Jayhawks lost their first game of the season. The Marquette Eagles devoured the Kansas Jayhawks 73-59, for those unfamiliar with mascots the Jayhawk is a bird. It’s only the second half of the game I actually witnessed. The explanation is simple, my Lakers were playing the Utah Jazz beating them 131-99.

The Jayhawks play at times appeared out of sync, was it Marquette’s defense and hot shooting or simply poor execution by the Jayhawks or a combination of all and maybe more. I didn’t see the kerfuffle between Bill Self and Shaka Smart, if you saw the game you have a better idea of the sequence of events over me. In any event I’m sure all in Jayhawk Nation were displeased with the outcome however its not the end of the world. Despite the mediocre display last Tuesday the Jayhawks are still odds-on favorite to win the Big XII Tournament again.

“He’s easy”
Those were the words of Mavs owner Mark Cuban in describing Kyrie Irving. At times during Irvin’s career he’s drawn the ire of fans and sometimes teammates, he’s been a real enigma. Before I delve into this further allow me to say Irving is an extremely intelligent dude. Don’t confuse the social media version of Irving we often seen over the past two years or so. He’s often been judge on this aspect which has overshadowed his play on the court at times. Playing for the Cavs and later the Celtics he appeared immature to a degree, I’m going to attribute it to his youth.

It’s clear at least for now there appears no issues on the Cavs, he’s blended well with Luka Doncic.  His play against the Lakers resulted in a win for his Mavs team. The Lakers had come roaring back from a huge deficit, the winner of this match was in doubt as the game continued to change hands. Irvin’s clutch 3-point basket proved to be the winner which led to the 104-101 victory. My confidence in his play could prove detrimental for me, Irving just might disappoint however I don’t believe that might occur.  

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

Please note this is the last daily edition of Off the Dribble until Monday November 27, the pause will allow for my family’s annual family gathering for Thanksgiving. If you celebrate the holiday I hope yours is a get together where mass quantities of food are consumed. For those traveling, I wish you a safe journey to your destination and return home.

Upsets occur when you don’t play well
After I posted the Mizzou-Jackson State score a friend chose to provide me a history reminder. He asked if I remember Norfolk State upsetting Mizzou in the NCAA Tournament. Upsets occur when you don’t play well, I’m certainly not providing you information you were unaware. Mizzou’s loss to Jackson State was embarrassing for the program, the coach and Mizzou Nation. Can I say the best team doesn’t always win, yes I think I will. The following is offered as proof, it can occur in tournament, regular season and NCAA Tournament play.

We can delve into a little history…say 1982, no one except folks living in Hawaii had ever heard of Chaminade. The school now plays a Division II schedule, at the time they played Virginia, they were NAIA. Their claim to fame, beating the University of Virginia 77-72 with Ralph Sampson in Virginia’s lineup. It should be of note Virginia was undefeated going into the game. You say that’s too long ago, how about 2019, Stephen F. Austin beat then number one Duke. In 2006 the Bradley Braves beat Kansas University in the NCAA Tournament 77-73. March of last season Fairleigh Dickinson beat number one seed Purdue 63-58 in last season’s tournament. Upsets occur and will continue, the best team doesn’t always win the game.

All is not lost
I wanted to revisit an earlier post, the impact of international athletes in the NBA. One podcaster really hinted the days of American basketball players domination of the game was over. He didn’t say it in so many words but certainly hinted it, listen I get it. As a basketball fan I love what I’ve seen thus far of Victor Wembanyama. The NBA MVP has been held tightly in the grasp of Nikola Jokic of Serbia the last few years and this past year Joel Embiid Cameroon. I’m unsure of others and for me it becomes difficult at times to write of the future and how it unfolds. I’m going to attempt it at this point somewhat cautiously.

Is there another Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant or Larry Bird equivalent someplace in the nation? This is not hinting at a clone of the aforementioned players it’s an athlete who dominates the game as these three and others did. Leaving Wemby out of the picture I will ask the question. Is that next player Chet Holmgren who appears on the surface potentially capable? How about Cooper Flagg who is yet to play his first game at the collegiate level? On the other hand that player could be Brandon Miller, Scoot Henderson one or both of the Thompson twins, Ausar and Amen. As I explained previously international athletes are welcome in the nation by me to play the game whether in college or the NBA, I have little concern regarding who is the basketball leader in producing talent.

Is it necessary
Some reading this might remember Lou Williams, rather than play college basketball out of high school he declared for the draft in 2005. The Sixers made him a second-round draft choice, that would be the beginning of a 17-year NBA career playing for several teams. During his career Williams was only an occasional starter most times he played in a reserve role. To provide evidence of his effectiveness Williams was chosen NBA Sixth Man of the Year in 2015, 2018 and 2019.

In retirement Williams was asked the question “Are you Hall of Fame worthy?” His answer was yes, I believe that should be expected from anyone with a 17-year successful NBA career to answer in the affirmative. There are probably a handful of players with similar time that cannot equal the record Williams established. He cannot nominate himself to Naismith so someone must lay the groundwork for his inclusion. Without naming a particular player or players I consider Williams just as worthy as many named by GIMMESPORT in last Sunday’s edition.

Triangle Offense
Execution and more important talent is necessary for success. That would be the case for the Triangle Offense, this scheme was in use during the time the Jordan led Bulls were dominating the NBA. Who originated this offense and what are the tenants of it? Although Phil Jackson utilized the triangle with the Bulls and Lakers it was his longtime assistant Tex Winter who was the architect of the offense. I used the term “architect” because Winter adopted the offense and tweaked it to fit his idea. The late Sam Barry a basketball coach invented the offense and we could say Winter was an early disciple. As for Winter his given name was Morice Frederick but was nicknamed Tex for obvious reasons. He was born in the Texas Panhandle town of Wellington in 1922. 

After a period of play during World War II Winter moved into the coaching ranks the first stop was as an assistant coach at Kansas State in 1947. There were a number of other jobs as head coach over the years, in 1985 he was hired by former Bulls GM Jerry Krause and became an assistant for head coach Phil Jackson. This bit of trivia, while in the military during World War II Winter was the starting guard for Chuck Taylor yes, the same Taylor most associated with Converse basketball shoes. Barry taught Winter and Winter taught Jackson the triangle. In 2018 Winter died at the age of 96 in Manhattan Kansas where he once coached the Wildcat program. Winter is enshrined in the Naismith and College Basketball Hall of Fame. “Triangle offense traditionally starts by passing the ball to the low-post player on the strong side. From there, the sideline triangle can set plays: They can move to score, or the post player can pass to one of the sideline triangle players, or perimeter players.” Confused, check out the video below:

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

I hope this doesn’t appear a retreat
After I wrote an account regarding derogatory nicknames shortly thereafter I used “Thin Man”, “Men” or “Thin Twins” in a description of Victor Wembanyama and Chet Holmgren. I did it based on their body frames and nothing else, after the fact I begin to think, I hope this doesn’t appear a retreat from my earlier expressed view. If you remember I mentioned how this story began, I read of a new nickname hung on Anthony Davis by a member of the media.

I expressed my belief I thought the tag should be considered disparaging and I pledged in the future to no longer use those types of nicknames. Although it was me I certainly wasn’t attempting to say to anyone you should follow my lead. As for these two (Wemby and Holmgren) we realize they have thin frames, there is no requirement to point it out for you. As a reminder to myself and a pledge for the future I intend to cease using any term of the type describing the frame of mentioned Wemby or Holmgren.

A brief look
There are two teams I have been impressed with in this brief NBA season. I realize this will be surprising to many of you reading this but it ain’t the Lakers. One is on the west coast, we have the Sacramento Kings with their 8 win 4 loss season thus far, I’ve had an opportunity to see them in action I’m impressed. De’Aaron Fox and Domantas Sabonis are leading the way for the Kings, why in a manner of speaking are we surprised, they finished last season with a 48-34 record. After a long playoff drought they succumbed to the Warriors 4 games to 3, this season might be far different. In the Midwest or Central Time Zone we saw the Thunder finished last season two games under .500 with a 40-42 record.  

In a manner of speaking similar to the Kings the 10-win 4 loss start is not actually shocking. Who’s impressed so far, well I could say rookie Chet Holmgren but I’m not initially. It’s point guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander who is only 25-years of age. In Kansas City our cable system contains Bally Oklahoma so I’ve have numerous occasions thus far to see him in action. He shoots the ball extremely well with few turnovers. As for the other Thin Man, to a degree Holmgren is what many expected, he should become a capable NBA player. The Kings plus the Thunder are two of the chief reasons the Wild, Wild West is so Wild! Both teams certainly have more than two players on each roster contributing, the quartet mentioned are a major part of the early success. 

Sometimes I wonder
I read an account of an Indiana High School State Championship game played in 1930. As is my custom I sometimes check the responses of readers. The first letter had me scratching my head, I couldn’t figure out if the email writer was attempting to provide some comedy or just had no clue what he was talking about. The following is a copy of his letter and you can draw your own conclusions. The winning school won the championship 32-21 and this is what was written. “Final score 32-21?! Great defense or poor offense.”

Did this writer fail to take into consideration the wealth of changes occurring between 1930 and 2023? My research indicates there was a center jump after every basket at the time, can you imagine how much that slowed the game down? In addition there was no fast-break basketball, the ball was walked up the court. In addition no shot clock meant teams could hold the ball or stall as long as they wanted. Those are but a few examples of basketball play at the time and understand this. If the letter writer wasn’t aware I would give him a pass, if this was an attempt to be funny it was lost on most of us, wanna know why? Letter after letter pointed out the facets of the game that changed over the generations. It would appear if he was attempting to poke fun regarding the score it was lost on most.

Jack Molinas
Recently you read of the 1961 College Basketball Scandal, it’s interesting that the name Jack Molinas was revealed. Molinas was involved with the 1950 scandal as well, he was a player at the time. Everything points to the fact Molinas was a very intelligent guy, played basketball at Columbia and later graduated from law school. There was just one problem according to those around him, Molinas loved gambling more than he did basketball. How good a basketball player was Molinas, very good according to those who witnessed his play. One of those is long-time NBA broadcaster Hubie Brown. 

“Jack was one of the best players ever” and considering the number of players Brown's seen over the years that’s a strong statement. As for the other part the 6-foot 6-inch Molinas was reported to have a 175 IQ which would place him at the genius level. How about this from Molinas, “I didn’t care about the money. I never did. Gambling was action. Winning was glory. Money was just a way of keeping score.” Molinas was drafted by the Fort Wayne Pistons and was selected an All-Star but never got to play in the game. He’d been suspended for betting on games his team played, he sued the NBA but the league won. Molinas played in the defunct Eastern League and registered good numbers before deciding to attend law school after his playing days. He was admitted to the New York Bar after an investigation was conducted on his past. He was never caught although his name was linked to the 1950-point shaving scandal.

In 1975 at the age of 43 Molinas was killed in his backyard a shooting victim, at the time it was claimed to be a mob hit based on his association with organized crime members. Based on what I’ve read it’s unclear if the Los Angeles PD have open case file on the Molinas murder. Please this but a thumbnail look at the life of Jack Molinas, Charley Rosen wrote a book on him titled The Wizard of Odds: How Jack Molinas Almost Destroyed the Game of Basketball. I’ve not read the book but must believe it provides far more detail than I could provide you in a few sentences.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“I think the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice”

Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Thin Twins
Victor Wembanyama and Chet Holmgren played on Saturday evening. Wemby’s Spurs were losers to the Grizzlies 120-108, he was quite impressive despite the loss. Wemby scored 19 points pulled down 13 rebounds along with 4 assists and 8 blocked shots. Holmgren’s Thunder was a winner primarily thanks to him. A turn around 3-point jump shot sent the game against the Warriors into OT, in the extra session the Thunder prevailed 130-123. Holmgren’s numbers are 36 points along with 10 rebounds including that tough shot sending the game into OT.

We have plenty of NBA remaining including the playoff brand, this is no prediction of the future but here goes. Without a check I’m unsure how many games Wemby’s played, as for Holmgren January should be a truer test. It’s often claimed by the end of January basketball players will have played about the same number of games they would have in college. Wemby and Holmgren have suffered rookie miscues which certainly should be expected. I feel comfortable saying this, barring injury I believe Wemby and Holmgren are the NBA’s future, the association must promote them as much as possible. I am no longer concerned about the weight issue concerning the two, both will gain muscle which will add poundage.

The other Tigers were the winners
In this instance I’m referring to the Jackson State Tigers rather than the Mizzou Tigers. Those other Tigers won a close match 73-72 however it’s a little misleading, not the score but the stats. Mizzou actually outshot Jackson State 49.1% to 45.2. The 12 steals by Jackson State and the 18 turnovers by Mizzou were a contributing factor to the loss. I can also point to 3 missed free throws down the stretch and numerous mental mistakes made during the course of the game. 

The downside those other Tigers came into the match with 0 wins, yes…they were 0-5. I suppose you thought I would provide a "vanilla" commentary of the game, when you stink there is no method to remove the stench. Congratulations Mizzou you allowed a losing team to win their first game of the season. Relax Mizzou Nation, this is written by an upset member, by now I’ve settled down and anxiously await the next opponent. Hint, don’t assume games are mail in’s, given the right set of circumstances any team can beat any other one.

Mark Jackson part III
I cannot do adequate justice to the Mark Jackson IG this past weekend. Allow me to state the former NBA player, coach and analyst defended himself quite well in my view. As you are aware Knicks president Leon Rose released a statement indicating the team had no desire to hire Jackson as an occasional broadcast partner. We on the public side can only take in the information provided us by both parties. As per usual I have no desire to influence you to one side or the other.

Despite my declaration I have chosen a side, I am favoring Mark Jackson on this issue. The Knicks are playing better basketball as this is written so I cannot moan about the won-loss matter. I can complain about management, it begins at the top and it begins and ends at the desk of James Dolan. It’s appeared in the recent past Dolan has not always provided the type of leadership one might expect from the executive chairman and chief executive officer of the billion-dollar MSG Corporation.

The Warriors MVP
I’m not speaking of Steph nor Klay, this excludes new guy Chris Paul. The MVP at least my belief has to be Draymond Green however he’s not available. Just in case you’ve been somewhere with limited communication this is the story. Green is suspended for 5 games by the NBA, as per usual he becomes his own worst enemy. A tie up with Rudy Gobert and a Green WWE choke hold on Gobert led to the suspension. You might remember a few weeks ago prior to the season start. I wrote my belief the Warriors might be the smallest team in the NBA by height alone. Green’s 6-foot 6-inch height fails to tell the story of his rebounding and defensive skill.

I believe there might be no argument now the Warriors are the shortest team in the NBA but wait there’s more. The initial question that comes to mind, how valuable are you to your team sitting on the sidelines. It would be a different matter if Green were injured. Warriors coach Steve Kerr, “He took it too far.” Draymond was wrong. He knows that. It’s a bad look, and the five games are deserved.” What’s most interesting to me is his mood, why must you always defend your adulthood? He’s a 2012 2nd round draft choice taken with pick number 35 which certainly indicates grit and determination. The world knows what a tough guy you are, why is it necessary to detail it by going beyond the bounds of play on the court?

Kansas City in the NBA
1985 was the last time (other than exhibition) Kansas City saw the NBA. Despite that fact there remains an NBA presence in the area. The first name to mention is Tyronn Lue Clippers coach, after an NBA playing career Lue moved into the coaching ranks. Although he’s originally from Mexico Missouri Lue’s high school basketball was played at Raytown High School located in Raytown a KC suburb. Alec Burks currently has the longest tenure beginning year number 16, he’s with the Pistons. Burks played for Grandview High School also a suburban part of KC. The Jazz have shooting guard Ochai Agbaji on the roster, Agbaji played at Oak Park High School and Kansas University. Agbaji’s former Kansas teammate Christian Braun won an NBA Championship last season with the Nuggets.

Braun played his high school basketball at Blue Valley Northwest in suburban Overland Park Kansas. Point guard Jacob Gilyard graduated from Barstow High School and split time between the Grizzlies and their G-League team. We also mention Landry Shamet, he played his high school basketball at Park Hill. He’s played for a select number of NBA teams and is now with the Wizards. We close this Kansas City report with the name Ish Wainwright now a member of the Blazers. He begin play at Raytown South High School but finished at Montrose Christian School in Maryland. The number of Kansas City area players in the NBA is not enormous but it provides us proof area high school coaches continue to produce talent good enough to play in the NBA.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.”

Kobe Bryant 

The rookies
There are more rookies in the NBA other than Victor Wembanyama and Chet Holmgren, despite that fact these two are the leading candidates for NBA Rookie of the Year. The Spurs and Thunder are in action Saturday night however the per game stats do not include the action from those games just in case you wondered.     

Wemby 19.3 points 9.3 rebounds 2.3 assist 43.6% FG
Holmgren 15.5 points 7.8 rebounds 2.6 assists, 52.9% FG

What do you think, it appears we have a huge race to determine who receives the award. Later you will read the review of the game where both players were in action.

A winner
Friday evening the Clippers were winners 106-100 over the Rockets. It’s reported Russell Westbrook went to the coach and said he would become a sixth man. James Harden hit the game winning 3-point basket, there were significant contributions from Paul George and Kawhi Leonard plus Ivica Zubac. All is right in Clipper land…well maybe, the 6-game losing streak is officially over. If we look at the Clipper starters plus Westbrook they are a talented group but there remains a question.

Are they willing to make the sacrifices required to become a championship winner over championship contender? It’s my belief one must be selfish to play at the NBA level however there must be forfeit to a degree. A willingness to give up a shot and pass to a teammate in a better position for the shot. In other words forgoing “hero ball” for the opportunity to play “winning ball.” Have the Clippers reached that point yet, I certainly don’t have the answer the truth is based on last season we can never say never. The Clippers have close to the same won-loss record as the Lakers exhibited this time last season, and they played for the Western Conference Championship.  

If you’ve read this blog any length of time you are aware, I love nicknames. If you say Magic your first thought might be Earvin Johnson former Laker great, if it’s Larry Legend you know the subject is Larry Bird. Michael Jordan has been known as Air Jordan or MJ. Early Saturday morning I discovered a well-known media guy has hung a new nickname on Anthony Davis. I’m not going to mention his name nor the nickname he’s given AD.

I will only make this statement, I hope I’ve not done the same i.e. pass on a negative nickname on an athlete. Basketball fans are aware that despite his talent AD has an injury history, we could make the same statement about Zion Williamson and a few others. The basis for my attitude change is simple, there are rare instances where a player suffered an injury while not in action on the court. The nicknames are intended to point out a humorous fact of the player however generally I see them now as a put-down. There might be one or two but I believe the overwhelming majority of athletes are not malingerers. Why sit on the sidelines for an extended period of time for a game you’ve played all your life?

There is nothing funny about sitting on the sidelines watching your team in action without you. If one sits behind a keyboard there are probably few work-related injuries you could suffer. If you believe derogatory nicknames are funny so be it, I’m not here to criticize you. This is a simple declaration on my part to indicate if I have used them in the past going into the future no more. Do I intend to offer critical remarks on players less the nickname thing…I certainly intend to do just that.

We’ve got this thing mixed up!
Some readers might be upset over what they are about to read, as for others they may or may not agree with my take. This is my observation and there certainly is no requirement for you to subscribe to my belief. I'll ask the question that's the basis for this account, why can't white guys be athletic too, on the other hand why can't black guys be cerebral as well? We are guilty of believing some misconceptions. Why didn't Michael Jordan in the past and Kevin Durant today "think" the game. 

At the same time we are forced to believe Luka Doncic or Austin Reaves are unathletic...not true. Why do we continue to perpetuate stuff that's often untrue, check this out. One site compares Duke commit Cooper Flagg to former NBA player Andrei Kirilenko while Alexander Sarr top 2024 NBA prospect is compared to Cavs power forward Evan Mobley. My question at all times regarding these and all prospects, can he play. Each of us no matter our ethnicity brings a particular skill level to the game, it really doesn’t matter if you are black or white, the key has always been can you play the game?

I was disappointed
Just as soon as I saw the schedule I thought, “This is going to be a good one.” Victor Wembanyama and Chet Holmgren would be facing one another again. They played one another at the time both were amateurs, in addition they met in an exhibition game prior to the season start. The final score read Thunder 123 Spurs 87, as the Oklahoma team played an outstanding game, my disappointment involved the two principles I wanted to see in action. I was displeased there as well, during most of the game they were facing other opponents. Neither Wemby nor Holmgren had particularly good games, Wemby scored but 8 points on 4 for 15 from the floor (26.7%) although he did manage to grab 14 rebounds, as for Holmgren it was 3 for 10 (30%) and 9 points. I’m sure they will face one another again but this initial meeting was a snoozer.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“Be quick but don’t hurry”

John Wooden 

You’ve got to remain in place until the end, I’ve got to remind myself of that fact. The final score read Mizzou 70 Minnesota 68 although it certainly appeared doom and gloom. Minnesota began the game on fire from three, Mizzou didn’t turn over the ball but just missed shots. The Golden Gophers hit their first 7 shots from distance and with missed opportunities by the Tigers you can understand my pessimism. Mizzou was down 20 points with 11 minutes remaining you might understand why I believed this was going to be marked as a loss.

Mizzou then made a tremendous 31-9 run forcing a tie and Sean East actually took the shot and was fouled, he sunk the penalty shot end of game. Remember the hot shooting by Minnesota early, it didn’t last as a team Mizzou outshot them from the field 44% to 41. The three-point shooting by Minnesota early diminished and both teams were tied at 35%. The only glaring area which must be cleaned up is rebounding the ball, Minnesota outrebounded Mizzou 42 to 24. I posted this on social media but I’m not going to retreat from it. Two years ago under Cuonzo Martin Mizzou would have lost a game similar to Thursday night, the point is moot because there is no method to prove my theory.  Next up is a home game for Mizzou versus Jackson State on Sunday afternoon.

As you are probably aware Jayden Quaintance committed to Kentucky this week, I thought that might occur after looking at the success Mizzou experienced with Class of 2024 prospects. Quaintance at 6 foot 10 and 235 is a legitimate center but incoming for Mizzou is 7-foot 300-pound Peyton Marshall plus 7-foot 3 210-pound Trent Burns both arriving in the fall of 2024. As for the present roster there is   freshman Jordan Butler 7 feet and 230 pounds. Quaintance just might have believed his best move was to choose Kentucky over Mizzou. I ain’t mad at him, I understand and hope he’s successful playing for John Calipari.

Lightning Rod
I believe there are two sides to every human being, the public and the private one. The public is what our friends, family and if a celebrity we see. Of course the other is the attitude or intent we never see. Sometimes the private side can become public and that’s what’s occurred with Mark Jackson. Former NBA player, former NBA coach and now former broadcast analyst. For me the public version I witnessed always appeared positive. This statement is made due to his broadcast effort and his apparent desire to return to the coaching ranks.

Jackson’s story somewhat parallels that of former Chiefs offensive coordinator Eric Bienemy.  Try as he would no NFL team appeared willing to hire Bienemy as a head coach. A similar situation existed for Jackson, his name would be mentioned periodically however I must say his account always resided in the unconfirmed realm. I believe Jackson is financially solvent, the public has no idea of his payoff from ESPN. The public has no idea if the contract he worked under has expired. I cannot and should not speak for you, there are no glaring issues that can assert Jackson is a bad guy. I hope he finds basketball employment with another team.

The World’s Most Famous Arena
Anytime someone sees the headline they realize the description is Madison Square Garden or MSG, it’s the iconic arena located at 4 Pennsylvania Plaza in mid-town Manhattan. This is the latest arena (there have been 3 others) to be given that name opened in 1968, although it’s the oldest NBA/NHL arena its undergone renovations. It’s been remodeled twice in 1991 and again in 2020. As for the future of the arena it will remain open but for how long? How many days in a year, your answer is 365. 

MSG serves as host for more than 300 events which makes it the busiest in the nation and perhaps the world. Now for the politics, the New York City Planning Commission voted to renew the operating permit for the next 10 years pending City Council approval however that’s not what actually occurred. The City Council cut the time in half approving a 5-year extension for MSG. Does MSG close in 2029 or 30, I have no inside information but have doubts that will occur. We cannot imagine the Knicks (and NHL Rangers) playing anyplace else even on a temporary basis other than MSG. We shall see what eventually develops with this story.

They are babies
What to expect of a young team, they are going to play up and down. There will be good wins and embarrassing losses. As for the youthful impact for the Spurs reserve Doug McDermott at age 31 is the oldest member of the team, we have been all about 19-year-old Wemby but it’s the balance of the roster. The Spurs average 23.8 years of age which makes them the youngest team in the NBA. It's not only Wemby who struggles some nights it's the other Spurs as well. This is not offering an excuse but consider Chet Holmgren with the Thunder. 

Holmgren is a rookie too however the key difference, the Thunder are competitive and becoming better on the other hand the Spurs are still growing and developing. Next time you read a box score detailing the Spurs being blown out consider the youth. The Spurs are certainly in good hands with Gregg Popovich at the helm. How about this bit of news, bet you didn’t realize there are 8 head coaches in the NBA at present all once served as assistants for Pop. In addition there are assistant NBA coaches, front office executives along with a G-League and WNBA head coach.

Taylor Jenkins Grizzlies
Quin Snyder Hawks
Jacque Vaughn Nets
Will Hardy Jazz
Monty Williams Pistons
Steve Kerr Warriors
Mike Brown Kings
Ime Udoka Rockets

Friday, November 17, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“When you play at a slow pace, you must shoot a high percentage.” 

Hubie Brown

The jerseys
Did you notice the other evening, the jerseys worn by the Nuggets were a little unusual. The back didn’t appear any different from any other jersey, the players’ name was stenciled on the back, it was the front that was different. The upper right side of the jersey contained the number and in the area around the midsection the number 5280 was displayed. No Nuggets or Denver anyplace on the jersey just 5280. Probably those viewing the game were aware of the significance of the number as for others the explanation is easy. The City of Denver lies 5,280 feet above sea level the highest level of any NBA city.

The idea I guess is for the visitor in this instance the Clippers to be aware they are playing in rarefied air. It’s often been said visitors must grow accustomed to the altitude once they arrive in the city. Several years ago my wife and I drove from Kansas City (909 feet above sea level). I’m unsure about my wife but it took me a day to adjust, imagine a visiting basketball team (or football team) running under those conditions. In any event I don’t believe the Clippers loss was attributed to the altitude although it could have been a contributing factor. In closing I decided to check some other NBA cities, home of the Jazz Salt Lake City is 4,265 feet above sea level which makes it second in the association.

Things are tough all over
The Kansas City Kings ownership (and the city) made a number of bone headed decisions eventually causing the team to be sold and moved. I recently came across some trivia which indicates owners of the Buffalo Braves were just as bad maybe worse. I’ve complained about the Kings passing on Moses Malone with the ABA dispersal draft. How about this one, the Buffalo Braves actually signed him but would trade him later.

Research also uncovered two other players in the Naismith Hall of Fame on their roster. They were Bob McAdoo, Adrian Dantley and Malone who I mentioned earlier, count them three Hall of Fame players. Although it was not an extended period all three were on the Braves roster at the same time. Failure to develop the talent at hand may have been a contributing factor why the franchise was sold to California interest and eventually moved to San Diego. The team underwent a name change becoming the Clippers, Donald Sterling would later become owner and in 1984 he move the franchise to Los Angeles.

It's up to Lue
The pressure is on my Kansas City homie Tyronn Lue, he’s got to sit Harden down. That’s the only method to correct the key problem facing the Clippers. It’s clear to the most novice coach Westbrook and Harden cannot be on the court at the same time except in short instances. My immediate thought goes back to the other Los Angeles team at an earlier time. The ol skool Lakers drafted point guard Norm Nixon in 1977, the speedy Nixon was a capable scorer but an even better assist man. In 1979 the Lakers found themselves with the top pick in that year’s NBA Draft, they chose point guard Magic Johnson.

The two points were able to blend their games for a time even winning an NBA Championship. It’s unclear if Magic approached management but it was clear someone had to sit. For Nixon it became more than sitting as he was traded, the Lakers must have believed they didn’t require two-point guard starters. Fast forward to 2023 and we have a comparable condition with the Clippers, Russell Westbrook and James Harden are point guards. A Harden benching is not going to immediately solve the problems of the Clippers but it will certainly help but it represents only the first phase. The second phase is to speed up the game.

Soap opera
This story has soap opera written all over it, he was dismissed however he claimed he never took the job, an old grudge kept him off a team flight. That’s the basis for Mark Jackson no longer being associated with the Knicks but a little background here. I only intend to cover the broadcast portion of his NBA years, the player and coach are for another time. You are aware ESPN decided to make broadcast changes for their play by play and studio analysts, Jackson was one of many he was let go after 9 years as a play-by-play analyst.

Jackson was reported to assume a part-time role with the Knicks whenever Walt Frazier was not available. This is where the story becomes muddy, the New York Post claims Jackson was barred from flying with Knicks due to a past problem with a member of the coaching staff. Knicks president Leon Rose chose to to end the teams relationship with Jackson. That's not the statement made by Jackson, he claims "I turned down the Knicks offer." It's possible we might never know what actually occurred with this soap opera ending. A long time ago I heard this statement and believe it still applies today. "There are three sides to every story, your version, my version and the truth." 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“The cardinal rule of playoff basketball: Can you take care of your defensive board?” 

Hubie Brown

An explanation
Mizzou has a game tonight against Minnesota, the last one 7 foot 5 Conner Vanover will be forced to miss. You remember the NCAA suspended him for the first three games of the season. This was done because he participated in the pre-NBA draft Portsmouth Invitational in the spring. I decided to check the sight to uncover some facts, they pay for meals and lodging while an athlete participates in the event. This is copied from the Portsmouth website, read it and see what you think.

1.“Please be advised that, due to NCAA rules governing the NBA pre-Draft process, participating in the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament may adversely impact a college player’s ability to return to college to complete in NCAA Men’s Basketball during the 2022-23 season or any subsequent season. Thus, prior to accepting an invitation to participate in the Portsmouth Invitation Tournament, college players who wish to preserve the option of returning to college for the season should consult with their head coach and the compliance department at their educational institution to discuss how their remaining NCAA eligibility may be impacted by participations in the Portsmouth Invitation Tournament.”

I believe Vanover most likely read the document but may have thought he was headed for the NBA, G-League or Europe to continue playing. Second to that at the time there was no head coach or compliance department for him to consult. He was yet to sign with Mizzou but indicated earlier his days at Oral Roberts University were over. This is certainly not intended to offer an excuse for Vanover but simply point out it was an oversite on his part. How many times have you had to sign your name to a document, have you read all the fine print? I’ll be honest I haven’t, just yesterday I had to indicate by my signature I read the 150-200 words on each of the 3 pages I signed.  CORRECTION: Vanover will be eligible to play I counted the number of games in error. Despite that fact once again the NCAA proves how it dispenses justice. 

1.Portsmouth Invitational Tournament

The plight of the Clippers
I was limited to highlights only prior to Tuesday night, although I didn’t see all of the Clippers-Nuggets game it is slowly becoming clear the problem for the other Los Angeles team. The positives I saw was hustle, although the Clippers lost 111-108 they fought valiantly coming up short at the end. Two issues which must be addressed in my view, one that can be fixed the other not so easily. The first is Westbrook or Harden must be benched, both are ball dominate point guards. Although I believe Harden is a better shooter his dribble-dribble-dribble slows the game tremendously. Westbrook at the point moves the ball, in my view Harden plays with the second unit.

That is the fix, the portion causing me to shake my head is size. From top to bottom this Clippers team must be one of the shortest in the NBA. It’s 7-foot Ivica Zubac, then reserve Mason Plumlee (6 foot 10) who is injured with an MCL sprain. As I attempted to point out the Clippers have no assets to trade due to the acquisition of Harden. The defeat by the Nuggets leave them with a 3-win 7 loss season. Is this dilemma fixable…of course it is remember last season. The other Los Angeles team began with a 2 and 8 record yet managed to play for the Western Conference Championship. That team was able to acquire talent to aid their regular season and deep playoff run. In closing I can say nothing is impossible however Clipper management has some tough decisions in front of them over the next few weeks.

If you are a certain age
Chances are good you are most likely not a cable subscriber. You might ask the question what that has to do with the NBA or basketball in general. Commissioner Adam Silver addressed the issue recently basically stating Gen Z & Alpha individuals are not watching cable television in the numbers of previous generations, cable subscriptions are declining. What are Gen Z and other folks doing, it’s viewing streaming services and Tick Tock for them. Naturally with the decrease in viewers the NBA must make adjustments with its television contracts.

Before I proceed any further consider this fact, the NFL with a much larger fan base has already moved. Their Thursday night NFL games have moved to streaming service Prime. Broadcast stations in the market must telecast the games but if you don’t live in the area it’s pay for the streaming service. I certainly am no Nostradamus but I foresee a day when practically every sports event would be available on something other than over the air. We might as well prepare for it, Bob Dylan once recorded a song, The Times, They Are A Changin’ and that certainly applies to sports broadcasting in the near future.

Two years in a row
If we check NBA mock draft sites we could possibly see this scenario occurring. The 2024 draft might have the second Frenchman in a row to be drafted number one. In 2023 the top pick turned out to be Victor Wembanyama with the Spurs, next June it could be Alexandre Sarr. He's a 7-foot 1 inch 205 pound center, don't concern yourself with the question of weight. We've seen razor thin Chet Holmgren with the Thunder and the aforementioned Wemby drafted in consecutives years

As for Sarr a check of his bio indicates home is Toulouse France although unlike Wemby he's not playing in Europe. Sarr is with the Perth Wildcats of the NBL in Australia. Mock site list Sarr as its top pick, place him number two, while has him in the 6 position. We have an entire season to play prior to the draft, plenty of time for change. The main thing I wanted you to be acquainted with his name prior to the lottery and later draft.