Monday, November 13, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“The best competition I have is against myself, to become better.” 

John Wooden

They won didn’t they
When I checked the Sunday schedule I noticed the Clippers were slated to play the Grizzlies. The Ja Morant suspension has really hurt the Grizzlies plus there might be other issues. In any event they begin the season with 1 win and 8 losses to date. As you are aware the Clippers have played just as bad since acquiring James Harden. Surely the Clippers had a winnable game on the Sunday schedule but on the other hand maybe not. It turned out I was WRONG…the Grizzlies now have 2 wins after beating the Clippers Sunday afternoon 105-101.

After playing competitive basketball at the beginning of the season since “I am the system” arrived this becomes the number 4 loss in a row. This Clipper team has an All-Star lineup at 4 of the 5 positions yet cannot get its act together. Yes, I’m taking shots at Harden but the problem might be greater than him alone.  Since 2019 NBA specialists have claimed the Clippers are the most talented team in the NBA. We continue to hear this story cycled over and over. We read and hear what a great X and O guy Tyronn Lue is, has the team tuned him out? I don’t have an answer I’m looking at this potential All Star team struggle on the court. In closing Harden claims he needs 10 games to determine where he stands wih the Clippers. What's interesting the Sixers didn't need any games to adjust without Harden in the lineup, they are in first place in the Eastern Conference. 

What the heck is a territorial pick
I came across a bit of NBA history and thought it was worthy of sharing. As the BAA and NBL merged the two former leagues set up what is referred to as a territorial draft pick. The 1949 season there were two the first year of the combined league. Ed Macauley was chosen by the St. Louis Bombers and Vern Mikkelsen by the Minneapolis Lakers. Macauley played one season for the Bombers, he made an NBA name for himself after his trade to the Celtics. As for the territorial pick the NBA was attempting to build a fan base, the thought was drafting a “local” player would increase attendance. A team would forfeit its first-round draft pick and then select any player within a 50-mile radius of its arena.

Wilt Chamberlain played his college basketball at the University of Kansas but was a territorial pick in 1959 in the NBA, Chamberlain’s hometown, Philadelphia. In 1960 the Cincinnati Royals made Oscar Robertson a territorial pick after his play at the University of Cincinnati. 1965 was the last year the territorial draft was in place the Knicks drafted Bill Bradley from Princeton, depending on the direction one might drive the university is 50, 52.8 or 56 miles from Madison Square Garden at or exceeding the distance limit. In 1966 the draft was restructured and the territorial pick was eliminated, 1965 was the last year of its existence. It should be noted that of the 23 territorial picks 12 of them are now in the Naismith Hall of Fame, there were also four Rookies of the Year from these territorial picks.

1961 College basketball scandal
The collegiate game’s been impacted by several gambling scandals in the past. I am going to look at the one occurring in 1961, despite the negatives two former players implicated are now in the Naismith Hall of Fame. There are far too many moving parts to detail the entire series of events, my plan is to highlight major events and individuals. The chief culprit was a known gambling figure Jack Molinas, there were also organized crime individuals involved in the scandal too. Most interesting was the fact Molinas participated in the 1951 scandal but that will be covered in another installment.

According to information I could locate there were “37 arrests of students in 22 colleges.” It was unclear if all 37 of the individuals arrested were basketball players, despite that fact being unclear let’s explore some of the names we might be familiar with. Connie Hawkins enrolled at Iowa was named, in addition Roger Brown who was playing for Dayton. Tony Jackson St. John’s and Doug Moe who played at North Carolina were also participants. I can only provide you evidence based on what the history says so here goes. Hawkins borrowed $200 ($2000 in today’s money), the $200 was paid back by Hawkins brother prior to the gambling story breaking. As far as I can determine Brown took no money but was acquainted with Molinas. There is no indication of money involving Jackson, as for Moe he received $75 but refused to point shave. A story this huge it’s difficult to provide all the details however I’ve come to one conclusion…it wouldn’t occur in 2023 for several reasons.

The gambling, of course folks have been during that since the beginning of time. I’m unsure of the ability to involve the athlete in this type of endeavor. Number one, I believe these players were “railroaded” by law enforcement probably with little legal representation. And the second reason, NIL exists today, all athletes are not impacted by it but a substantial portion might already be received financial restitution. The 1951 scandal will be covered in the future, as for the Naismith Hall of Fame. We find the names of Connie Hawkins and Roger Brown (posthumous) being enshrined.

LeBron James has received a large amount of accolades in year 21 considering his age (38) and the fact he is still competitive, by the way he turns 39 in December. Diminutive guard Steph Curry isn’t close to the number of years played as LeBron however he too is having an outstanding season thus far. Curry will have birthday number 36 next March. As for the numbers this is written on November 11, he’s averaging 30 points a game while shooting 51.2% from the floor, also a sizzling 47.3% from the three line. I wonder what the thought was on Curry by most GM’s in 2009 when he was drafted.

I hope those connected with Davidson University realize this is not intended to appear negative. Unlike Duke, Kentucky or Carolina the school hasn’t produced a wealth of NBA talent over the years. We might find those who disagree with this next statement, I think Curry’s got to have one of the quickest releases in NBA history, not only is his release quick it’s just as accurate as well. I’m sure I mentioned the game I saw recently, he took a distance shot and was retreating back to the other end assured he would sink the basket. You know that old adage they teach us about following our shot to be prepared to rebound the miss. As I pointed out Curry’s accuracy almost guarantees there is no requirement to follow his shot. Steph Curry, one of the best shooters in NBA history.

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