Thursday, November 9, 2023

Basketball from a fans perspective

“Give him the ball and get out of his way”

Pat Riley -describing a play drawn up for Kareem Abdul Jabbar

November 8, 2023, was sign on the dotted line day, just joking folks. There is no requirement for every commit to sign however Mizzou received several signatures on Wednesday. Posting on social media I detailed them out of order, rather than repeat my mistake I will just report those who signed and their projected position. Here are the first signees in the Class of 2024 for Mizzou:

Annor Boateng 6-foot 5 205-pound shooting guard
Marcus Allen 6-foot 7 210-pound small forward
Trent Burns 7-0-foot 210-pound center
T.O. Barrett 6-foot 4 180-pound combo guard
Peyton Marshall 7-0-foot 300-pound center

I might add this bit of information, Jayden Quaintance 6-foot 10 235-pound power forward from Raleigh North Carolina is yet to commit. Mizzou is high on his list and I believe he will commit in the spring and sign in May, please consider this speculation on my part.

Second Look
Often when an indictment of the type you read yesterday on the NCAA a Second Look often occurs. Was I too tough on the NCAA and its past and most recent actions, I don’t think so. As for the bigger picture allow me to say this, left to their own devices all the “brakes” would be off for universities and colleges across the nation. My chief problem is that the NCAA never appears to rule on an event in the same manner. Let’s briefly revisit the Oklahoma State basketball story, the university reported on itself and the NCAA said okay “No tournament for you this year” while Kansas under investigation for 5 level one violations was allowed in the tournament. Was it the belief in some circles the footprint of Kansas basketball was much larger than OSU?

Was it the fact Kansas basketball is always a good tournament draw therefore increasing revenue impacting the bottom line? Of course that bottom line after splits a significant portion is funneled to the NCAA. Because I’m closer to the Mizzou program I can provide stories for you. This was prior to transfer portal so you might believe this to be unfair but here goes. Two players transferred to Mizzou, one was granted immediate eligibility while the other player was forced to sit out a semester. An appeal was made to the NCAA yet they stuck to their original ruling. Are there schools held in higher esteem over others, you bet they are however there is no method to provide you proof. Finally I conclude with Name Image and Likeness as the last example. States across the country implemented NIL first it wasn’t the NCAA allowing student-athletes to earn income.

Wait for it…wait for it
Another NBA season has begun, I don’t know what year you consider the starting point. For some its 1946 when the Basketball Association of America began play, as for others its 1949. 1949 saw two competing leagues merge (BAA & NBL) forming what is in evidence today. Whatever year is the starting point that allow me to make this statement, the NBA is not going out of business. These doom reports I read are never from anyone official they are social commentary posted by some in the public. Almost always they contain the same general theme, “Nobody is watching the NBA.” They go on to explain to the reader why the NBA was so much better in 1960, 1970 or 1980 choose a decade of your choice.

Allow me to say upfront, there are features of the game I’m not particularly fond of. Despite this fact you will never hear me claim a “Going out of Business” sign is hanging in front of NBA Headquarters at 645 Fifth Avenue New York City. I can state in truth I’m no soccer (football) or hockey fan, despite my statement it’s okay with me those sports continue to exist, that last statement brings up a question from me. I wonder if these social commentators say and write the same stuff about soccer and hockey? Because soccer and hockey are out of my purview I don’t know but am certainly curious. I will close my rant for now by stating for these folks…it’s okay. I believe we understand you have complaints about the NBA I do too. Mine are certainly not serious enough to shut down an entire league, I have no inside information to determine the NBA’s audience numbers…do you have a method to determine the number of NBA viewers?

The pre-season polling in the 2022-23 season indicated Mizzou would finish 10th in the SEC. Looking back then that probably is not really surprising based on new coach (Gates) new program and new players. Mizzou Nation had no idea of an outcome this time last season however the team loved the coach, loved its teammates and accomplished what many figured impossible. Mizzou finished the regular season in a 3-way tie for 4th in the SEC, after the conference tournament the Tigers received an invitation to the NCAA Tournament. After the accomplishment of last season what was expected for Mizzou in 2023-24?

An improvement, instead of a 10th place the pollsters have Mizzou finishing in 9th place.  The leadership and scoring prowess of Kobe Brown is now with the NBA Clippers and certainly will be missed along with D' Moi Hodge now a Laker. On the other hand Noah Carter was second team MVC and scored at a 15.0 per game clip. It’s not only Carter there have been transfer portal players who should be able to blend in. Aidan Shaw admits in his freshman year he was just trying to adjust to Division I play, he indicates he’s ready. There are others, I have no intention to do a round by round reading but just conclude by saying this. I will be disappointed if Mizzou finishes 9th in the conference race.

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