Sunday, June 30, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

Job in jeopardy warning!
The head of my research department is to receive a warning letter. He provided me information which was relayed to you that was incorrect. The report of LeBron James and Bronny playing as a father son combination for the Lakers. The Griffey’s were mentioned who played baseball for the Mariners. He failed me, there are two more father-son combos which he failed to provide me. Gordie Howe played hockey with his son’s Mark and Marty. In baseball Tim Raines Sr. played with Tim Raines Jr. as teammates briefly. My research assistant wishes to make an apology regarding the oversight on his part.

Interesting development
Early on its clear at least two of the Lakers feel better about the hire off JJ Redick than me. Point guard D’Angelo Russell has been on the hot seat practically since his return last summer. Center Jaxson Hayes spending the 2023-24 season is also there as well, both players express a desire to remain with the Lakers. Both were pending free agents and announced through their agents an intention to remain with the team.

I cannot provide details on Russell’s ability to play defense…his offensive capability is another story. This past season he was 18 points a game on nearly 46% shooting from the floor, he was a sizzling 41.5% from 3. Russell believes he will thrive with Redick as the head coach. Hayes was in a slightly different role, playing as a reserve center he exhibited strong play at times during the season. The calendar is about to turn over to July, Russell and Hayes are enthusiastic now, it’s yet to be determined how they might feel in January or March. I mentioned the fact to a friend of my belief, I told him Darvin Ham was not a bad guy but he lost the clubhouse.

The shady side of prep school basketball
There is always the good and the bad, in this instance the focus is the negative side. If the Vice channel is available on your cable or satellite system there is documentary I highly recommend you view, it’s titled “Uninterrupted: The Real Story of Basketball.” I need you to see it for yourself and uncover how some of the kids especially those from Africa are exploited and virtually held as prisoners in certain instances.

Don’t misunderstand this is certainly not to criticize all prep schools, there are numerous valid ones in existence. The key problem pointed out early on in the documentary there are no provisions preventing me as an example of opening a prep school if I desired. I own no building large enough to contain classrooms but that doesn’t matter. As for the academic part “students” could be set up with on-line studies, again there is no requirement to place a warm body in front of class attendees. This issue is covered in greater detail than the few sentences presented here, check it out if you are able.

His name is Patty Mills, he’s currently on the roster of the Miami Heat. After four years at St. Mary’s he was drafted in 2009 as the 55th pick in the draft by the Portland Trail Blazers. Over the length of his NBA career there have been several NBA stops. In July of 2022 Mills signed a two-year contract with the Brooklyn Nets that pays him $13.28 million. Do you suppose someone might question his value or talent…I suppose so however he got paid. You might not be familiar with the names but bear with me a moment. In 2002 the San Antonio Spurs made Luis Scola the 56th pick in that year’s draft. Scola had a long NBA career concluding with the Brooklyn Nets in 2017…he got paid. In 2011 the Boston Celtics chose E’Twaun Moore the 55th pick in the draft, after signing with the Orlando Magic an injury caused him to be waived in the middle of the 2021-2022 NBA season.

Do you see a pattern here, if not I will attempt to point it out. The Lakers choosing Bronny James with the 55th pick was not wasted, is it nepotism…yes it was. As you might note by some of the following names they had extensive NBA careers maybe not by the team that drafted them but that’s not the question. The key…did they get paid, you bet they did and lucratively by most standards. At this point I can state with conviction future success in the NBA is not guaranteed Bronny James. He is not his father, Bronny James does not have the physical tools nor the ability of his father. Stop trying to make him a clone of his father, he’s not a duplicate despite the parentage. I can close by stating this, barring injury after time spent in the G-League 12-14 points and decent defense will be a mark of success for me regarding Bronny James. If for example he exceeds those projections that’s gravy for the Lakers or whomever he might be playing for at the time, the key…did he or will he be paid?

His name sounds so familiar
Kanon Catchings announced he was signing with BYU last week. Catchings…Catchings…why does the name sound so familiar? After I read on I discovered the 6-foot 8 185-pound forward is the nephew of Tamika Catchings. Tamika former WNBA player and enshrined in the Naismith Hall of Fame. Kanon’s mom also played the game and was drafted into the WNBA but no mention if she played any length of time. There is an additional family connection too, Kanon’s grandfather is Harvey Catchings who played in the NBA for several NBA teams over an 11-year career. As for his grandson Kanon is considered a late bloomer in some circles, he’s awarded 4-stars by

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

Big 12 Conference
Did you notice I drew a line through the number, there is a reason. This expanded conference is yet to refer to itself by a number or anything else. Because I don’t follow football I have no idea what is going to occur as for basketball that’s a different matter. I believe similar to most conferences teams play a home and away game against conference foes. Because this conference now contains 16 teams that schedule will no longer exist.

There are some conference teams who will only face one another once. One thing for sure it’s a road game for one of those teams, I wonder if there will be additional expansion by this conference. That might be unlikely based on the plan for the 2024-25 season. On the other hand they could drop a non-conference game from the schedule but that’s just a guess on my part. If it’s Kansas and Pittsburg State that’s dropped I could see that, I hardly believe a Kansas-Duke game would be omitted. In any event the job of scheduling for the future is far above my paygrade.

It’s extremely rare but its occurred before
The world sat up and took notice on Thursday afternoon. With the 55th pick the Los Angeles Lakers chose Bronny James son of LeBron. I researched father-son’s in professional sports, it’s occurred more times than fingers on my hands and toes. The rarity is for it to occur where father and son are playing at the same time or as teammates. This has only occurred one time in sports history, in baseball Ken Griffey Sr. and Ken Griffey Jr. played the 1990 and 1991 season as teammates on the Seattle Mariners.

Stop and think a moment how difficult an accomplishment this is, Griffey Sr. was 40 years old and Griffey Jr. was 21-years when they became teammates. As for the NBA this will be a first as Bronny joins his father on the basketball court for the Lakers. In this example LeBron James is 39 and will turn 40 in December during the NBA season. Bronny is 19 but will have birthday 20 shortly before the season begins. At this point we have no idea the success or lack thereof of Bronny James however him playing basketball with his father is unique. It is exceptional however this is not the first father-son combo in professional sports…it is for the NBA.

No numbers are provided
An ever-increasing number of high school basketball players are matriculating at “basketball factories.” This is what is pointed out, even in metro Kansas City nowhere near the size of a New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago it occurs. Youngsters begin high school at the public-school level and by their sophomore or junior season it’s a prep school someplace in the country. Before someone confuses this I am not proclaiming they are not being educated. I don’t know if this is a fact but just a guess on my part, no coach no matter his desire to win wants an athlete incapable of completing classroom work on his team. This prep school thing is certainly not new or innovative it is simple there are more and more of them starting up every few years.

As an example in my home state of Missouri there is Link Academy, I located information indicating a 2021 start date for its basketball program. The school is located in Branson Missouri about 50 miles south of Springfield. We have IMG Academy in Palmetto Bay Park Florida about 25 miles south of Miami. Also in Florida is Montverde Academy in the Orlando region. If we head to the Midwest part of the nation this school is located in the Wichita Kansas suburbs its name, Sunrise Christian Academy. The upper Midwest we also find La Lumiere School in LaPorte Indiana. There exists a sizable number of schools more senior than one’s mentioned in this brief account. The idea was to highlight a few and allow you to consider the change that’s come about in high school basketball across the nation.

The decision 
This story is published on the day a decision must be made. By the end of the day the Clippers Paul George must decide does he stay or does he go. According to reports the team can sign George to a four-year extension and $$$ however the two sides have not been able to come to an agreement. The Clippers indicate they want George to remain (which certainly makes sense) but are they willing to accommodate his salary demands?

The downside of an extended extension is the age factor…George turned 34 years of age in May. Every athlete cannot duplicate what LeBron James has been able to accomplish at age 39. Reports indicate although George certainly remains talented he is unable to play at the level once exhibited, after all this is 4 years from his first appearance in a Clipper jersey. Another factor impacting the decision George is playing at home (LA metro), after he left the Thunder there was an indication he desired to play in front of family and friends. As I wrote the Clippers have gigantic money matters to settle prior to the start of the 2024-25 NBA season. James Harden and Russell Westbrook must also be included in the conversation involving finances for the Clippers.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

The State of the Lakers
This is news of a surprising nature with the 55th pick in the second round the Lakers chose Bronny James. That was a joke, if at all possible the world was aware the pick would be the son of. Jay Bilas ESPN analyst is one of the voices that has my ear. His evaluation of talent I’ve found over the years to be quite accurate. These are his words, “Bronny will need one to two years in the G-League before he is a fully NBA-ready player.”

I will take the words of Bilas and pass them on to you. As for the 15th pick I’ve mellowed somewhat over the last 24 hours. I returned to the mock draft sites I utilize during the year and this is what I discovered. Two mocks placed Dalton Knecht at 6, one placed him at 9 and the other listed him as the 10th pick. For the Lakers to draft him at 17 details he slid just a bit, however there are indications they might have an NBA ready player. A little background, he’s older than most of his counterparts at age 23. I’m unsure what occurred but the 6-foot 6-inch 213-pound Knecht must have worked his rear in off. He graduated from high school but it was Northeastern Junior College in Sterling Colorado that his journey began. Knecht played there two years before heading to the University of Northern Colorado in Greely. He spent his final college season at the University of Tennessee where he demonstrated he was a prolific shooter.

Knecht is a rarity in this day and age, he’s an All American, that's rare in this age. Every site I located rated this draft pick as an A being able to secure a player of the caliber of Knecht. I must inform you my disappointment was related to the fact the Lakers still remain in peril having to face The Joker with no effective stopper. I am going to toss out several Big Men who are pending free agents, Ira Hartenstein, Mitchell Robinson and Jonas Valanciunas are all possibilities.

The NBA world draft 
Three French players chosen in the Top 10 with Zaccharie Risacher being chosen one and Alex Sarr right behind him at two. As I wrote recently we’ve had international players at the top of the draft previously but never like this. Why has this change come about, can we look at a specific issue? The increasing number of international athletes is very disturbing to some on this side of the Atlanta Ocean.

Let’s check out just a few thoughts, for years basketball clinics were held on the European side of the world. Kids in Serbia, Germany, Lithuania and yes France have grown up playing the game invented on this side of the world. We need look no further than the Olympic basketball teams of these nations. I believe our northern neighbor Canada has 8-9 players with an NBA connection. So the numbers of European players will not change, the trend will continue. Face it, this is not bragidous the best basketball players in the world continue to be born here but let’s face facts, the world loves the game Americans have cherished for years.

Better watch your mouth young man
Perhaps you are similar to me you’d read Larry Bird was notorious for trash talking on the basketball court. Several rookies were introduced to him and this fact early in their NBA career. They were assembled to compete against the Dream Team. Former NBA player Jamal Mashburn is telling us the story, he along with Rodney Rogers were drafted in 1993. Mashburn said “We see this tall white guy walking down the hall, first of all you don’t realize how tall Larry Bird is until he walks past you.” Bird walks past the line of rookies and says, “Ya’ll those college guys?”

He said, “Get some (expletive) it’s gonna be a long week.” Rogers says to Bird, “Hey Larry you ain’t hit a jumper since ’84.” The next day against the Dream Team Magic Johnson is feeding Bird, he got the ball on Rodney Rogers. “Every time he was about to make a move he told him what he was going to do. One dribble…pull up going left off glass…bucket. One dribble going right spin move…shot…bucket. 9 or 8 times in a row he didn’t miss. Walking off the court he said, “Young fella look like ’84, huh?” I’ve never had difficulty with a player trash talking unless that player is unable to deliver on the promise, it was clear Larry Joe Bird could deliver.

The strongest
Who is it, the strongest athlete you’ve ever seen in person or video evidence exist? There are several candidates this term might fit and it becomes a judgement call, here goes. Bo Jackson who played baseball for the Royals and football for the Raiders is our beginning. Despite being a powerful running back at Auburn and the Raiders it was baseball he demonstrated his strength. There is video evidence, Jackson displeased at striking out broke a bat over his helmet. Another strikeout and walking back to the dugout Jackson breaks the bat over his leg, he did this twice, there is video. Wilt Chamberlain once broke a rim, all during the first half of a game Chamberlain registered thunderous dunks. As the second half of the game was to begin officials discovered the steel ring portion of the basket had come apart.

Chamberlain wasn’t the only athlete dunking but certainly may have been a contributor. Needless to say the rim had to be replaced prior to the second half start of the game. Darryl Dawkins would name his dunks, he alone may have been responsible for collapsible rims. His Sixers were playing the Kings in Kansas City, Dawkins went up for one of his notorious thunder dunks and fans witnessed complete destruction as the rim came down along with shards of glass. Later Dawkins repeated the feat this time in a game in Philadelphia, YouTube video is available. A Shaquille O’ Neal dunk saw the rim remain in place but the entire stanchion collapsed, this can also be found on YouTube. By the way there are 3-4 other instances of Shaq demolishing a backboard and goal. Those named were not the only examples of strength however they are likely the most visible, all besides Chamberlain can be viewed.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

July 15, 2024
The date above is the target date, Off the Dribble will return to its summer schedule becoming a 4-day a week publication. This schedule will remain in place until approximately Tuesday October 15, after that date the daily routine will resume once again.

The French Connection
This one has nothing to do with the 1971 movie classic by the same name. In the movie the good guys were chasing bad guys, in this instance apparently we have all good guys. The reference is to the NBA draft held last night and again tonight. International players have long been part of the NBA draft, players such as Yao Ming and Andrea Bargnani have even been chosen number one. Despite this fact there is one more issue to cover.

I’m going to research this, I don’t believe two internationals have ever been chosen one and two in the draft as they were on Wednesday evening. If you are reading this on Thursday I will be proven correct or you have the opportunity to laugh at me. It’s likely we hear the names Zaccharie Risacher and Alex Sarr announced by commissioner Silver. These two French youngsters (and others) will follow fellow countryman Victor Wembanyama into the NBA. That’s where the connection ends, I certainly am not projecting either player to match the Rookie of the Year game of Wemby, that would place far too much pressure on both athletes. As for history technically we could say this occurred in 2013, Anthony Bennett (Canada) was chosen with the top pick.

Chosen number two in that same draft was Victor Oladipo, I am aware Oladipo was born in Maryland however his parents are immigrants from Nigeria. but his parents immigrated to the U.S. from Nigeria. That’s as close as the NBA history draw near two international players chosen 1-2 in the draft. We share a border with Canada so it’s difficult to think of our northern neighbor as a European nation, the Oladipo connection is clear, he was born here.

Maybe it did…maybe it didn’t
The date was March 2, 1962, instead of the Warriors game being played in Philadelphia it was Hershey Pennsylvania. A small crowd of 4,000 fans were in attendance to watch the game although over 10,000 later claimed to be there. Your first question why was the game not played in Philadelphia? The answer is simple, the NBA had been in operation since 1947 but in the eyes of most it was still ‘minor league’ compared to other professional sports, it was baseball which was king followed by college football and the NFL.

The history indicates college basketball was more popular than the NBA of the 1950’s and 1960’s. As for this game itself the Warriors won 169-147 over the New York Knicks, Wilt Chamberlain would score an NBA record 100 points in the game. As for his Warrior teammates 8 of them in the game totaled 69 points, point guard Guy Rogers had 11 points and 20 assists. As for Chamberlain he was 36 for 63 from the floor (.571), the notorious poor free throw shooter Chamberlain was 28 for 32 from the line (.875). The Big Dipper as he was nicknamed pulled down 25 rebounds in the game. Apparently the Knicks did the best they could attempting to guard Chamberlain. Knicks center Darrall Imhoff fouled out attempting to contest the prolific scoring Warriors center. The numbers were not bad for the Knicks they just faced a player determined to score that evening every time he touched the basketball. At this point, the story becomes questionable in some minds, is it the stuff of fiction or did it actually occur? If you listen to the comments of two of my co-workers the scoring total by Chamberlain is questionable to them.

Their objection there is no visual proof of the game, a photo of Chamberlain holding a placard with the number 100 written on it is the only visual offering. In 1988 the original WCAU radio broadcast of the game was discovered and is now in the possession of the Library of Congress. There is no explanation as to the why but only the 4th quarter of the game survived. We are in 2024 and the scoring record remains a question in some minds, did it occur or was it the result of a prehistoric NBA attempt to become viable in the eyes of America at the time?

The headline would be me after the Lakers made their pick in round one of the 2024 NBA draft. I was familiar with Dalton Knecht having seen him in action for Tennessee against my Mizzou Tigers. Drafting at 17 I hoped Zach Edey would be available, nope picked at 9 by the Grizzlies, darn. I kept my fingers crossed as the draft progressed, I thought Kel’el Ware would be there. That would not be the case, the Heat picked the Indiana Big Man at 15 double-darn.

The commissioner stepped to the podium, “With the 17th pick the Los Angeles Lakers choose Dalton Knecht from the University of Tennessee.” My draft hopes went right down the toilet, my team failed to draft any of the players I wanted, both Big Men. No disagreement the 6 foot 6 Knecht can shoot the rock, can he transfer that to the NBA, second, does he play defense? I am going to wait until the season starts before progressing past this point. Let’s just say Laker management was thinking one thing and I was thinking another.

When’s the last time
I’m sure there have been instances in the past but probably few. The Yankees trading with the Mets, the Cubs swapping players with the White Sox. The Los Angeles Clippers acquired a player in trade who was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers. These teams have a common theme, all have the same city name emblazed on the front of their jersey. As I mentioned free agency could see an athlete playing for both teams but a trade, not likely except it did occur.

It was 1983 the last year the Nets and Knicks consummated a trade, that was 41 years ago. I’m not going to research the name of the players involved let’s just say the drought is over between the Nets and Knicks. The Nets traded Mikal Bridges to the Knicks for Bojan Bogdanovic and five 1st round draft choices. Another NBA team besides the Lakers has a win now attitude. Any time you trade that much of your future it definitely says the Knicks are in a win now mode.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

What does act 2 hold for them 
The Spurs managed to strike gold in 2023, they drafted Victor Wembanyama with the first pick. Wemby experienced a rookie season much better than projected by many of the naysayers. He was named NBA Rookie of the Year for 2024. From my vantage point looking at the numbers he could have easily been chosen Defensive Player of the Year too. Despite striking gold in acquiring Wemby it is clear the Spurs need help in order to improve.

Wemby was Act 1, what occurs for the Spurs in their Act 2? I believe at least for now they are not mentioned as a destination for any major free agents. Based on that issue alone the draft is likely the best route for the Spurs to trek. The Celtics are NBA champions due to a couple of trades however Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown were draft choices. The Spurs could approach a rebuild in the same manner, what is their greatest need? Consistent guard play and that is apparent if we check the mock draft sites ahead of the action on Wednesday. They could choose Stephon Castle a 6-foot 7 shooting guard late of UConn with the 4th pick. The Spurs also have the 8th pick as well, will they draft and trade or hold onto the pick?

It’s possible to choose a fellow French youngster to team with Wemby, that could be 6 foot 9 Tidjane Salaun. He’s listed as a power forward however 210 pounds says ‘small forward’ to me. The Spurs also have two picks in the second round of the draft, any players added here are unlikely to earn a roster position. The danger the Spurs are already young, adding these two plus holdovers makes them a really young team.

Things you thought you might never hear
I might add at the end of the headline…from me. I miss Jeff VanGundy from NBA games, I would bet large sums of money you thought you’d never hear that from me, I also miss Mark Jackson too. ESPN/ABC in their infinite wisdom decided to move in another direction. Steady Mike Breen remains at the head of the broadcast team. As for his supporting cast I’ve read and heard from a number of NBA fans regarding Doris Burke as a replacement. 99% of the negative stuff I’ve read is about her appearance rather than her ability to analyze the game.

I don’t dislike JJ Redick as an analyst however he’s been almost invisible in the games I’ve seen. So that’s ESPN/ABC’s A Team, there appears to be a B Team and a C Team. I’m not sure of the order so go with me on this. I love Mark Jones and whoever is analyzing the game, it’s been Richard Jefferson for the most part. Ian Eagle and Kevin Calabro are both veteran broadcasters I am unsure which one Grant Hill has been the analyst. Jeff’s brother Stan Van Gundy is only okay but certainly not on the level of his younger brother. Hubie Brown at 90 years of age continues to defy time and the ability to accurately analyze the game he must love. After all at his age he could be doing something other than broadcasting NBA games.

Larry Bird Rights
What are they and how will they affect the team in Los Angeles? First things first, this I located on the web. “In the NBA, Bird rights, also known as the Qualifying Veteran Free Agent Exception, are a rule that allows teams to re-sign their own players for larger salaries, even if it means going over the salary cap. The rule is named after Larry Bird and is part of the NBA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement.” How does this affect the Clippers, they have Paul George and James Harden with Bird Rights, and Russell Westbrook with early Bird Rights.

The status of Westbrook status calls for further examination so here goes. “Prior to an arbitrator ruling in June 2012, all players that were waived and changed teams lost their Bird rights. Using this exception, a team can re-sign its own free agent for either 175% of his salary the previous season, or the NBA’s average salary, whichever is greater.” That is the status of Westbrook regarding his future. In all three instances the Clippers will be required to make impactful economic decisions regarding their roster. NBA free agency begins July 1, 2024, but believe me the Clippers front office has been looking at this economic matter for quite a while now. What do you suppose occurs, will they re-sign all three or allow 1 or maybe 2 to leave? The Clippers, through a series of trades will not have their own first round draft choice until the 2030’s, that places them in quite a quandary.

They have mortgaged the future for a win now attitude, that says to me they keep Harden and allow George and Westbrook to ‘walk.’ This is not being critical of the front office they probably believed all the pieces were in place to win an NBA championship. The next few weeks and months should prove interesting for the Clippers as they attempt to make several well-thought-out decisions. These player decisions must be made by the front office while preparing a move to Inglewood and the Intuit Dome in the fall.

It’s officially that time
The clock now reads 0, the countdown is over, schools can now began recruiting incoming high school juniors. They are unable to sign on the dotted line but to prove no one is hidden this bit of information. According to Mizzou’s fan website Rock M Nation coach Gates and staff have identified and made offers to 23 Class of 2026 prospects. At the top of Mizzou’s list is an athlete from Arkansas. His name, JJ Andrews and he is a 6-foot 5-inch 195-pound shooting guard.

Andrews attends Little Rock Christian HS in Little Rock Arkansas. It matters not where someone calls home, if you are a proven talent Gates is going to recruit you. This aggressive recruiting is far different from previous head coaches at Mizzou. They appeared content to sign second and third tier players, that is not the case for this staff. I told you the McDonald’s All-American story related to long-time coach Norm Stewart. Asked one day by a reporter if Mizzou had any McDonald’s All Americans on the roster, the coach said “No, but we eat there.” Given time and success on the basketball court it will occur i.e., McDonald All Americans at Mizzou.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

Did it actually occur
There are quite a few Wilt Chamberlain tales floating about, it seems every few weeks I read a story I’d never read previously. Just a few weeks ago the story of him playing as a 17-year-old under an assumed name. This story has been posted previously but it popped up on one of my social media feeds. It was shortly after Chamberlain retired the NBA began tracking blocked shots and steals, based on this history did a portion of the March 18, 1968, events occur? Point totals, rebounds and assists have always been tracked so there is no discrepancy regarding those numbers. While playing for the Sixers against my Lakers Chamberlain scored 53 points, had 32 rebounds and dished out 14 assists.

It was said Chamberlain was reported to have blocked 24 shots while committing 11 steals in the game…did it actually occur? Here entering the story is Harvey Pollack, he died in 2015 at the age of 93, what was his role in this historic event you might ask. This from Wikipedia, “Herbert Harvey Pollack was an American sports statistician, a journalist of sports and entertainment, a publicist, and a long-term director of statistical information for the Philadelphia 76ers. At the time of his death, Pollack was the only person still working for the NBA since its inaugural 1946-47 season.”  It was reported the game in question was played with Pollack on the sidelines tracking the events of the game. Chamberlain passed in 1999 and as mentioned earlier Pollack in 2015, we have no one to say the events in question did or did not occur. I can end this account in this manner, this is another Wilt Chamberlain truth or myth tale.

Field of Dreams
Do you remember the line farmer Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) kept hearing? This 1989 baseball movie Field of Dreams classic contained the line “If you build it, he will come.” Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta) and ghosts of other greats of the game came out of the cornfield to play on the diamond Ray Kinsella built. In this instance I’m not discussing ghosts the talk centers on NBA free agents. The Spurs intend to use the play of Victor Wembanyama to attract talent and build on the play of the tall one. Someone might ask the question, “Why would anybody want to play in small market San Antonio?”

My response is simple the same reason they come to Kansas City to play for the NFL Chiefs. The Chiefs have played in 4 of the last 5 Super Bowls winning 3 of them. Free agents are always attracted to winning teams, as for the Spurs they are not there yet however a series of successful moves plus the health of Wemby places them in an ideal position. I’ve always believed if you are part of a winning team there is no requirement to become a lifelong resident of that area. 6 months at most living there is all that is required of an athlete. As for now we never know what might unfold in the future but consider this fact, it’s brighter in San Antonio and OKC than Denver or the Lakers.

I’m at home
Research for Off the Dribble I am all over the web searching for stuff to share. Several weeks ago I came across a contest sponsored by the San Antonio Spurs, this contest offered the winner an opportunity to attend the upcoming NBA draft. Allow me to provide you a few more details, it consisted of airfare for two persons to New York City, hotel accommodations and tickets to the two-night draft event. I don’t remember if transportation from the hotel to Barclays Center was included.

I’ve never won any contest entered, maybe this would be a change this time so I said to myself ‘why not.’ My contact information was submitted via email to the Spurs and I’m envisioning a trip to New York City and the opportunity to see the NBA draft live. Well the contest didn’t turn out as I hoped, I received a nicely worded letter from the Spurs indicating I was a loser. For similar to most of you I will be viewing the draft from the TV in my Man Cave. I can still imagine the excitement in the building among the athletes, families and those able to attend in person. Oh well, hopefully in 2025 another team will offer a similar contest and the opportunity to attend the draft.

And you thought Wemby was tall
Is there another height debate about to commence? Remember back last summer and into the beginning of the NBA season, we couldn’t determine Victor Wembanyama’s height. Some sources claimed he was 7 foot 5, while others maintained he was 7 foot 3 while a third swore he was 7 foot 4. Although Wemby was a razor thin 210 pounds we concluded his height was likely 7-4. I can see another debate occurring, this time Wemby is not involved it’s an athlete named Olivier Rioux.

Rioux been awarded a basketball scholarship and will begin his freshman year at the University of Florida, as for his individual height and weight they are 7 foot 9 and 290 pounds and he wears a size 20 shoe. That was no typo Rioux has been measured at 7 foot 9, he is the tallest teen in the Guiness Book and set some kind of growth record. Imagine this an athlete who towers over Wemby. Where did this height come from, of course his dad who stands 6 foot 8 and mom is 6 foot 2. Rioux stood over 6 feet tall as an 8-year-old, he was almost 7 feet tall in the sixth grade. Rioux from Montreal Canada spent his high school years at IMG Academy in Florida. Prepare yourself to see this rather large youngster in action in late fall or during the winter.

I intend to withhold judgment on Rioux’s prospects for at least two reasons. The video we see offered as evidence is the youngster matched against opposing high school level competition. His height alone causes him to dominate play, in college he will not face any opposing players his height however the competition will be much better. We are left with the question does Rioux have what it takes to grow his game? That only time will detail that for us. I’d bet money although both grew up on opposite sides of the world both speak French, Wemby from France and Rioux’s parentage being French-Canadian.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

“You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!”
At some date in the middle ‘70’s Saturday morning cartoons contained a character known as Super Chicken. He was an ordinary chicken until he took a potion that turned him into a crime fighting hero. Generally there is a partner or sidekick, Super Chicken had a lion named Fred. Whenever the two found themselves in a precarious position Fred would always express concern. Super Chicken would then respond to Fred saying, “You knew the job was dangerous when you took it” There is a connection between Super Chicken and JJ Redick bear with me a moment.

It was made clear my preference to be the next Laker coach was Dan Hurley or at the very least someone with previous coaching experience. From my reading of the sports news since Thursday or Friday it seems the vast majority of media members have questioned the hire of Redick. This is written in June, Redick is yet to be officially announced as the Lakers coach. This is what I believe Redick will not walk into this job with blinders on, he is a smart guy, he was fully aware of the pressure and pitfalls of becoming head coach of the Lakers. The Lakers are an NBA institution and the world’s eyes are always on this franchise. Afterall just like Super Chicken this yet to be officially hired coach “knew the job was dangerous when he took it.”  (Look him up on YouTube, no not Redick...Super Chicken)

I’m unsure if it’s the TNT television issue or he’s only plain tired. Charles Barkley’s announced his retirement one year ahead of the supposed final year of TNT broadcast. He indicates he’s been on television now 25 years which certainly is a lifetime. Other than Ernie Johnson, who says he’s not going anywhere, the rest of the crew’s been somewhat silent. As this is written I’ve read or heard nothing from Kenny Smith or Shaquille O’Neal.

There are others such as Draymond Green, Grant Hill and Jamal Crawford sitting in from time to time. I’m speaking of the regular crew and you know who I mean. In my mind Barkley’s drawn a line in the sand indicating he ain’t never returning after the 2024-25 season. This is strictly my opinion however its early to be making such a bold statement. If Barkley is tired as I indicated early that’s a different matter if it’s the network change…well. I can make this statement for him, Charles don’t back yourself into a corner on a change that is yet to officially take place.

Thank you
I must stop and take time periodically to thank those of you who are loyal readers of Off the Dribble. Years ago when I first envisioned attempting this I had no idea where it was going. I wanted to reach as many of you who are basketball fans, my world view was small. I have friends in California, Texas and other parts of the U.S. I would be able to provide basketball news and notes. 

Never in my wildest imagination realize Off the Dribble would reach an audience in parts of the world I never thought of. I’m unsure of the number of readers in each of these United States, the figures are not tabulated in that manner. As for the world the tracking information fails to identify all nations, the following represent just a few of those I am able to detail. If your nation is not mentioned it’s not intentional, for this only the nations that continue to pop up on my feed, the U.S. is excluded from the count:

Hong Kong

Team Canada
Our northern neighbor Canada has assembled an imposing basketball team for the Paris Olympics. Amassing a basketball team by simply tossing names into a hat is not beneficial unless they truly are able to mold into a single functioning entity. That’s certainly the case for Team Canada, on paper they appear quite imposing. They have shooters, defenders and ball distributors, and the overwhelming majority have veteran NBA experience.

The rules for play in the Olympics is unlike the NBA however it certainly helps the cause having a veteran presence with the exception of Zach Edey late of Purdue. The question is asked who these guys are, well I can inform you 9 members of Team Canada are veteran NBA players. The balance of the roster consists of Canadian players with international experience. Team USA and other nations will present competitive teams in Paris too. Be prepared to see outstanding basketball no matter who wins gold in July.

Shai Gilgeous-Alexander
Andrew Wiggins
Jamal Murray
RJ Barrett
Kelly Olynyk
Dwight Powell
Luge Dort
Dillion Brooks
Zach Edey
Nickeil Alexander-Walker

Where are they now
You remember Tacko Fall don’t you? He is the 7- foot 6 311-pound basketball player who burst on the scene in 2015. Fall began play at the University of Central Florida, his skills appeared limited however that would change in year four. No, he didn’t get drafted but he did manage to be signed as a free agent by the Celtics. Fall would move back and forth between the big club and the Maine Red Claws the G-League affiliate.

From there it was a move to the Cavs but like the Celtics he spent a considerable amount of time with their G-League team too. He’s played in China for two different Chinese teams and now Fall plays for Piratas de Quebradillas translated Pirates from Quebradillas in Puerto Rico. Fall’s numbers are, CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) block shot leader (2023), 2X NBA G-League All Defensive Team (2020, 2022), G-League blocks leaders (2022). The question might be does the NBA remain in his future? I cannot answer the question, only an NBA GM can respond adequately. It’s clear Fall is limited offensively but it is evident he’s got the ability, especially with his height, to block shots.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

Best athlete or draft by position
As a reminder the draft is coming on Wednesday and Thursday this upcoming week. I pose the question again regarding the NBA draft, do you draft the best athlete or do you plan on drafting by position? I have an issue with two mock sites I regularly utilized, one has the Lakers drafting Johnny Furphy Kansas while the other list Jared McCain Duke. The problem for me is not a talent rather the fact both athletes are guards, I have no idea if there might be a trade pending. Currently it’s my belief the Lakers are top heavy with guards be they of the shooting or point guard variety.

On the Laker roster at present is D’Angelo Russell, Spencer Dinwiddie, Gabe Vincent, Austin Reaves, Jalen Hood-Schifino and Max Christie. That’s a grand total of 6 guards that closed out the 2023-24 season for the Lakers. The key problem as I see it there are limits on court minutes with numbers similar to this, Hood-Schifino and Christie rarely played and Vincent was injured most of the season. I surely hope both these mock draft sites are not correct because the moves if one of them occurs fail to make sense to me. The question on who to draft is now in the hands of head coach JJ Redick and president & GM Rod Pelinka. As a former guard does Redick follow the mock recommendation or someone else, we shall see on Wednesday and Thursday.

It’s a good day when you learn a thing you didn’t know the day before. That’s the case for me, the Columbia (MO) Daily Tribune obtained a portion of Mizzou’s schedule through an open records request. This type of request has been used by the media for years to obtain information from government be it state or federal, this is my first knowledge of its use in this manner. In any event, Mizzou will open the season against Memphis their on November 4. November 11 Mizzou will host Eastern Washington and on November 14 they will face Mississippi Valley State. In state Lindenwood College will be the opponent on November 27. This represents just a portion of Mizzou’s non-con schedule, other opponents and dates will be finalized as they become available.

This account actually began with local sports talk radio. I listened to the co-host discuss what occurs with the Big XII on several issues including its headquarters. A little history here, for years the old Big 8 conference headquarters was located in Kansas City (MO). Once the old Southwest Conference went kerplunk several Texas schools including the largest the University became part of the expanded conference hence the Big XII.

At some point with the financial clout of a University of Texas a decision was made to move the headquarters to Dallas. Fast forward to the present, as most of you are aware Texas along with Oklahoma have departed for the SEC. Will the conference remain in the Dallas metro after the departure? Baylor, Texas Tech and TCU remain and this is certainly not meant as a slap in the face for the three schools. Do they have the financial clout of a Texas? Keep in mind this is all speculation on my part the moving vans have not backed up to the Big XII headquarters…just food for thought.

Has the countdown begun, is the NCAA on its deathbed? Well that statement might be premature however the landscape, especially regarding basketball, has changed I believe. We can only speculate at this point what the NCAA might appear in 2034 or even sooner. The chief question, will there be a requirement for the body to perform a portion of its present role? If I use my imagination this is what I foresee in 10 years. Impact decisions being made at the conference level and the NCAA acting as conduit. Remember the old days when schools and sometimes conferences took the NCAA to court for a ruling or judgement? There will be no need for it to occur, changes will be made and they must be accepted by the 2034 NCAA.

It could happen 
We are days ahead of the 2024 NBA draft, unless something cataclysmic occurs this draft will be a repeat. A repeat in this regard, last year we saw ‘The Ailen’ as LeBron refers to him…Victor Wembanyama drafted number one. As you are aware Wemby is from France, the repeat is another French youngster being drafted as the top pick. His name, Zaccharie Risacher and he is 6 foot 9 ½ inches tall and 209 pounds. Risacher is likely projected at the small forward position, this is written Saturday afternoon before the Wednesday night draft.

What I find most interesting if not Risacher at the top spot it’s still likely to be a French youngster. Lining up behind Risacher is Alexandre Sarr, he stands 7 foot 1 and weighs 224 pounds, Sarr is projected as a center in the NBA. There are other French athletes in the 2024 draft however the two mentioned are at the top. There have been international players at the top of the draft previously but never two in succession. Akeem (Hakeem) Olajuwon from Nigeria was chosen number one in 1984, in 1998 Michael Olowokandi also from Nigeria was the number one pick, 2002 witnessed Yao Ming from China and in 2005 Andrew Bogut from Australia was the top pick.

NBA future
The NBA Blazers were in rebuilding mode, because of that fact we didn’t see them on any of the NBA outlets. Based on that fact we lost track of Sterling ‘Scoot’ Henderson. He was a 5-star prospect at the time he graduated high school, after mulling over several offers he decided to turn pro. Henderson went to work for NBA G-League Team Elite. Due to his age Henderson was ineligible for the NBA draft, based on this fact he was forced to spend two seasons with Elite. He’s got size as a point guard standing 6 foot 3 and 202 pounds.

Those who might have not known his name did after his team was matched against Victor Wembanyama and Metropolitans 92 in Las Vegas. Point guard Henderson was made the number three pick in the 2023 NBA draft. His rookie season was a learning process for him, if we look at his numbers they were fair as he adjusted to NBA play. Positives were his 3-point shooting, assists and his free-throw shooting. Henderson’s 39% shooting from the floor should improve if we check out his G-League effort. Progress can be slow for a rookie attempting to learn how to play in the NBA on a poor team. Despite the statement expect to see improvement in his play in the 2024-25 season.

He remembers his roots
The Kansas City metro is not Chicago, Los Angeles or New York. The number of basketball players to have played in the NBA is quite minor compared to the cities above and maybe a few others. Despite that fact area players never fail to acknowledge their roots. The basketball court at Grandview HS has been named in honor of Alec Burks of the Knicks. Burks began his journey on the court that would lead him to the University of Colorado and being a first-round draft choice in 2011 by the Jazz. Burks has played for a number of teams over his 13-year NBA career.

Burks made financial contributions to his former high school in a number of areas, the school is now acknowledging this by naming the basketball court in his honor. The metro area almost always contains a player who honed his basketball skills here. Landry Shamet a reserve guard for the Wizards is a product of Oak Park HS. Ish Wainwright is a member of the Suns, he played his high school basketball at Raytown South in the metro and Montrose Christian School in Maryland. Jacob Gilyard’s time has been divided between the Nets and their G-League affiliate, he attended Barstow HS in the city. I hope I’ve not missed anyone, there are other former area players who spent time in the NBA but are now retired.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

We are almost there
Basketball in the same manner as other sports is 24/7 365, despite that statement there is a slow period. Generally after NBA Summer League and NBA free agency everything in the association begins to crawl news wise. As for the college game it reached that stage a few weeks after the NCAA tourney. There is a small amount of news but even at this level there’s not much to report. Words eye View will be reduced from a 7-day publication to a 3 or 4 times a week news source. At this point it will probably be a Sunday-Wednesday-Friday and maybe Saturday supplier. To those of you who are long-time readers of Off the Dribble thank you for your continued commitment. As for newer readers I hope you continue to use this as one of your basketball sources.

This is interesting…if true
The hire of JJ Redick as head coach by the Lakers certainly wouldn’t be placed in the category of shocking. I’m sure this list of possible assistant coaches is quite interesting based on their past. Let’s say the hiring of assistant coaches might be placed in the ‘most thought-provoking’ category. The following are names first reported, they include Sam Cassell who won a championship with the Celtics as a player and just this month as an assistant. Next up is Scott Brooks a former NBA player and head coach at two stops with the Thunder and Wizards.

Former point guard Rajon Rondo is a two-time NBA champion with the Celtics in 2008 and in 2020 with the Lakers. Probably the name most might not have thought of is Jared Dudley, he also has NBA championship experience as a player. Did you notice a theme here, with the exception of Brooks all those named have championship experience except Brooks. Brooks position is validated by serving as head coach twice no less. Keep in mind none of the names are yet to be confirmed, however if this staff is assembled as reported it should prove interesting. At the same time should something go horribly wrong with the Redick hire there are several candidates to choose from, the hope is that will not be a requirement.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
I will remind you again of this old quote, “Managers (coaches) receive far too much credit when their team wins and far too much blame when they lose.” The statement certainly applies to Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla. It was how his hiring came about, Mazzulla was on the staff of coach Ime Udoka. At the time Udoka was fired the Celtics stayed in house hiring him from the former coaches staff. Mazzulla has now won an NBA championship an accomplishment that places him in select company. Where did this all begin for him?

Mazzulla grew up in Rhode Island, he played his college basketball at West Virginia. He went undrafted in 2011 and that’s when he turned to coaching. The first job was an assistant at Division II Glenville State in West Virginia, later he moved to Fairmount State also located in West Virginia, this was also Division II. For the 2016-17 season Mazzulla was an assistant for the Celtics G-League team, then it was a return to Fairmont State this time as the head coach. In 2019 Mazzulla was hired as an assistant for the Celtics, in 2022 he was named interim head coach and the job was made permanent in 2023. At least for now Mazzulla is sitting on top of the world after his Celtics won the 2024 NBA championship. This but a brief look at the Celtics 35-year-old head coach.

The logo
You might remember back in 2020 there was a drive to change the NBA logo. This was initiated by a number of players and several in the media, they expressed the belief the Jerry West form had reached its expiration date. The NBA logo should represent a more contemporary player such as Kobe Bryant, LeBron James or Steph Curry. My counter argument this appeared to be change for no practical reason, as an example consider this.

Let’s say the logo is changed to Kobe, Steph or anyone, 20-30 years from now the argument becomes Victor Wembanyama should be the logo and 10 years later another player is named. As I indicated near the beginning change for no practical reason doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me. Jerry West died June 12, 2024, what a continued attempt regarding his legacy to leave everything as it is. Naturally, this is my opinion and it certainly doesn’t make it the only acceptable standard. If you believe another player should replace West as The Logo so be it.

It's not just me
At the Celtics victory parade guard Jaylen Brown sported a black t-shirt with large white lettering, it read ‘STATE YOUR SOURCE.” This was in reference to a statement made by Stephen A. Smith during ESPN’s First Take last month. Smith reported “that a source told him that Brown wasn’t marketable because of his ego” I would guess Brown is fed up with Stephen A Smith as well and this was his effort to shut Smith up.

This is the concern I have with the Smith assertion, prove what you report to be fact. The worst thing in the world is to inform someone in the media and then ask them to not reveal the source. From the media (Smith) to proclaim something about someone and then be unable to reveal the basis what’s that about? Why must we believe Smith when he offers no proof, its entirely possible the statement could be true however without proof it is useless. As you can see Brown becomes the latest athlete to be offended by something Smith states as the truth yet offers us no proof other than his words.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

We are almost there
Basketball in the same manner as other sports is 24/7 365, despite that statement there is a slow period. Generally after NBA Summer League and NBA free agency everything in the association begins to crawl news wise. As for the college game it reached that stage a few weeks after the NCAA tourney. There is a small amount of news but even at this level there’s not much to report. Words eye View will be reduced from a 7-day publication to a 3 or 4 times a week news source. At this point it will probably be a Sunday-Wednesday-Friday and maybe Saturday supplier. To those of you who are long-time readers of Off the Dribble thank you for your continued commitment. As for newer readers I hope you continue to use this as one of your basketball sources.

The kept secret in the NBA maybe basketball was JJ Redick would be named head coach. So what occurred, after dancing with Dan Hurley (my choice) the coach said thanks but no thanks. The name JJ Redick came up once again, on Thursday it was announced he would be named head coach. Redick would sign a 4-year contract, all is right in Laker Nation…well that’s not quite correct. If I gave you a number I would bet ½ of Laker Nation is pleased with the hire the other half well you know their view. Redick played for Coach K., one of those coaches I admire.

As for the person I witnessed Redick re-invent himself, he arrived in the NBA with All American credentials. He quickly discovered what worked against for him against North Carolina failed to work against the Knicks, he became a valued sixth man and part time starter for several NBA teams. Redick managed to play successfully for 15 years in the NBA. You just read the positives, allow me to place the negatives before you. 0 coaching experience at any level be it as a head coach or assistant. There is great danger hiring a head coach with no background, as an example Jason Kidd is a good coach now. He wasn’t when he first retired and was immediately hired as a head coach. I read someone said “This can be the second coming of Pat Riley” architect of the Showtime Lakers.

Their backgrounds were certainly somewhat similar however time was spent as an assistant by Riley before he moved over to the first chair. The headline P A T I E N C E, this will be most difficult for Laker fans if Redick gets off to a “Darvin Ham” start. Bottom line, I’m not pleased with the hire…will I turn in my Lakers Nation card? No, cut me I bleed Purple and Goal despite the fact I’ve been disappointed over time with on court production. I intend to adopt a wait and see view, neither cheering with the hire nor hissing at it.

It's on
The 44th Annual Braggin’ Rights game is scheduled for Sunday December 22. For those unfamiliar with the term it’s the basketball game played between Mizzou and Illinois prior to the start of the conference season, it will be played at the Enterprise Center in St. Louis. It’s not just SEC Mizzou versus Big 10 Illinois it’s a game between schools which share a state line border just like Kansas. It seems as though the series has been played forever however it was 1980 when the first game was played. The contract was about to lapse when the school’s agreed to an extension which takes them through 2029. In addition Enterprise Center will remain the site of all games in the future. Mizzou will be anxious to avenge last season’s beat down loss 97-73.

An All American in two sports
A number of athletes have played more than one sport in college, to be named an All American in two sports is quite an accomplishment. After I read trivia on Frank Howard imagine this scenario, you are an All American in baseball and basketball and your professional sports of choice becomes baseball. What might occur in 2024, I could only speculate as for 1958 it was a different time. The late Frank Howard stood 6-foot 7 and weighed between 275-295 pounds, in his junior year at Ohio State he averaged 20.1 points and 15.3 rebounds a game. The following year the Philadelphia Warriors made Howard the 21st pick in the third round of the draft.

The 1958 draft was the year the Minneapolis Lakers chose Elgin Baylor who would become Rookie of the Year. Howard was drafted ahead of Wayne Embry who would have a good NBA playing career and as a GM later. Howard signed with the baseball Dodgers and after a few seasons in the minors would enter the Dodger lineup in 1960 after being recalled from the minors, he would be named NL Rookie of the Year. This is pure speculation on my part, could Howard have played in the NBA of the 1950’s? It certainly was a different time sports wise however left with a choice today an athlete would require a gigantic decision on his part. He must decide which sport do I love and which one do I like. Bo Jackson, Dave DeBusschere and several others played two professional sports at a pro level but were never All Americans. CORRECTION: Jackson was an All American in football. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

We are almost there
Basketball in the same manner as other sports is 24/7 365, despite that statement there is a slow period. Generally after NBA Summer League and NBA free agency everything in the association begins to crawl news wise. As for the college game it reached that stage a few weeks after the NCAA tourney. There is a small amount of news but even at this level there’s not much to report. Words eye View will be reduced from a 7-day publication to a 3 or 4 times a week news source. At this point it will probably be a Sunday-Wednesday-Friday and maybe Saturday supplier. To those of you who are long-time readers of Off the Dribble thank you for your continued commitment. As for newer readers I hope you continue to use this as one of your basketball sources.

Another one bites the dust
I can hear the Queen pop tune playing in my head, but it is true another one bites the dust. After hearing reports mid-season or so the Pistons would fire Monty Williams they did just that. The Pistons join the Lakers in scouting for a head coach but there is a difference. The Pistons were a terrible team and Williams was expected to come in and change the culture in a little over a year. Who is capable of performing such a miracle certainly none of whom I am aware.

Lately that’s been the gauge for Williams, he's hired by one team…he last awhile and then fired. This time his head coaching job with the Pistons might be the shortest on record and to be honest I don’t believe it was fair this time. In 2019 the team finished with a .500 record, from that point under the departed Dwayne Casey it was all downhill. 20 wins another 20-win season and then 23, in his last season the Pistons won 17 games. How does management justify firing Williams after only one season? I guess Williams might be the real winner here, he’s still owed $65 million on his contract.

It might be a money issue
Does the Buss family trust have enough financial clout? I listened to a discussion on the Laker-Hurley issue and what occurred. We have been informed by the media that the Lakers offered Hurley a low dollar figure on a contract, I cannot address that however there remains a question. Over generations NBA ownership has changed as one group of owners left they were replaced by “money guys.” These folks appear to be investment or hedge fund guys, they got rich and said, “I think I’d like to own an NBA team.” Unlike hedge fund dudes the only business conducted by the Lakers trust is basketball.

Dr. Buss made millions in real estate, by comparison he might fall short in today’s NBA. Does this fact make a difference when attempting to hire a coach, I don’t know since the books are not available. This I do know, the Lakers (at least on paper) have never come up short when acquiring or paying players. Have coaches of the past been paid below the standard of other NBA teams? According to figures I located the Laker franchise is valued at $6.4 billion, they rank behind the first place Warriors and second place Knicks. As for Jeanie Buss she’s reported to have a net worth of $500-$700 million. That question can never be answered because the Lakers would never confirm it. Jeanie and the Lakers need to move on from this setback and look toward the future whatever it holds.

He's got a new job
Once upon a time Jeff Van Gundy’s name was mentioned it seemed every time an NBA coaching job became open. After he was fired as Rockets head coach in 2007 he went to work for ESPN as a color analyst, this would become the role most NBA fans begin to see Van Gundy. It became a mic in his hand rather than a coaches clip board, he went from diagramming plays for his teams to diagramming plays for a television audience. Van Gundy and Mark Jackson almost became an institution for the network and then it occurred. It all came crashing down in June 2023 as he and several others were let go by the network.

At a point in time I had issues with Van Gundy, not his basketball knowledge but how he managed to broadcast the game. All that went away the last few years as I became accustomed to his work. I must admit this past NBA season was different with him and Mark Jackson missing. Recently it was announced Van Gundy would be taking a new job, he will become the lead assistant for the Clippers beginning next season. Will he be seated on the bench, my guess is no. I imagine with no confirmation he will meet with Lue and other members of the coaching staff to provide his input. In addition this might include time with the team, of course all this is speculation on my part. Van Gundy can bring a wealth of basketball knowledge to the game and aid the team in their pursuit of a championship.