Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

Performance without substance?
The title is certainly misleading but allow an explanation. I have this almost constant discussion with myself and friends around me, I don’t want a performance what is desired is substance. We are in the age where the guy on television or radio tosses about a bunch of stuff, he or she wants to discover what resonates with you. There are likely many instances when the information gained and dispensed is more important than performing for a television or radio audience. The view of the distributor of information is crucial but only to a point, you cannot convince me something is important unless I am able to see it for myself.

George Marcus was his name
I never heard the name George Marcus prior to last Friday evening. As my usual habit of research I came across another story from the past that cannot be documented, despite that issue it’s easily found on a search. George Marcus is reported to be the name Wilt Chamberlain once utilized, are you confused, allow a further explanation? According to reports Chamberlain played under the name ‘George Marcus’ while in high school. This occurred between his 16th and 17th birthday but why did Marcus operate in stealth mode?

Chamberlain played basketball under an assumed name because the team was a semi-pro one, he would have received payment which would have impacted his amateur status. He did not want to create an issue with the NCAA and wanted to play college basketball. Reports indicate at that youthful age he dominated the men he competed against as a teen. Taking this one step further it’s also reported when questioned later Chamberlain always denied he was George Marcus. Could this chapter occur as described, certainly not in 2024 with ESPN, several social media outlets in existence. By my calculation ‘George Marcus’ would have played for this team in 1953, it was a much different time, did this event occur? I have no proof nor offer any but believe it could have occurred due to the period.

Often its more than lack of talent
It helps to have a great QB (Patrick Mahomes) but a key reason for Chiefs success? It’s been head coach Andy Reid and GM Bret Veach, they have worked hand in hand to assemble competitive teams. It’s been my belief for a time when a team lacks success often its more than simply the coach or roster, the front office is key. For that reason alone it appears the latest move by the Pistons is to address the lack of wins might be attributed to the front office. Tom Gores wanting to correct the team’s losing ways hired Trajon Landon as the team’s GM from the Pelicans.

One of the issues concerning to me hearing reports head coach Monty Williams was on the hot seat. My first thought “this team was bad when he was hired, he's supposed to turn it around in less than a year…doesn’t make sense.” In any event it appears for now Williams is still employed and will begin to work with Landon, it should be of note the new GM compiled a good record while he was GM plus he’s had additional employment with the Nets. Without checking the stats I believe the Pistons might average the youngest age team in the NBA. I’m a fan of Williams, given time plus working with Landon the Pistons should improve I believe this upcoming season.

Things might change but I doubt it
The NBA season closed with the Lakers and Clippers on the outside, neither team came close to playing for the championship. In the fall as both teams prepare for the 2024-25 season the Lakers will be at Crypto.com arena and the Clippers in their brand-new home…the Intuit Dome. I have concluded without offering a shred of proof Los Angeles will always be a Laker town. The Clippers might win the NBA Championship in 2025 and it will still be a Laker town…why? The Lakers were first (1960), in addition its difficult even with one championship to successfully compete with a team with 17 NBA Championships in their trophy case.

It’s not just Los Angeles the same scenario likely exists for New York City. The Knicks are the institution in the city, the Nets arrived then left and arrived again this time taking up residency in the borough of Brooklyn. What occurs if they win an NBA Championship, the borough of Brooklyn would be happy, I wonder about Brooklynite Spike Lee? Los Angeles and NYC are the only two locations with two NBA teams. Los Angeles has two NFL teams, I’m unsure if there is any favoritism there. There are also two baseball teams however the Dodgers are light years ahead of the Angels in the eyes of most of the population. In Chicago we have two baseball teams but the Cubs are the declared winners of the hearts and minds, the White Sox a distant second.

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