Friday, June 28, 2024

Basketball from a fans perspective

The State of the Lakers
This is news of a surprising nature with the 55th pick in the second round the Lakers chose Bronny James. That was a joke, if at all possible the world was aware the pick would be the son of. Jay Bilas ESPN analyst is one of the voices that has my ear. His evaluation of talent I’ve found over the years to be quite accurate. These are his words, “Bronny will need one to two years in the G-League before he is a fully NBA-ready player.”

I will take the words of Bilas and pass them on to you. As for the 15th pick I’ve mellowed somewhat over the last 24 hours. I returned to the mock draft sites I utilize during the year and this is what I discovered. Two mocks placed Dalton Knecht at 6, one placed him at 9 and the other listed him as the 10th pick. For the Lakers to draft him at 17 details he slid just a bit, however there are indications they might have an NBA ready player. A little background, he’s older than most of his counterparts at age 23. I’m unsure what occurred but the 6-foot 6-inch 213-pound Knecht must have worked his rear in off. He graduated from high school but it was Northeastern Junior College in Sterling Colorado that his journey began. Knecht played there two years before heading to the University of Northern Colorado in Greely. He spent his final college season at the University of Tennessee where he demonstrated he was a prolific shooter.

Knecht is a rarity in this day and age, he’s an All American, that's rare in this age. Every site I located rated this draft pick as an A being able to secure a player of the caliber of Knecht. I must inform you my disappointment was related to the fact the Lakers still remain in peril having to face The Joker with no effective stopper. I am going to toss out several Big Men who are pending free agents, Ira Hartenstein, Mitchell Robinson and Jonas Valanciunas are all possibilities.

The NBA world draft 
Three French players chosen in the Top 10 with Zaccharie Risacher being chosen one and Alex Sarr right behind him at two. As I wrote recently we’ve had international players at the top of the draft previously but never like this. Why has this change come about, can we look at a specific issue? The increasing number of international athletes is very disturbing to some on this side of the Atlanta Ocean.

Let’s check out just a few thoughts, for years basketball clinics were held on the European side of the world. Kids in Serbia, Germany, Lithuania and yes France have grown up playing the game invented on this side of the world. We need look no further than the Olympic basketball teams of these nations. I believe our northern neighbor Canada has 8-9 players with an NBA connection. So the numbers of European players will not change, the trend will continue. Face it, this is not bragidous the best basketball players in the world continue to be born here but let’s face facts, the world loves the game Americans have cherished for years.

Better watch your mouth young man
Perhaps you are similar to me you’d read Larry Bird was notorious for trash talking on the basketball court. Several rookies were introduced to him and this fact early in their NBA career. They were assembled to compete against the Dream Team. Former NBA player Jamal Mashburn is telling us the story, he along with Rodney Rogers were drafted in 1993. Mashburn said “We see this tall white guy walking down the hall, first of all you don’t realize how tall Larry Bird is until he walks past you.” Bird walks past the line of rookies and says, “Ya’ll those college guys?”

He said, “Get some (expletive) it’s gonna be a long week.” Rogers says to Bird, “Hey Larry you ain’t hit a jumper since ’84.” The next day against the Dream Team Magic Johnson is feeding Bird, he got the ball on Rodney Rogers. “Every time he was about to make a move he told him what he was going to do. One dribble…pull up going left off glass…bucket. One dribble going right spin move…shot…bucket. 9 or 8 times in a row he didn’t miss. Walking off the court he said, “Young fella look like ’84, huh?” I’ve never had difficulty with a player trash talking unless that player is unable to deliver on the promise, it was clear Larry Joe Bird could deliver.

The strongest
Who is it, the strongest athlete you’ve ever seen in person or video evidence exist? There are several candidates this term might fit and it becomes a judgement call, here goes. Bo Jackson who played baseball for the Royals and football for the Raiders is our beginning. Despite being a powerful running back at Auburn and the Raiders it was baseball he demonstrated his strength. There is video evidence, Jackson displeased at striking out broke a bat over his helmet. Another strikeout and walking back to the dugout Jackson breaks the bat over his leg, he did this twice, there is video. Wilt Chamberlain once broke a rim, all during the first half of a game Chamberlain registered thunderous dunks. As the second half of the game was to begin officials discovered the steel ring portion of the basket had come apart.

Chamberlain wasn’t the only athlete dunking but certainly may have been a contributor. Needless to say the rim had to be replaced prior to the second half start of the game. Darryl Dawkins would name his dunks, he alone may have been responsible for collapsible rims. His Sixers were playing the Kings in Kansas City, Dawkins went up for one of his notorious thunder dunks and fans witnessed complete destruction as the rim came down along with shards of glass. Later Dawkins repeated the feat this time in a game in Philadelphia, YouTube video is available. A Shaquille O’ Neal dunk saw the rim remain in place but the entire stanchion collapsed, this can also be found on YouTube. By the way there are 3-4 other instances of Shaq demolishing a backboard and goal. Those named were not the only examples of strength however they are likely the most visible, all besides Chamberlain can be viewed.

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