Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm not as angry at the sports media as I appear at times.  The basis for the majority of complaints is the method of gathering the news.  In addition the attempt to often inflate the importance of a news story.  We cannot and should not repeat the '30s and '40s where few if any stories involving bad behavior were reported.  There are media types who often project themselves into the story they are writing.  In addition are we to believe what they write just because they are paid to write dumb articles?  A national writer gave us his pick on eight teams he terms contenders.  Going out on a limb is picking one to three, how can any of us take stock in a writer who picks eight possibilities?  I guess him listing them one through eight is supposed to help however there is a problem with his voodoo forecasting.  One of his selected teams just might be upset, remember when the Mutumbo led Nuggets upset the higher ranked Sonics?  Upsets can and do occur so what do you do then Mr. Expert from Indianapolis?   

The African continent continues to produce quality basketball talent.  One of the most recent examples would be the Thunder's Serge Ibaka who basically appeared on the scene as an unknown.  Ibaka from the Republic of Congo in Central Africa appeared to have all the tools but was extremely raw having played the game a limited amount of time.  He was a reserve last season as a rookie but his rapid improvement allowed the Thunder to trade Jeff  Green and insert him into the lineup full-time in his second year.  Once again the Congo produces another raw talent, Bismack Biyambo a 6-9 243 pound power forward.  Remember the name in June at the NBA Draft, scouts have been singing his praises at the recent Nike Hoops Summit in Portland.  Biyambo recorded the first triple-double in the 14-year history of the tournament, 12 points, 11 rebounds and 10 blocked shots.  To be fair Biyambo's numbers were not produced against NBA players but he clearly exhibited his NBA potential.  Check him out

I probably should have sympathy for Kings fans but I don't.  I was reading the Sacramento Bee today column after column, email after email lamenting the loss of the Kings.  A few mentioned the raw deal they thought Seattle received when the Sonics left.  Not one single column or writer wrote "we know how the fans of Kansas City felt!"  That's the main reason I can state with no sympathy get over it.  The fans of Kansas City have suffered since 1985 when Greg Luckenbill stole our team.  The difference is the Maloff's will continue to own the team while moving it away from Sacramento.  Eventually you will discover life does continue after the NBA leaves town.  You can return to whatever you were doing 26 years ago.  Once the Kings leave the baseball minor league Rivercats will be all you have, we have the ability to view an NFL or MLB game without traveling outside our metro area.  We have no NBA team but an arena which passes the test as major league, can you make the same statement Sacramento?  Do I sound disgruntled?  Okay, I admit it!

Fooled you didn't I, you thought I wouldn't mention Kobe Bryant's rant.  Tuesday's game Kobe Bryant received a technical foul and yelled a gay slur at the official.  The commissioner reacted quickly and fined Bryant $100,000 (which we know won't affect Kobe's wallet).  Doesn't make it okay but in the privacy of our homes we can say whatever we wish.  Kobe and any other public figure should realize just that, in most instances they don't have the same luxury as us.  Bryant has already acknowledged his error hopefully he will not repeat it again.   

Did Mike Anderson punk Mizzou and it's fans?  Was Anderson planning on leaving as soon as the Arkansas job was available?  From the Kansas City Star March 13, 2011 "Several weeks ago, Anderson dealt with speculation that he would be on Arkansas’ radar should it fire Pelphrey by saying: “I plan on being at Missouri for a long time, retire here.”  The question probably sounds strange but several facts are evident, let's explore them.  At least two high profile players were supposed to be on Mizzou's radar yet neither would commit.  Mizzou was playing fairly well and then suddenly went into a funk at the tail end of the season.  They lost five out of their last six games.  One of the players even commented "we quit" which might give you an indication the players might have knew something we didn't know? 

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