Monday, April 18, 2011

Purdue's JuJuan Johnson and BYU's Jimmer Fredette have no choice they are seniors.  Their eligibility has concluded, they cannot return to school.  If they are judged talented enough their names will be announced by David Stern in the June draft.  As for Kemba Walker, the Morris twins and others I'm unsure why they are leaving school early.  By all accounts unresolved labor issues might delay the start of the season, pending NBA labor issues promise to be long and drawn out.  Many are speculating half the NBA season might be lost, of course no play means no pay.  We've heard the usual story repeated by most, "It's been my life dream to play in the NBA" or words to that affect.  In a sense we can't fault them for desiring to play in the NBA it's just the timing this year is probably not good.    

This is coming from a one-time fan of Shaquille O'Neal!  It's evident over the the last several years Shaq is chasing championship rings as he moves from team to team.  Shaq's moved from Miami to Phoenix then to Cleveland and finally Boston.  In addition his historical view of the NBA requires a degree of revision.  Scores of Laker fans were upset with him for signing with the hated Celtics that actually didn't concern me.  What's bothered me is to see his game continue to erode yet at 39 he still wants to be considered a viable player.  39-year old Kareem Abdul Jabbar's numbers were far superior to the often injured 39-year old Shaquille O'Neal.  From Sports Illustrated “The big man has gone. There will be no one ever in the history of the game to do what me and Tim Duncan did."  Talented Tim Duncan played power forward during the bulk of his NBA career, he's played the center position infrequently over the course of his career.   

This is really strange, at the 11th hour two wealthy Cali power brokers have come to the forefront to save the Sacramento Kings.  These billionaires intend "to purchase the Kings or move another franchise to Sacramento."  Let's explore this latest development step by step.  1.  I guess everybody has a dollar figure in mind and I'm sure the brothers Maloof have one too.  The brothers have gone on record indicating no desire to sell the team, is the NBA gonna make them sell the team?  2.  Currently the league owns the Hornets, after the NBA made such a big deal about returning to New Orleans post Katrina would they sell the team to outside interests looking at moving the team.  3.  The arena question, nothing has changed Sacramento will continue to have the oldest arena in the NBA.  Technically the Knicks play in the oldest arena but MSG will undergo a major renovation over the next two years.  Several respondents to the Sacramento Bee think these billionaires are riding in on white horses to save the day.  A key question for me and others, why did they wait so late?  Stories begin circulating in February of a possible Kings move.  At least those attempting to save the Seattle franchise began their efforts long before the Sonics began packing.  I guess almost anything could change but in this instance I sincerely doubt it.   

To date there's been no movement in Columbia!  None of the Anderson recruits (other than Bowers and English who will test NBA waters) have indicated they are leaving Mizzou.  At the same time none of the Miami commits have indicated they are following Coach Frank Haith northward.  As for Haith's coaching staff it's almost complete, with one more coach yet to be hired.  Of the four coaches Isaac Chew might be the most interesting especially his local connections.  Chew was the chief assistant coach at Murray State and will fill the same position at Mizzou.  Chew played at Avila University in Kansas City and earned an MBA at Baker University, Baldwin City Kansas.  Chew aided in the development of Kansas City's elite AAU team Pump N' Run.  Kansas City Pump N' Run produced current Tigers Marcus Denmon, Steve Moore, Michael Dixon and Rickey Kreklow.     

Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.
Satchel Paige

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