Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Okay the NBA Championship is decided.  I know it's still April but ESPN has figured the Laker losing streak is a precursor to their anointed team to win the Championship.  I'm unsure which is their anointed team the Bulls or the Heat, ESPN over others have been singing both teams praises all season long.  Are fans confused by the losing streak?  I think confused is the proper term, after winning 18 of 19 after the All-Star break they have fallen into a funk.  Take heart Laker fans, the playoffs have yet to begin.  The Lakers will be there in the end regardless if it's the seventh game of the Western Conference finals or the seventh game of the NBA Finals.  No need to worry until the last 10 seconds of a final series with them on the losing end.  Of course there is one factor I failed to mention, health.  Should Andrew Bynum be out for an extend period of time all bets are off. 
Please excuse me for standing too near the forest!  I'm standing so near the forest I cannot see the top of the trees.  I was at my usual station surfing the net when my wife called out to me.  She said "Missouri's coach is in trouble," I rushed into the family room and the news channel was in commercial.  I patiently waited for all the commercials to run and Frank Boal of Channel 41 appeared on the screen.  After detailing a story on the Royals his next sentence was "Missouri Coach Frank Haith has been on the job 8 days and he's already in trouble with the NCAA."  Turns out Boal was repeating a story I had read earlier in the day, Haith had sent a text message indicating prospect Otto Porter was headed to Georgetown.  Once Mike Anderson left I'm sure most Mizzou fans thought the chances of signing Porter were probably slim so like me perhaps fans took a rather ambivalent view of the text message.  Back to Mr. Boal, he further stated "it's against NCAA rules to comment on a prospect prior to his signing."  Well Frank you got me and others on that report, are sanctions in order?  Will the Tigers be forced to give up a scholarship?  I searched Metro Sports and some of the locals, none to my knowledge approached the Porter story as Boal had.  On a serious note if Haith violated an NCAA rule then he should be punished the point I'm attempting to make is Frank Boal made this into a "sky is falling" story.   
I just now realized the hard charging Bulls have now tied the Spurs best record.  The Spurs were streaking most of the year miles and miles ahead of all others.  The Bulls with injuries to Noah and Boozer played well early.  After the All-Star game they (and the Lakers) begin streaking, as this is written they are tied with the Spurs.  Both teams are 61-20, of course that means nothing without a championship but these Bulls are giving Chicago fans memories of Jordan and the Jordanaires. 
In all probability April 13th will be the last NBA game played in Sacramento (excepting pre-season).  The Maloof brothers will formally petition the Association to locate the Kings to Anaheim.  They will become the _________ Royals a name the team formally was named in Rochester (N.Y.) and Cincinnati.  Greg Luckenbill was the  majority owner at the time of the move from Kansas City.  Although Luckenbill is long gone I was surprised when I discovered at least two of the minority partners still own a piece of the team.  Both have been vocal in their attempt to maintain residence in Sacramento but the problem would be money.  Between the two (or maybe three) they lack the financial clout to force the issue.  It would appear they will remain owners of the team in Southern California. 

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