Monday, April 8, 2013

Once more
I admit it; I fell into the Brittney Griner trap. I was caught up in the male versus female athlete debate which is really unnecessary.  Baylor University had a very capable athlete in Griner, why must her game be validated by competition against men? Griner most likely will become a star once she begins play in the WNBA----not the NBA Mr. Cuban.

“It was UCLA”
That was the brief response Steve Alford made to Dan Patrick on Patrick's morning radio program. Alford University of New Mexico coach had successful stops at a number of schools before his arrival in Albuquerque. His six years at New Mexico have been just as successful, so successful he was able to sign a 10-year extension. Within days of signing the contract the Alford family is packing for their journey to Los Angeles. I think Alford should be careful what he asks for, the game is the same however the surroundings are quite different. Los Angeles is not Albuquerque and Pauley Pavilion is not the Pit Arena, the specter of John Wooden looms above Pauley. I hope this doesn’t sound as if it’s an indictment of Alford on a personal note I like him. The question that might loom for UCLA what if Tom Crean were to leave Indiana? Would the desire to return “home” and to his alma mater overwhelm him? I don’t have an answer; I only pose potential “landmines. “

I could be wrong but I don’t think so
Former coach and NBA TV analyst Sam Mitchell made a valid point, one I hadn’t considered. He, Vince Cellini and Isiah Thomas were discussing the bid of the Sacramento group to retain the team in the city. Mitchell said; “Oakland is an hour and half drive time from Sacramento.” We must take into consideration drive time might be more or less depending on where an individual might live. The point Mitchell was attempting to point out NBA basketball would still be available to many in the Sacramento area. I’m not sure if anyone might desire to make that drive two or three times during the week but weekend attendance might be considered. This is a sharp contrast to Kansas City in 1985 when the Kings left for Sacramento. Drive time from Kansas City to Dallas or Chicago is an 8 hour road trip. The drive was reduced once the Sonic franchise located to Oklahoma City, it’s about 5 hours from here. Flight times are much quicker; Dallas or Chicago from Kansas City is about an hour, Oklahoma City less than that. Sacramento fans might not have a team but will still have access to NBA basketball if they desire.

He’s too tall
Retired Knicks center Patrick Ewing has served as an assistant coach for a number of teams, interesting fact none of those teams have been the New York Knicks. Every time the Knicks changed coaches the 7-foot Ewing’s name was never mentioned. In addition to his former team he’s failed to be hired anywhere although he’s had a number of interviews. 7-2 Kareem Abdul Jabbar has served as a “big man’s coach” at two NBA stops including the Lakers. To prove his desire for a coaching position Abdul Jabbar severed as an unpaid coach for a Native American High School team. He continues to campaign for a head coaching job and announced he wanted to interview for the head coaching position of the Bucks. Both men have a predicament, outstanding careers as players but too tall to serve as a head coach. Think I’m joking about the height issue; name a coach taller than 6-10 Kevin McHale of the Rockets? Certainly Phil Jackson at 6-8 was one of the most successful. The majority of head coaches are guards, few forwards or centers need apply. Personally I’d like to see both Hall of Fame centers be given the opportunity to coach.

Sorry about that
The Lakers retired Shaquille O’ Neal’s jersey number 34. At the time it was unveiled I thought something was wrong, the television camera didn’t hold the shot very long. In addition my only focus was on the jersey number. A day later the Lakers admitted they made an error, O’Neal’s number was correct but that wasn’t the problem. O’Neal’s name had been placed on the front of the jersey rather than the back. The Lakers acknowledged the error and issued a statement indicating it would be corrected by the next Laker game. An email to one of the Laker fan websites stated; “I would have never retired Shaq’s number.” I’m glad in some instances decisions don’t lie with fans. We should inform him it wasn’t his decision, Dr. Buss approved the retirement of Shaq’s jersey last year prior to his death. Incidentally that same websites is debating which Kobe number to retire 8 or 24. Honestly I don’t think it’s that important, if I were to venture a guess I would imagine Kobe will chose 24. Note: As I was completing this story I received an email from a Laker memorabilia website, it was advertising a Shaquille O’ Neal jersey. I clicked on the link to discover they wanted $259.00 for it. Thanks but no thanks; I’ll just hang on to my 12-year old number 34 jersey.

Speaking of Shaq
Don’t remember which studio crew so I don‘t know who to credit. I don‘t think it was TNT or ESPN/ABC. NBA TV has a revolving team of analysts as well, who do I credit?  Someone on the panel mentioned the Shaq Buick LaCroose commercial. One said; “how did they fit him in the automobile? “ Another chimed in; “they built the car around him.” Very funny at least I thought, my wife didn’t have the same view however.