Monday, July 11, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Just like that he’s gone
Larry Brown is history, the news caught us off-guard his sudden resignation last Friday. The story behind the departure is reported to be his contract at Southern Methodist.   The administration of SMU offered the 75-year old coach a three year contract and it’s reported he wanted five years. All I can say is the school became relevant in basketball despite last seasons NCAA infractions. Brown’s first year as Mustangs coach the team finished 15-17 which was followed by 27-10, 27-7 and last years 25-5.  It’s likely this is the last stop for the Hall of Fame coach however we can never be too sure about him.

I don’t know either
This city has one of the best college basketball programs in the nation.  This legacy has existed for a number of years.--I’m referring to the University of Louisville Cardinals. From 1911 up to this past season Louisville basketball has compiled a 1778-892 record.  The school’s won three NCAA Championships the most recent in 2013.  A number of Cardinal players have managed careers in the NBA or other professional leagues throughout the years.

There is one major problem how do you pronounce the name of the city attached to the schools name?  On the surface that might appear simple its L-o-u-i-s-v-i-l-l-e.   Pronouncing it correctly might be another matter altogether, how are we expected to accomplish the task folks who live there don’t always pronounce it in the same manner?  I located the video below on YouTube, you know what to do.

People get real
After seeing Dwayne Wade’s jersey on fire I believe its time for a number of folks to get a life. People---- this is basketball it’s not a life and death issue get real.  Earlier the same scenario played out it Oklahoma City with Kevin Durant’s jersey being set on fire.  Of course this jersey burning event may have first occurred six years ago when irate Cavs fans burned LeBron jerseys when he left town for Miami.

Chasing a ring
Much has been written regarding players “chasing rings”.  Pau Gasol might be the latest having signed with the Spurs however the 36-year old Gasol might be considered a “young pup” compared to Ray Allen.  For the second or third year Allen’s dropped a hint “He might return to the NBA.” The 41-year old is not talking just any team he’s talking Warriors.  Shooters never lose the ability to score however they lose their legs and leaping ability.  Ray you need to remain retired it’s far easier than playing at 41 even as a spot player.  We know former player turned broadcaster Reggie Miller's view; “To me, it’s about your legacy versus rings.”  Reggie never won an NBA Championship but might be regarded as one of the best shooters in NBA history. That’s Reggie’s view of the issue what’s yours?  

Careful now
Both teams are criticized for a different approach with a franchise player.  Remember several years back many in the media were critical of the Lakers for signing Kobe Bryant to an astronomical contract.  Critics claimed; “The contract hinders them from signing free agents.” Don’t know if that statement was totally correct but that’s one of many we heard.  Fast forward to 2016 with Dwayne Wade and the Heat.

Wade had taken pay cuts to accommodate Udonis Haslem, LeBron James and others in previous years and expected to be paid.  The Heat patted him on the head and said “We’ll pay you but what we believe your value.”  Maybe the Laker and Heat stories are not parallel however they are somewhat similar.  By the way I heard ESPN’s Mike Golic stated; “I could see paying him over Kobe Bryant Wade had a productive year.”  Not quite correct Mr. Golic Kobe signed his “lifetime contract” prior to his previous two injury racked seasons.