Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Congrats Tyronn
The Cavs are NBA Champions but so is the coach.  Management rewarded Tyronn Lue with a 5-year $35 million dollar contract.  Sources indicate the first four years of the contract are guaranteed.  January 21 Lue was serving as David Blatt’s associate head coach now he’s sitting on top of the world.  We can bet large sums of money Lue can’t wait until training camp opens.  

“Bullets have no name”
It’s my belief this is going to upset many in America and maybe some overseas.  One of the shooting victims in Fort Meyers Florida was a soon to be 18-year old Lehigh High School senior.  According to reports basketball player Stef’an Stradwer hoped to attend a Division One school.  From early indications it appears Stradwer was an innocent victim in the club shooting.  

The youngster was shot in the shoulder as he walked in the door of the club and died early Sunday morning.  Stradwer and another club patron received fatal wounds 16 other spectators were also wounded.  This was no terrorist attack this was likely someone who had a disagreement and the solution was to begin shooting.  No matter that Stradwer and the other victim were probably not the intended targets.  They were likely innocent because “bullets have no name.” Two lives cut short by indiscriminate use of a gun.  

You may have noticed
Words eye view has returned to a 7-day a week format.  Naturally this requires more research and labor on my part.  The basis for the return I believed summer would allow a return to a Monday, Wednesday and Friday arrangement.  It was determined early on news stories were breaking too fast for this journalistic approach.  Enjoy and please do me one favor, send the link to family and friends who love basketball as much as we do.  

You may have read Oklahoma State basketball player Tyrek Coger died recently. Coger was a 21-year old and doctors indicate he had an enlarged heart.  I have no medical background or training but have a number of questions.  Coger is not the first basketball player to lose his life to this malady my question is why?  I’ve taken numerous physicals and checkups over the course of my lifetime.  It would seem a routine EKG could detect problems.  

I realize all cases are not alike and I’m not attempting to explain away the issue. The problems of Hank Gaithers and Reggie Lewis were documented.  It seems I remember Gaithers had been prescribed medication but either quit taking it or took it in lesser amounts.  In any event as for me I believe the doctors would have advised me if something was not functioning properly with my heart.  I’m going to pose this question to some of my medical friends I believe there is no reason for a 21-year old to die.