Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Basketball from a fans perspective

Seismic shift
The NBA draft complete and Words eye view publishes Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  There are times a special edition is required and this is one.  Other than LeBron James who we believed would remain in place the second most coveted free-agent was likely Kevin Durant.  Durant announced over the weekend his decision would be finalized on Monday.  I was half-way between Dallas and Kansas City (actually on the outskirts of Oklahoma City) when I received a text message.  It simply stated; "Kevin Durant is headed to the Warriors."  

I wasn't in the drivers seat however if I had been I might have driven off the overpass everybody and their brother concluded; "Durant would resign with the Thunder."  After holding a 3 games to 1 lead in the Western Conference Finals many (including me) believed the Thunder were "there". They would return intact and not make the same mistakes they would beat the Warriors next season.  That could occur next season they could beat the Warriors however it will be without Durant.  

My "friend" Stephen A. Smith was highly critical on Monday once the decision was made.  
It's been too many years back however I don't remember Smith saying much about LeBron "Taking his talents to South Beach."  Do you suppose some of the vitoral aimed at Durant was due to the issues Smith had at the beginning of last season with Durant.  My criticism comes from a different direction all together.  

Teams acquiring players through the draft or trade is a different matter. Durant has joined a growing chorus of NBA players who believe time is not on their side, they believe it's better to jump ship and win a championship by "joining" another team.  We must adopt a wait and see how this big free-agent move turns out. I certainly feel better about this move than many in Oklahoma City, news reports indicate several Kevin Durant jerseys were burned by angry fans. Harrison Barnes signed an offer sheet from the Mavs so the Warriors required a replacement.  I believe Durant will serve that purpose very well---thank you.