Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective                                                                                         
For Sale
Les Alexander owner of the Rockets placed his team on the market this summer.  Unofficially the for ‘sale sign’ has been placed on the Nets for a much longer period of time.  Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov has indicated for the last several years a desire to sale the team.  Forbes the American business magazine in its February 2017 edition list the Nets value at $1,800,000,000 dollars.  If Prokhorov decides to sale the Nets it could top the $2 billion dollar mark.  

An interesting take
If you know anything about Phil Jackson you know he’s tied to the Triangle Offense, loves it.  Many in the basketball world don’t share the view of PJ the coach at Syracuse being one.  In an interview Jim Boeheim pointed out the lack of success “Unless you have a Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant.”  Allow me to weigh in on this discussion; I believe both PJ and Boeheim are correct in their view.  

The offense is still viable however you must have personal able to teach it adequately and they must be talented enough to run the offense successfully.  Keep in mind Brian Shaw ran it when coaching the Nuggets 2013-15 and was less than successful.  Much earlier (96-97) Jim Cleamons also a disciple of PJ ran the offense when he served as Mavs head coach.  Both coaches were fired because their teams were unproductive.    

He’s got another job
Craig Robinson former Oregon State Coach has been hired by the Knicks for a front-office position. Robinson was fired as head coach in the spring and in the fall of 2014 he was hired by ESPN as a basketball analyst.  In 2016 the Bucks hired Robinson as vice-president of player and organizational development.  It‘s likely his role with the Knicks will be similar to that with the Bucks.  Did I mentioned he’s the brother-in-law of former President Barack Obama?    

Destination of choice 
Los Angeles at least the Lakers has not been a choice destination in recent years.  Sure they were able to sign several free-agents over the years but not one high profile player among them.  With the change in the Lakers front-office and cap money available the Lakers have become a destination of choice.  Those reported to headed to the team next year is a who’s who of the NBA.  Paul George along with LeBron James are just a few of the names floated about this season.  

Unless the trio resigns with their respective team each will become a free-agent July 1, 2018.  Here’s my take on the story, I could see one maybe two arriving next season but I find it difficult to believe all three would be in purple and gold.  Would there be enough basketballs to go around?  Paul and James are on the north side of 30 with a great number of games played.  Don’t misunderstand I believe the two plus George baring injury have plenty of basketball left however the age factor should be taken into consideration.