Monday, August 14, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective                                                                                         
LeBron James
I found this interesting although certainly not scientific.  Lakers Nation conducted a poll asking: “Do you want LeBron?”  60 Laker fans responded and the vote total was close, 29 affirmative 26 negative with 5 undecided.  There was no explanation as why the respondents voted in the manner they did.  This is my view and maybe a number of theirs as well.  

LeBron James is the best basketball player currently; If he joins the Lakers he would be 33 years old and turn 34 before that first season is complete.  By next season LeBron will have 15 years of regular season and 13 years of playoff basketball under his belt.  Would there be any gas left in the tank by the time he arrives in Los Angeles?  He certainly could help the Lakers but lead them to a deep championship run might be another question.  

NCAA Champion
This is not yet finalized however it appears Louisville might lose its 2013 NCAA Championship. Wins during the time-period will be forfeited and money must be returned during the period.  I certainly am not defending Louisville or any school that is penalized.  What I don’t understand is disproportionate punishment.  In 1950 City College of New York won the NCAA Championship was penalized but the trophy remained at the school.  In addition the record book continues to list CCNY as the 1950 winner.  Fast forward to 2015 it was uncovered Syracuse had committed NCAA infractions.  Syracuse still has the trophy and their place in the record books.   

NBA History
The Knicks and Celtics are the only two original NBA franchises that remain; these two along with nine other teams began play in 1946, the official name of this league was the Basketball Association of America.  Many of the franchises folded never to be seen again; behind the name is the number of years the team lasted.

Chicago Stags (4)
Cleveland Rebels (1)
Detroit Falcons (1)
Philadelphia Warriors (16)*
Pittsburg Ironmen (1)
Providence Steamrollers (3)
St. Louis Bombers (4)
Toronto Huskies (1)
Washington Capitals (5)

The Warriors remained in Philadelphia until they located to San Francisco in 1962.  In 1971 the team moved to Oakland and underwent a name change to Golden State.  The National Basketball League began play in 1937-38, although the league had 38 teams few of them were around to merge and eventually become the National Basketball Association.  Below are five of the franchises and in parenthesis their present name.  

Minneapolis Lakers-(Los Angeles)
Ft Wayne Zollner Pistons-(Detroit Pistons)
Rochester Royals-(Sacramento Kings)
Syracuse Nationals- (Philadelphia Sixers)
Tri-City Blackhawks- (Atlanta Hawks)

Bits n Pieces
NBA TV featured photos of several high profile rookies in their rookie uniforms.   The first one placed on the screen had Kevin Durant in a Sonics uniform.  Over the years he’s been so closely identified with the Thunder first and Warriors later I’d forgotten.  Greg Oden (remember him) was the first player chosen in the 2007 draft by the Blazers, next up were the Sonics who picked Durant.  

Is this the year Bruce Weber is considered safe?  Head man at Kansas State it seems Weber is always reported to be fired at the end of every season by media stories.  His Wildcats finished the season 21-14 but 8-10 in the Big 12 and a 6th place finish.  Headed into his sixth year at the helm his teams have never finished better than that first year 27-8 (14-4 in the conference) and a tie for first.  His biggest problem might be an inability to beat Kansas. 

USA Today ran an account of college coaches fired, hired and resigned since the end of last season.  I have no count however it appears more college basketball coaches than college football coaches were fired, hired or resigned.  I have no numbers to compare but it sure seems that to be the case.