Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective

Re-united with his buddy
News reports indicate Dwayne Wade intends to sign with the Cavs, this certainly is not shocking news to many.  Wade and LeBron have been long-time friends before Miami and now after Miami.  

Every 15 years or so
For a variety of reasons college basketball cannot exist without a scandal.  I’m not talking grades or student misbehavior but it does involve recruiting.  Federal prosecutors announced fraud and corruption charges against 10 persons including several assistant coaches.  Point shaving scandals occur every 15 years or so, this is not point shaving but almost as bad.  High school players being guided to specific schools and assistants and other in line to receive payment.  This is likely to be long and drawn out so we must wait for the outcome.  Additional detail is available on a number of news sites.    

Do you care, I certainly don’t
Daniel Starkland in Lakers Nation wrote a story indicating Lonzo Ball will wear his BBB brand shoe opening night.  Guess what I don’t really care, here is my care list.

1.  Lonzo plays good opening night
2.  Lonzo plays good in his second game
3.  Lonzo plays good in his third game
4.  Lonzo plays good in game 30
5.  Lonzo plays good in game 50
6.  Lonzo plays good in game 70
7.  Lonzo plays good in game 82

As you can see I’m being ridiculous in my assessment of Lonzo Ball however I hope you can relate to my point.  As a Laker fan I’m more concerned about Lonzo’s production on the court rather than whose shoes he’s wearing.  If he’s productive on the court it will be a plus for BBB, if not he and the family will be selling the shoes out of the trunks of their cars.  As for Magic he says; "I'm only concerned how Lonzo plays."

This is real scary
The prospect of Joel Embiid on the court has got to infuse Sixer fans with enthusiasm for the upcoming season.  In 31 games last season he clearly demonstrated he was talented.  I mentioned earlier he was participating in 5 on 5 drills but that might be okay.  Until the medical staff cleared him recovery from injury would be day by day.  Now comes word that likely worries Sixer fans regarding Embiid.  

In an interview came these Embiid words; “I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’ll play 82 games this year.  That’s not happening.”  The road to recovery depending on the athlete certainly is grueling in addition one must regain confidence they won’t suffer the same fate again after several setbacks.  How many games Joel, 70 or is it 50 or some smaller number?  That’s the portion that’s scary to me when he sets a limit on the number of games he might play.  

A Big Man
The Kansas Jayhawks received a verbal commitment from 6-10 260 pound David McCormick over the weekend.  The youngster from Norfolk (VA) is ranked the number 33 prospect in Rivals Class of 2018. McCormick has entered his senior year at Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson Virginia.