Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective                              

World-wide Words eye view
At the time I begin writing Words eye view my intent was simple, I wanted to share my passion for basketball from a fans viewpoint.  I’ve heard the term “world-wide web” for a number of years but I failed to comprehend the meaning until I begin publishing Words.  It truly is a world publication; the majority of readers are in the United States however there is a wide mixture of nations throughout the world.  We all share a love of basketball at whatever level.  Thanks once again for reading this humble publication.    

Laker update
It’s been reported Pacers owner Herb Simon is considering filing a suit against the Lakers.  It was determined the Lakers were guilty of tampering regarding Paul George.  The NBA without releasing much detail found the Lakers guilty and fined the franchise $500,000.  Apparently the guilty plea and fine were not enough for Simon reports are Simon intends to file a suit against the Lakers.    

Let’s see how he likes this move, last week LaVar Ball announced he would begin a reality program on Facebook.  It would be titled appropriately enough Ball in the Family.  The Lakers announced almost immediately no taping would be permitted around Laker facilities during training camp.  Daddy Ball says that’s okay however I wonder if he or a camera person are caught in the stands taping during games if they might confiscate his camera.    

Shabazz Muhammad left Bishop Gorman HS in Las Vegas as a 5-star prospect.  He would enroll at UCLA but left for the NBA after his freshman year.  The 6-6 223 pound guard/forward was drafted by the Jazz however his rights were traded to the Wolves.  Muhammad never blossomed into the star many thought he’d become injuries certainly might have been contributing factors.  After four years with the Wolves the Long Beach (CA) free-agent is considering going “home” and playing for the Lakers.  

No possibility now
I was checking a list of past and present NBA arenas and came across an interesting item.  At the time the Cincinnati Royals moved to Kansas City in 1972 and became the Kings the only arena to serve as home for an NBA team was Municipal Auditorium (9,287) in downtown Kansas City, the 16,000 seat Kemper Arena was opened in 1974 becoming the home of the team.    

Due to limited dates at Municipal the Kings were forced to play a number of games in the Omaha (NB) Civic Center which held 9,300 fans.  Eventually dates for Municipal would allow the Kings to play all their games in Kansas City.  The point the NBA would never allow a team to move into an arena that was not deemed “NBA-ready.”  The second point there would be no two city franchises allowed in the NBA of today.  

Will this become the new norm?
On August 25th I wrote of Mitchell Robinson’s decision to skip college.  The 7 foot prospect was a 5-star prospect in the Class of 2017.  Since enrolling and then leaving Western Kentucky Robinson decided in favor of the NBA.  We questioned if this was wise on his part we asked? Later Robinson would change his mind return to Western Kentucky but what about the history. Bucks forward Thon Maker skipped college for the NBA however his situation was not the same as Robinson, Maker had turned 19 by the arrival of the 2016 draft.  

Emanuel Mudiay played what would have been his freshman year in China.  He returned in 2015 and was drafted by the Nuggets.  Prior to Mudiay was Brandon Jennings who’s playing in China, Jennings first journeyed to Italy playing for Lottomatica Roma.  Jennings returned in 2009 and the Bucks made him their top pick that year.  It’s highly likely I may have omitted a player move but you get the idea I hope.  Whatever the manner a number of athletes managed to avoid college yet wound up in the NBA