Saturday, September 9, 2017

Basketball from a fans perspective                                                                                         
We are almost there
As this is written we have exactly 22 days to the first two NBA pre-season games.  The first question might be where has the summer gone?  A little under a month later the regular season begins, October 17 will find Boston at Cleveland and Houston at Golden State.  Both games will be a double-header telecast on TNT.  On November 10 college teams begin tournament and non conference play, friends we are almost there.

The word Tanking is rather upsetting to a number of fans and the NBA.  Tanking is the intention for an NBA team to lose on purpose, the team loses in order to improve its draft position.  My memory says I first heard it used applied to the Sixers, their poor won-loss record found them sitting in position allowing them the top pick in the draft each season.  The Sixers would “stockpile” draft choices however the team failed to improve it won-loss record.  They qualified every season for the first, second or third pick despite the lottery.  

Despite the regular season record the Sixers are yet to provide proof they remain a “work in progress” on the basketball court.  I would be re-miss if I didn’t include my Lakers in the discussion as well……they too have been accused of “tanking.”  It appears Commissioner Silver has heard enough the NBA is going to look at methods to incentives’ teams to play at top notch levels.  The proposal has not been worked out yet and there are steps that must be taken.  Any plan must first be approved by the NBA’s Competition Committee; from there it would go before the Board of Governors.  The earliest the change could be adopted would be the 2018-19 NBA season.    
Is this the break-out year?
The Wizards won 49 games last year with the exception of 2015-16 (41-41) they have won 40+ games for four consecutive years.  Although I haven’t followed the team closely I believe with John Wall leading the way they would make a deep playoff run.  That deep run would entail competing for an NBA Championship but first they must get past the Cavs and perhaps the Celtics.  

If we look at their starting lineup they have a veteran but youthful team.  Center Marcin Gortat at 33 is the old guy the other four are all in their 20’s.  In the playoffs they slipped past the Hawks but were losers against the Celtics.  Can John Wall and crew prevail in this upcoming season?  Off-season moves were minor by comparison to other NBA teams we shall see how the future develops.  

Revisit of an old discussion
I have a friend who is a Mizzou fan; he would voice his concern with Kim Anderson and Frank Haith, not the fact of losing but recruiting.  My friend believed the basketball team needed to adopt the policy of the former football coach.  Gary Pinkel would talk constantly about “closing the borders” indicating he didn’t intend talent to leave the State of Missouri.  On the surface the policy is sound however is it practical?  

We can look at two of the nation’s most successful basketball programs Kentucky and Kansas. Both schools have a national and international recruiting base, few Kentucky or Kansas high school players wind up playing for Coaches Calipari and Self.  As for Mizzou Coach Martin has attracted talent from the St Louis metro which includes the Illinois side as well.  My question in 2017 is the Pinkel approach still possible?  Perhaps in the end Coach Pinkel might be correct however basketball recruiting is far different from football.