Monday, December 23, 2019

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Yet another incident
There are fans who believe “I paid my money for this seat besides I have freedom of speech.”  This is another case of wacky fans; two Sixer season ticket holders have been banned from Wells Fargo Center.  They were yelling obscenities at Wizard guard Isaiah Thomas.  This is in line with the Jazz fan and his girlfriend expelled from Vivint Smart Home Arena last season in a similar incident involving Russell Westbrook. 

As reported, this “fan” is suing the Jazz and Westbrook.  Finally, we arrive at the Warriors part owner prohibited from attending games due to a similar issue last season.  I could be wrong but am willing to bet all three instances were fueled by alcohol, in addition the distance from the floor to courtside seats is but a few feet.  How else to explain why a grown man would attempt to get into a verbal battle with a player from an opposing team?  This issue appears to be getting worse instead of better.

He said what?
Magic Johnson’s never lost his place with me, I still count him as a favorite Laker.  Despite the statement there are questions surrounding his recent assertion.  This version of the Lakers has the second-best record in the NBA as this is written.  Magic believes he’s contributed to the success thus far.  Let’s check the facts, LeBron James did indeed arrive before Magic resigned as VP of basketball operations, as for the other acquisitions that’s a different story. 

Back in January there was plenty of chit-chat regarding Anthony Davis leaving New Orleans, Magic was still in place.  He resigned at the end of the 2018-19 season and the current roster was traded for (AD) or was signed by Rob Pelinka.  Magic went on to claim the blueprint for the turn around by the Lakers was his plan.  A portion of Magic’s claim cannot be fully evaluated the season is far from over.  Exactly how much did Magic contribute to the resurgence of the Lakers is where we arrive, and could we say…X factor.       

Not what they thought 
The 2019-20 season looked so enticing for the Pelicans.  Rest assured no one expected them to contend for a playoff spot.  The excitement was led by the prospect of number one pick Zion Williamson plus the legion of players received in the Anthony Davis trade.  Sharpshooter JJ Redick was a free agent signing from the Sixers, yes everything looked promising in the Crescent City.  In a snap the entire outlook changed, Williamson was diagnosed with an injury.  As this is written he’s working out lightly but there is no timetable for an NBA appearance.  

Brandon Ingram is having an exceptional season, as the Pelicans debate trades the slim forward is an untouchable, the verdict for the other former Lakers is mixed.  In a reserve role Josh Hart’s raised his scoring average a bit over last season as for Lonzo Ball that’s a different story.  Unlike the prior two seasons Ball is playing a reserve role behind Jrue Holiday.   JJ Redicks numbers are down slightly from his years with the Sixers, perhaps he’s not granted the number of uncontested shots he had in Philadelphia.  The team stands 7-23, only the Warriors have a worst record.  Video of Alvin Gentry clearly details his frustration with the play of his team.

What do the scouts say?
James Wiseman has made it known; rather than return to Memphis he intends to play in the NBA.  Our discussion yesterday indicated we are unsure if he’s a genuine NBA talent.  His height (7-1) and weight 250 pounds screams loudly but is it true?  The game’s changed, Wiseman might easily find himself at the power forward position rather than center.  No argument he’s got raw physical talent but what about his brain?  Research indicates it weighs 1400 grams or about 3-pounds, but it is so very important besides raw skill. 

We may have overlooked the most important part of the human anatomy…the heart.  Maybe we can conclude the heart is as valuable as the brain in determining whether Wiseman can play successfully at the NBA level.  It’s often been noted less talented players thrive in all sports due to their brain power.  Scouting reports read much the same, this is but one regarding Wiseman.  I believe this is about the sharpest scouting report of all.  Big man with the physical tools that make coaches and scouts drool but without the skill and feel to back up a lot of his hype. Wiseman has improved a lot over the past few months but still has a long way to go even for a player so young.”