Thursday, September 3, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

One more Big John fact
Georgetown University has competed on the basketball court since the 1906-07 season. If my poor math skills are correct, we discover John Thompson led teams are responsible for 35% of the total wins registered. Even more amazing Big John retired as a coach in 1999, 21 years ago. It was more than winning on the court for Big John, it was pointed out all the athletes who remained in school four years graduated except for one. That is an amazing accomplishment few coaches can point out considering the fact Big John coached the Hoyas for 27 years.  It’s planned to provide additional tidbits of his life over the next few days.  

Blackballed Mark Jackson   
I read an account that claimed if Mark Jackson took an assistant coaching job it could eventually lead to a head coach job at some point.  That statement might well be true, and pigs might grow wings and fly as well.  Jackson had a conflict with Warriors management which resulted in him being fired, the termination came after Jackson turned the Warriors franchise from a cellar dweller to a playoff team.  Coaches of the past have criticized ownership and been fired and hired again.  Think George Karl although he is no longer coaching, he was known for wearing out a welcome with management. 

As for taking an assistant coaching position it ain’t happening for several reasons.  Number one Jackson is well paid by ESPN/ABC, rest assured working for the network earns him far more than he could as an NBA assistant.  Even with travel Jackson might be working far fewer days covering the NBA than as an assistant coach.  The NBA noted for diversity in hiring with numerous minority men and women in positions of authority missed the boat on this one.  So, what occurs from the point going forward for Jackson you ask?  Jackson will be hired someday as a head coach, we have no idea where; in addition we don't know the time however he must be interviewed first.   

The future is yet to be determined
We covered the earth-shattering news of Makur Maker choosing Howard University over the summer.  The 6-foot 11-inch 235-pound center is the highest rated ESPN prospect since 2007 to commit to an HBCU school.  It was mentioned at the time this action might cause prospective talent to explore HBCU options.  There is a BUT with this account, additional talent might commit to an HBCU institution, but it depends on Maker.  Most contend Maker will likely be a one and done athlete which certainly is good for him and bad for Howard and HBCU schools. 

Do not misunderstand, there is no desire on my part to impede his potential NBA career.  He made waves with his choice of schools, unless he remains at Howard beyond his freshman year there will be no evident change.  Howard has three seniors returning, they finished last season with a 4-29 (1-15 conference) record.  Maker certainly did not choose Howard due to its basketball prowess.  If the collegiate season is held perhaps those outside the metro Washington D.C. area will have an opportunity to witness Maker in action.   

“A broken clock is correct twice a day”
I love to make fun of Stephen A. Smith for one reason alone.  He wants the world to know all basketball knowledge starts and stops at his desk, unfortunately this latest story proves that to not be the case.  Smith is singing the praises of Donovan Mitchell who certainly is a talent especially after his sparkling playoff series against the Nuggets. 

Smith is claiming he insisted his Knicks should have drafted Mitchell which fans pointed out is not quite the case.  Smith wanted them to choose   Dennis Smith Jr. or Malik Monk instead of Frank Ntilikina and video proved that was the case.  Donovan was later made the 13th pick in the first round of the 2017 NBA Draft.  We cannot always be correct all the time however our bluster sometimes proves us incorrect especially when there is video proof.   

Winners (and losers at the same time)  
Although your team is in the lottery you remain a loser, how in the world does this occur?  This is the proposal you might be a loser because your team is in the 7 through 14 position in a weak draft year.  That is the position several teams find themselves in the 2020 NBA Draft, in the lottery but with a high draft pick.  Who are the possible losers you ask; the Knicks certainly are in that position landing the 8th pick?  Are there others, yes, they are specifically the Kings and Wizards and others? 

Although 14 teams earn a position in the lottery a number are closer to qualifying for the playoffs than others meaning they are upward bound.  The Suns, Pelicans and perhaps a few overlooked.  The Celtics at 14 are in a different position, they are a playoff team at present.  They might look at this draft to increase roster depth or possibly trading the pick for help in another area.  We have several moving parts here, as mentioned this draft appears not as strong as in other recent years.  This is only speculation; the 2020 draft could possibly turn out to be much better in the future than we might have believed.