Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Basketball from a fan perspective

Too many TO’s---Game One found the Lakers with few complaints, Game Two was far different.  Too many turnovers which directly/indirectly allowed the Nuggets to be in the position to win Game two.  The first half the Lakers were led in scoring by LeBron, the second half it was Anthony Davis.  The Joker came to play tonight, and he was certainly key to the Nuggets almost winning the game. 

With 2.1 seconds Rajon Rondo tossed the ball into Anthony Davis, for reasons unknown Mason Plumlee neglected to follow AD out to the 3-point line.  Jokic was guarding the in-bounder Rondo, Jokic realizing the ball went straight to AD made a valiant effort to block the shot.  Slow motion action showed the ball was mere inches above Jokic’s outstretched hand. 

The ball hit the basket when the clock read 0.00.  Ex Mizzou and Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. continues to grow his game; he came off the bench scoring 15 points for the Nuggets.  We know why this team was able to beat the Clippers, there is no quit in them.  Game Three is scheduled for tonight 8:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, we shall see what unfolds.

Wow---Speaking of Anthony Davis I thought this would be of interest to a few of you.  When we think of twins, we usually associated them with similar features but not in the case if they are fraternal.  The 6-foot 10-inch Laker forward has a twin sister, the information did not indicate which twin was born first however we know the tallest…it’s AD.  His sister is listed as 5 feet 8 inches tall; we might have guessed 6 feet or maybe a little taller.  We had no idea AD's sister was such a shorty compared to her twin brother.   

Pure speculation---Almost as soon as the Thunder were playoff eliminated Billy Donovan resigned as head coach.  A successful collegiate coach at Florida he surprised several when he left for the NBA Thunder in 2015.  The NBA is littered with landmines for college coaches however Donovan managed to make it work for him despite the fact he departed without winning an NBA Championship. 

Where does Donovan go from here, it would not appear to be the NBA, there are colleges waiting in line for him.  It’s likely he will cool his heels for a while and check out various opportunities.  We can bet money he won’t jump at the first job offer and why should he?  Two NCAA Championship teams with an overall winning record, the same for the NBA (.607).  We shall wait and see what opportunities are presented to Donovan, don't be surprised to hear his name when an announcement is made.  

Introducing---His name is Adem Bona, he’s 17-years old and is Turkish by way of Nigeria.  He was born on the African continent in the nation of Nigeria, after being discovered playing the game at an early age he moved to Turkey and now claims Turkish citizenship.  Bona stands 6 foot 11 and a thin 209 pounds, draftXpress.com indicates Bona is the number one international prospect. 

Bona is headed to Prolific Prep in Napa California some 47 miles north of San Francisco.  If you reside nearby Napa it might be worth your time to check out this youngster on the court.  The indication is Bona will be enrolled at Prolific for the next two years.  It would appear we should at least keep track of this youngster if he is as good as advertised by the scouts of draftXpress.com.    

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