Monday, January 4, 2021

Basketball from a fan perspective

Eye candy     

For quite a while I’ve held the belief Top 25 polls that show the position of your favorite school are only eye candy.  They are phony in my view, you want to know how I’ve come to this conclusion?  I’m glad you asked me, this is the example for you to ponder.  Mizzou went into Fayetteville on Saturday and beat Arkansas 81-68.  I rarely look at point spreads but based on history and the fact Arkansas was undefeated going into the game they had to have been favored. 

In Lawrence Kansas, the Longhorns of Texas went into Phog Allen Fieldhouse and managed to spank the Jayhawks bottom by 25 points.  They beat the Jayhawks 84-59; did I mention Kansas rarely loses games at home?  Week 6 Kansas was ranked 3rd in the nation, in the Week 7 poll they dropped to 6 with the loss, the Week 6 poll had Mizzou at 14 and they moved one position up to 13 despite a convincing win over Arkansas.  Figure that one out for me if care, going forward Top 25 polls only represent eye candy for me.         

La segunda parte or Zweiter Teil

Based on yesterday a few of you might believe I hate Jeff Van Gundy.  Far from it, he’s certainly got more knowledge of basketball than me.  My issue with him is the usual one, why are we discussing the outcome of a football game when it’s clear the focus of the telecast is NBA basketball.  Better yet how about movies, I believe commentary of that nature belongs with an entertainment reporter not an NBA basketball analyst.  The decisions made by an NBA team are just that, THEIR decision not yours Mr. Van Gundy.  As LaVar Ball is so fond of stating, “Stay in your lane.” 

He checked both boxes

Anytime an NBA player has an outstanding game like Steph Curry there are always two questions.  1.  Did his team win the game, the answer is yes and 2. Was his shooting percentage good, again the answer is yes.  So, there you have it 62 points scored by Curry in a win against the Blazers.  As for the game itself his 62 points led to a 137-122 win for the Warriors.  The Warriors have gotten off to a slow start in the 2020-21 NBA season, back to Curry for a moment he shot 58.1% from the floor and 50% from 3, it was 94.7% from the free throw line.  So, there you have it Curry checked both boxes for a Warriors win and a career night from the floor.  Most amazing several of the shots caused you to say, “How in the world did he sink that!.” 

Chris Broussard

I found myself often in disagreement with Broussard at the time he worked for ESPN.  Moving over to Fox Sports I haven’t seen him as much, it’s not by choice.  When it comes to sports especially basketball ESPN/ABC still contains the best lineup in my view.  In any event back to Broussard a moment, his recent interview had both of us on the same page.  I cannot do him justice this sort of paraphrases his comments regarding Kawhi Leonard.  “Load management must be reduced he’s got to play more games when healthy for continuity purposes. 

The primary problem with the Clippers there is no leader it certainly isn’t Leonard.  He wasn’t the leader in San Antonio that was Tim Duncan’s team he managed to excel, last season in Toronto everything was in place all that was required for him was to blend in.  Once again, his natural talent witnessed him exhibiting outstanding play especially in the playoffs, last season with the Clippers it was a totally different matter.”  For me Broussard addressed some very key issues surrounding Kawhi Leonard and his future efforts with the Clippers.  Leonard is who he is, it is highly improbable he changes his personality at the age of 29 and becomes that leader many expect of him. 

No longer a requirement

Have you noticed the stylings of NBA coaches thus far this season?  In the bubble the dress code for the coaching staff was very relaxed compared to the regular season.  The NBA regular season and playoffs has always been suit/sports coat and tie by each team.  Guess what, the return to home arenas with little if any fans the NBA has continued with its revised dress code policy.  It is funny in a manner of speaking if we return to the days of Mr. GQ Pat Riley. 

Riley would set the standard for dress with the Lakers, Knicks, and Heat while head coach. In fact, did you know Riley had a series of custom dress shirts with his name on them.  In any event I have no issue with the relaxed dress code, the only question is the NBA willing to continue this mandate into a post-pandemic NBA.  All might not be pleased with the change, it’s interesting we later read Laker Coach Vogel indicated he was comfortable wearing a suit and tie. 

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