Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Basketball from a fan perspective

The game from a fan’s perspective

Auburn did it

The wrong Tigers opened the game hitting shot after shot, the other Tigers turned the ball over, took poor shots.  Let’s just say the execution wasn’t there early for the Mizzou Tigers.  Toward the end of the first half, they improved play and half time saw the other Tigers with a 39-35 lead.  The second half would see the good Tigers take a brief lead however Sharife Cooper could do no wrong Tuesday night.  On Saturday Xavier Pinson took over and led the Tigers to victory, against Auburn the bad Pinson was quite visible. 

He managed to score but 7 points and fouled out shooting an incredible 18.2% from the floor.  Time after time Pinson penetrated only to see his shot smacked away by one of the Auburn players.  It wasn't just a single player other Tigers played poorly especially in the first half of the game.  As for Auburn they didn’t exactly shoot the lights out, but Mizzou cannot win any game shooting 37% as a team from the floor.  The final score read Auburn 88 Mizzou 82, expect them to drop in the polls next week.  Disappointing loss they basically allowed Auburn to dictate the pace of the game.  It always seems to me Bruce Pearl teams force the pace of play no matter who they play, that was the case versus Mizzou.   

We are confused

NBA news sometimes says one thing and does the opposite.  Well not quite allow me to explain, earlier we discovered in the COVID age there would be no All-Star game…we understand.  On Monday we read and hear a story there might be a modified game played in Atlanta rather than Indianapolis.  The further news of the day indicated a total of 22 NBA games have been cancelled as this is written.  What is the players association, NBA management and others stating, we are confused?   

Pronounce my name correctly…. please   

There are several players in the NBA with exceedingly difficult names to pronounce.  In fact, some have difficult first names as well.  I remember watching a Bulls-Celtic game and listening to the player introduction reminded me of a story.  Public address announcers might need to be more conscience of the correct pronouncing than maybe a television or radio broadcaster.  On a personal note, when meeting someone for the first time I try and place a mental note to aid me in remembering.  This method doesn’t always work however now than it does.  Naturally, the easiest name to remember is a person is the same name as yours. 

Back to the story early in his NBA career a public address announcer mis-pronounced Robert Horry’s name during player introductions.  He said; “From the University of Alabama 6-foot 10-inch Robert Horr-rey”.  It’s reported after the game Horry approached the P.A. announcer after the game and said, “The H in my name is silent, my name is pronounced “Orrey.”  We don’t know for sure if the story is true however it’s reported to have occurred.  By the way despite the length of time he’s been in the NBA I still have difficulty with Giannis Antetokounmpo’s name.  Not his first name it’s his last name, as much as I attempt it always sounds as if I’m stumbling over it trying to pronounce it.  The easiest for me is to just say Giannis, everyone knows who I’m discussing, LOL. 

Surprising information

Several of you are going to be shocked or maybe surprised with this news.  There are three NBA franchises with a higher value than the NFL Chiefs or baseball Dodgers.   Forbes Top 10 places the NFL Cowboys at the top of the heap, in second place the NFL Patriots and the baseball Yankees in third.  The Knicks are the fourth most valued franchise with the Lakers in sixth place. 

“Revenge is a dish best served cold”

In the movie Star Trek II: the wrath of Khan the line above was uttered by Captain Kirk’s arch enemy the genetically engineered superhuman Khan.  Rest assured we are not even sure Mizzou coach Cuonzo Martin is a Star Trek fan, this we do know.  The Saturday win by his team on the floor at Tennessee stated quietly for him, “we won.”  There is a bit of Tennessee history most are probably unfamiliar with. 

Cuonzo was head man in Knoxville, he’d replaced a coach who’d gotten in trouble with the NCAA, in 2013-14 Tennessee got off to a slow start.  Students begin circulating a petition requesting the former coach return and replace Cuonzo.  This despite the problems this coach had created with the NCAA.  According to the history there were 40,000 signatures on the petition, eventually the team began playing better and finished the season 24-13.  In May Cuonzo left to take over the helm at Cal, the coach might not say it out loud, but he’s got to be pleased. 

Not making an excuse but injuries curtailed a promising season in 2019-2020, although last season was rough so far this season has witnessed a much-improved team for the coach.  His Mizzou Tigers beat Oregon when they were ranked 21st in the nation, same for Illinois when they were 22.  Although Mizzou lost the first time around his Tigers managed to beat number 6 Tennessee on the Vols home court.   

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