Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Basketball from a fan’s perspective

Dates to store in your memory bank

These are the reported dates as the NBA attempts to normalize its schedule:

NBA Draft Lottery June 22

Draft Combine June 21-27

NBA Draft July 29  

The draft combine could prove interesting for players who might be on the bubble.  At the time DeMarre Carroll finished at Mizzou in 2009 it’s my belief few even knew his name prior to the draft combine, his play at the combine allowed him to be a late first round pick by the Rockets.  Although this journey man is no longer in the league, he earned enough time to qualify for an NBA pension.  As for the dates if revisions occur an attempt will be made to update the information for you as soon as practical.    

Do what you do best

I’m viewing Get Up on ESPN and was reminded again; this is a basketball blog.  At the time the television was turned on the discussion centered on the NFL.  I was once chastised for writing about basketball in July, I was informed “Nobody is playing basketball now, why not write about the sport in season?”  That’s the problem, there is so much overlap in this day that’s extremely difficult.  Several of you might disagree and that’s okay, I believe you do what you do best.  That does not include NFL football, MLB, the NHL, golf or tennis for me. 

I certainly have no intention of knocking any of those sports they all represent what we enjoy.  I love basketball plain and simple, why spend time writing about the NFL when I can state in truth there exists a small number of familiar NFL players.  I will watch the NFL Chiefs; I will view Mizzou football but that’s about it.  Same for baseball, it’s the Royals alone, I have no recollection who won the 2020 World Series, I can quickly inform you the Lakers won the 2020 NBA championship.  You gravitate toward those things of interest and for me its basketball, again no hate on the other sports.         

Haters be hatin’

I read this the other day; I almost fell out of my chair with laughter.  This person claimed, “Getting Andre Drummond is not going to help the Lakers, in fact with LeBron and Davis out I hope they miss the playoffs.”  What is so funny to me his plan on the Lakers missing the playoffs all together.  This is the NBA the plan for this gentleman is certainly possible however not likely.  Worst case, LeBron and Davis return but not effective I give that one 30% chance of occurring.  Andre Drummond not effective with the Lakers…how about 45%? 

The balance of the Lakers roster not playing effectively let’s say that’s a 40% possibility.  Looks as though the Lakers will make the playoffs what about other possibilities?  If they should finish in the 7th or 8th slot, they would be required to play more games to reach the championship series, that’s possible too.  The Lakers go on a hot streak and finish number one, they could get knocked off even in that position.  With all those variables would you be willing to place a bet they won’t make the playoffs?  How about the championship, willing to place a wager or do your belief reflect the hater you are?   

It still counts

It’s not the NCAA Championship but it still counts in the eyes of the winners, the reference in this instance is the National Invitation Tournament Championship.  The Memphis Tigers wanted the NCAA Tournament but missed the cut for an invitation but secured an invite to the NIT.  They beat Mississippi State 77-64 on Sunday securing the championship.  Memphis finishes the season with 20 wins versus 8 losses. 

How interesting former NBA player Penny Hardaway has moved into the coaching ranks.  For those who might not be aware a childhood friend who’s since passed away asked Penny to assist him with coaching his high school team.  When his friend died Penny took over the program and then his alma mater called, and he accepted the head coaching reins at Memphis.  Penny claims "We want to win championships, and the NIT is just a start."   

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