Monday, March 8, 2021

Words eye view 

Basketball from a fan perspective

It’s confirmed

It’s being reported Blake Griffin late of the Pistons intends to sign with the Nets.  On the surface I don’t believe anyone finds this news shocking or even surprising.  The Nets are attempting to corner the market on every available free agent about.  We understand they have even contacted a former New York Nets player named…wow, I forget his name.  It's John or Jack Erving…no, I believe his name is Julius Erving.           

All-Star proceeds

Despite criticism raised by several players including LeBron James and Donovan Mitchell the game proceeded.  Besides the health and safety issues raised over $3 million in revenue from proceeds will be turned over to HBCU schools.  The amount might appear a pittance divided among a substantial number of schools, as one might state every little bit helps.  In this instance we are not discussing funds to be utilized by athletic programs, the funds are intended for use by the educational institutions in a variety of areas. 

Safeguard your words 

College and NBA coaches probably use a wide variety of methods to motivate their teams.  Whatever method is utilized should not be one that inflicts more damage than its purpose.  Creighton’s Greg McDermott has been among the most successful college coaches in recent years.  He’s been suspended indefinitely for comments made after a tough loss to Xavier.  “Guys, we got to stick together.  We need both feet in.  I need everybody on the plantation.” 

The statement made to an all-white team might be considered routine but that’s not the case at this point.  Creighton like most college basketball teams has a roster containing a sizable number of black players, the plantation statement relates to the institution of slavery. McDermott certainly doesn’t warrant being terminated but he needs to understand the meaning behind his words.  Several reading this might conclude on the surface the statement is not that serious if that’s you I will simply state okay and leave it there.  Others certainly realize we should guard the words we use considering our surroundings. 

This is amazing

Many of us are unpaid basketball scouts, we believe we can assess basketball potential.  That statement is questionable but how about the folks who get paid?  No wonder the Wolves and Warriors are talking to themselves, they had the ability to draft LaMelo Ball.  The Hornets point guard is flying high in rarified air, he’s accomplished feats few projected prior to the 2020 NBA draft.  At the All-Star break Ball ranks first among all rookies in total points (553), rebounds (211), assists (221) and steals (57) despite the fact he didn’t become a starter until February 1. 

According to Elias Sports Bureau, “Ball is the only player in the last 60 seasons to lead rookies in the categories mentioned.”  I admit I was stuck in the middle on Ball, reading some reports indicating he was a hot dog and wasn’t serious about the game.  Other reports painted a vastly different portrait of the youngest Ball brother, they indicated he was exceptionally talented.  We have this teenage phenom (19-years old) playing with the Big Boys and proving his skill and ability is on their level.  If the fire in his belly continues to burn at this pace can we whisper “Magic, Isiah” or some other Hall of Fame point guard? 

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