Sunday, March 7, 2021

 Words eye view 

Basketball from a fan perspective

Another disappointing loss

From my perspective the wrong Tigers won the game, it was LSU Tigers 89-Mizzou Tigers 80.  Another loss that coulda, woulda, shoulda, been a win, again the last 5 minutes of a game Mizzou manages to figure out a way to lose.  Was it the LSU defense or the poor shot selection that was a contributing factor to the loss?  Afterall Mizzou managed to shoot a measly 37.1% from the floor as a team?  That type of shooting is not going to win many games in the SEC or the Parks & Recreation league. 

My chief frustration, no one on the Mizzou side appears capable of stepping up and taking over a game and this was one of them.  Dru Smith wants to be THE MAN but even he came up short in this game.  Guard Xavier Pinson scored 14 points but shot a minuscule 25% from the floor, in addition the decision making by X appears chaotic especially over these last 5-6 weeks.  Has the opposition seen enough video to figure out a method of curtailing the penetration of X?  Oh well, I've settled down it's on to the SEC post-season tournament next week.   

I ain’t mad at you

I have indicated on more than one occasion I’m ol skool, based on my statement as things stand, I will not watch the All-Star game this evening.  The skills competition and slam dunk contest will certainly be on my agenda.  Allow me to briefly explain my complaint, in the past it was East-West match.  The best of one division versus the best of the other, no more.  We have Western Conference LeBron James on the same team with Easter Conference Giannis Antetokounmpo.  I wish I understood the purpose of having two opposing regular season players on the same team.  In any event if you like the format as it's structed now that's okay, I ain't mad at you.   

He’s dropped out

Remember Kevin Garnett stating at one time he wanted to become an NBA owner?  His hope was to own the team he spent the greater portion of his playing career the Wolves.  For undisclosed reasons Garnett now indicates his group is no longer pursuing ownership of the team. 

Owner Glenn Taylor indicates the team is on the market however when it’s eventually sold (and it will be) Garnett will not be one of the owners.  As for the statement the team will be purchased that’s a fact, despite the enormous financial undertaking NBA teams don’t remain on the market a great deal of time.  Back to Garnett a moment, we can understand his desire to purchase the Wolves having played for them.  Perhaps his group might be interested in ownership of another franchise should it come on the market.   

Big Game

That was the nicknamed given to Laker great James Worthy, he almost always had an outstanding or big game during his career.  In both the Naismith and College Basketball Hall of Fame how did he managed to be enshrined in both?  A collegiate All American at North Carolina and the top NBA prospect in 1982.  Through a trade the defending NBA champion Lakers had the Cavs pick, a coin flip determined the Lakers would have the number one pick which turned out to be Worthy. 

Imagine that, a team wins the championship and could choose the potential best player in the draft.  He didn’t become a fulltime starter until his third year in the NBA, from that point on Worthy became Big Game.  The 6-foot 9-inch forward was on the receiving end of many Magic Johnson passes as he sprinted down the court for a dunk or layup.  He was a 3-time NBA champion while a member of the Showtime Lakers and the 1988 Finals MVP.  We are unsure even now if there was a speedier small forward than Worthy during that period, this concludes a brief lookback at Big Game James Worthy Laker legend.    

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