Friday, March 17, 2023

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Basketball from a fans perspective

A big win
This was interesting, Utah State was favored by 1.5 points over Mizzou. Final score read Mizzou 76 Utah State 65. It was Kobe Brown and D’Moi Hodge leading the way, Brown with 19 points and 8 rebounds while Hodge led the Tigers in scoring with 23 points. This outcome brings about a question on my part. If you have the answer that’s a good thing for you, I don’t. All my adult life I’ve heard discussions surrounding sports of all types and point spreads.

I’ve never understood how point spreads are figured since the final score of this Mizzou-Utah State game is far from the prediction. In any event I wanted the win and was prepared for the Tigers to face number 2 Arizona. Late Thursday afternoon came word Princeton beat Arizona. Mizzou will now face Princeton on Saturday, stay tuned. By the way this was the first NCAA Tournament win for Mizzou since 2010 so you know I’m celebrating. Whatever occurs going forward Dennis Gates has certainly turned the mindset of Mizzou basketball.

I’m Laker Nation is disappointed
This is not just me, that’s why I changed the headline. The Lakers gave the game away, they lost to the Rockets 114-110 on Wednesday evening. Let’s explore the parts, Laker Nation was aware there would be no LeBron James, in addition the team decided to have AD sit out the back-to-back. The Lakers were losers to one of the worst teams in the NBA, the win gave the Rockets just win number 17 for the season. This I believe reflects Laker Nation, we hoped someone or several someone might step up in the absence of AD.

Austin Reaves came off the bench scoring 24 points and adding 7 assists, but it just wasn’t enough to allow a Laker win. The chief problem the horrible start by the Lakers, they surrendered 31 points in the first quarter while scoring only 19. The balance of the game was somewhat even. What didn’t occur, the Lakers didn’t reach .500 with the loss. What didn’t occur, failure to move up in the playoff picture in the number 10 slot. Despite the doom and gloom on my part the Lakers are but one game behind the Warriors in the loss column, the Warriors are in 6 place currently. This details for us how tight the Western Conference race is in the middle of March.

This is ridiculous
By now you are aware of the story surrounding Alabama’s Brandon Miller. It’s gotten so serious Alabama announced they are supplying Miller with a security escort everywhere he travels during the NCAA Tournament. The reason of course he is getting threats on his life. Listen folks it’s my belief Miller was to some extent involved in a tragedy that shouldn’t have occurred. So there are knuckleheads about who believe they can address the issue by threatening Miller.

Are the emails, phone calls and the like received by him or Alabama valid, there is no effective method to authenticate them. The school must believe it should take these threats seriously. It’s a real shame both occurred, the young woman lost her life and some in the public field believe their effort is acceptable. No one has the right to take the law into their own hands, Miller has not been arrested as this is written. We have no idea how this entire debacle will play out however to threaten a person is certainly not the method to address it.

Your bracket
It’s been estimated up through the Sweet 16 work production especially in offices moves at a snail’s pace. Beginning yesterday our minds will be on the task in front of us as well as our bracket. I’ve heard stories office pools can range from just a few dollars to as much as $300-$400. Of course the payout for professional pools certainly pays much larger sums of money. You didn’t ask but a number of years ago I quit filling out a bracket except for fun.

The problem for me rooting against one or several of my favorites to enhance my ability to win. One other issue that caused a change for me, the fixer. We had a fellow employee who expressed 0 interest in college basketball. The first year he won the pool most probably felt good for him, the second in a row was a different matter. He admitted “I don’t know much about basketball, so I give it to my buddy who fills it out.” Was it cheating, not really but I didn’t have a good feeling about the manner he won. I believed thereafter there were no more money office pools for me.

He didn’t pay
NBA mock drafts are only a “window”, they allow us to peer in and determine who might be drafted. Notice the word WHO, they are never intended to be precise and used only as a guide. Note, generally the first 5-6 selections are somewhat accurate however beyond that number it’s a guess. The headline read “Bronny James is moving up in the 2024 NBA mock draft.” I decided to check for myself and that certainly appears to be the case, one site places James a late first round pick. The other site indicates James would be a second-round choice, there is an issue beyond the mock draft. Have you done as I have, read fan letters about this matter? A number cause me to scratch my head trying to figure out “are these guys for real?” This is just a sample, and they might be worded differently depending on the writer.

“LeBron James paid for his son to be included in the mock draft” or similar words. Bronny James will succeed or fail on his basketball ability alone; does it help his father is LeBron James? Of course, it’s the same for you and me if we are acquainted with a relative or family member at our place of employment. What does the future hold for Bronny, he will earn a basketball career on his own. Not a single NBA team will employ him unless he demonstrates a degree of NBA talent. We could use Austin Rivers as an example, for a few years similar to you I believed he was in the NBA due to daddy Doc Rivers. This thought especially while both were employed by the Clippers. Since that time Austin although no star has remained in the NBA on his own merits. My advice to you (and me), avoid letters from fans pointing toward nepotism.

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