Saturday, March 18, 2023

Published Daily  

Basketball from a fans perspective

Sticks and Stones
Depending on your age you might have heard this before, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The intent I believe is to point out to a child offensive words expressed by other children cannot wound them. While that is certainly true there are words that might be more appropriate than others that could have been used. Here’s the example of what I believe this reporter could have chosen better words in discussing an upcoming game.

This paraphrases the KC television guy’s line, “Mizzou received a gift playing Princeton rather than Arizona.” Certainly Arizona a number 2 selection would be expected to provide more competition than number 15 Princeton. Mizzou is an early favorite over Princeton…would that have occurred facing Arizona? I have serious doubts however Mizzou will face a formidable foe this afternoon in Princeton. Until the horn sounds any team is capable of beating another adversary. We have two Tigers facing one another, there is no requirement for me to inform you which Tiger team I need to see win.

You must have really deep pockets
Every time an NBA team goes on the market there appear a legion of potential owners standing in line. As I once reported I can only remember one sale that was delayed, that was due to an owners death and estate settlement. No one wants to purposely lose money so owning an NBA team must continue to be a good investment. As for the money involved, we are talking billions with a B anytime we began to discuss a purchase. As most are aware LeBron James has mentioned his desire to own a team, that might be difficult, allow a further explanation. Recently a co-owner of the Bucks decided to sell his portion of the team, no idea of the percentage of ownership however the sell was reported to be $3.5 billion. LeBron’s net worth according to Forbes is stated to be about $1 billion, no one can afford to deplete their income to buy a team.

LeBron will require partners in any attempt to acquire a team. Let’s take this one step further, the current theory is LeBron would be involved in an expansion Las Vegas franchise.  On the other hand wouldn’t it be interesting if Dan Gilbert decided to sell the Cavs? Do we suppose Gilbert would be willing to sell the team to a former player who spurned him twice? As this story was being completed came late word from the Hornets franchise, it’s being reported MJ intends to sell his majority share of the Hornets. Because the news report indicates “majority” it would appear he intends to remain a stockholder. For those who might not be aware of the story originally MJ was a minority owner of the Hornets. Years later MJ would purchase the balance of shares allowing him to become the majority owner. Whatever occurs in the future for the franchise should be quite interesting.   

A basketball legend
How do you become a basketball legend without spending time in college or playing in the NBA? You play the game in New York City specifically Harlem’s Rucker Park. At one time Rucker saw play of many NBA players Chamberlain, Abdul Jabbar, The Doctor and others. Earl Manigault was that legend, standing 6 foot 1 he was blessed with great leaping ability. 52-inch vertical was his reported leaping ability. One of the reported stories might have occurred or someone decided to embellish it. It was claimed a quarter, or some other coin was placed on top of the basketball backboard. There was never an explanation how the coin was placed there because the rim is 10 feet from the floor, we are talking another 2-3 feet. Let’s just round it off and say this, Manigault was reported to have leaped 14 feet and snatch the coin off the backboard. You can choose to believe the story or not, your choice.

Goat as he was nicknamed had a checkered attendance in high school he’d gotten into drugs and was expelled but managed to finish high school in North Carolina. From there it was one semester at Johnson C. Smith College in Charlotte, but he got into trouble with the school and his coach. A return to Harlem proved to be his undoing as he developed a full-blown drug habit. He spent time in prison for possession but was released in 1970 at the age of 25. He would try out for the Utah Stars of the ABA but failed to make the team, Goat would pass on an offer from the Globetrotters. Realizing the ravages of drugs he started an anti-drug program. There were heart issues later in life, but he was never able to receive a heart transplant because doctors considered him a poor candidate, in 1998 at the age of 53 Goat died of congestive heart failure. How good was the Goat, this from Kareem Abdul Jabbar, “The best basketball player in New York City for his size.” The basketball legend who played one semester in college and never professionally a basketball legend…Earl “The Goat” Manigault.

The music…the music
Pop music is often heard during breaks in play throughout most college and NBA arenas. Over time some of these tunes are no longer played but were in use at one time.  

House of Pain
“Jump Around”

Pointer Sisters

Van Halen

Zombie Nation
“Kernkraft 400”

Gary Glitter
“Rock and Roll Part 2”

It should be of note for those who are unfamiliar with the tunes. Jump by the Pointer Sisters and Van Halen are two different tunes with the same titles.

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