Thursday, March 30, 2023

Published Daily  

Basketball from a fans perspective

What are the absolutes for you
Your absolutes might be different from mind, as an example I know the Sun will rise in the east and set in the west. There are certainly others but that comes to me first. Another absolute, the Pacific Ocean is larger than the Atlantic. How about another one, John Calipari has allowed the game to bypass him…whoa, hold on a moment who said that? Local radio guy’s said it twice and has included this at the end. “Calipari only recruits NBA talent nowadays”, that’s certainly a confusing statement to me. The radio guy believes or at least his job that day, is to convince us of that fact.

How about a closer inspection to determine if the radio guy is on to something? The covid season 2019-20 Kentucky finished with a 25-6 record but the NCAA Tournament was cancelled. That was followed by an un-Kentucky like 9-16 record, the next season it was 26-8 then the most recent 22-12 won-loss season. The Wildcats lost in the first round (26-8) and this tournament saw a second-round loss (22-12). Radio guy claims Kentucky’s failure to advance is based on “NBA players”, that’s nonsense. A roster full of players headed for the NBA should excel over most teams IF THEY play as a team. One other consideration, tournament play is often a roll of the dice, the better team fails to win and advance. I’m sure that’s occurred for Kentucky and other teams. I wonder if the radio guy is making the Calipari claim because Kentucky’s failed to advance in the tournament the past two seasons.

There are other programs suffering the same fate and it’s nothing to do with the NBA. Let’s check out another Blue Blood program, the Kansas Jayhawks. The Jayhawks won it all last season, however prior to that was a second-round loss, the covid year, and another second-round loss. My single criticism of Cal and it might not even be valid, I’m unsure about his game management. In my opinion I’m not bold or brave enough to decide the game’s bypassed Calipari. On the other hand maybe the radio guy is fanning the flames aware his take will cause guys like me to become offended.

I still don’t know
This is written ahead of the Lakers-Bulls game, I have no idea of the winner but it will impact the Lakers playoff status. Just as interesting, their opposition is in the same position. You might not be aware of this fact, I’m the Kansas City representative for the Lakers. This duty means I am responsible to analyze their status, which includes player acquisitions, front office moves etc. I might add this is an unpaid position for me. This is how a portion of my duties unfolded, in January I was asked, “Are the Lakers going to make the playoffs?” My quick answer, “I have serious doubts, but we shall see.” The February trade deadline occurred and we discovered the Lakers made several trades.

Almost immediately they began playing better basketball. The question arose again, “Are the Lakers going to make the playoffs?” By this time my response changed to a degree, “It’s possible although it really appears next season might be more logical.” We arrive at the end of March with but a few weeks remaining in the NBA season and the question might be asked again. The Lakers appear in a position to qualify for the play In tournament but even that’s not a sure thing at this point. We shall see what eventually prevails, however there is at least one Red Flag. If the Lakers fail to make the playoffs in whatever level they can check out the mirror for the failure. So in conclusion that’s all I can offer for now, will I be disappointed if they fail in their playoff effort?

The first
In the era of the transfer portal Mizzou received its first of what is likely to be more than one off-season acquisition. Arriving in the fall will be John Tonje a 6-foot 5 210-pound shooting guard who played at Colorado State, he brings a veteran presence to the roster. Tonje will enter his 5th year in August having been granted an extra year of eligibility due to covid. Mizzou’s roster is guard heavy; they lose 4 seniors whose eligibility has expired. The question might be what’s next for Mizzou, I’m glad you asked because the future certainly looks bright? Incoming for Mizzou is freshman point guard Anthony Robinson arriving in August, in addition from John A. Logan College this fall is shooting guard Curt Lewis, that’s what we know…now for the question marks.

The status of shooting guard Isiaih Mosley is unknown although he could return. The same could be said for seniors Sean East II and Kobe Brown who could leave although they also have a covid year should they choose to use it. Their status is unknown as this is written. Back to Tonje a moment, he is a capable shooter at the Division I level. It’s likely this is not the last transfer player to be brought in by Dennis Gates and his coaching staff. Mohamed Diarra 6-foot 10-inch post has entered the transfer portal so he’s headed for another local. There are a couple of Big Men Mizzou might offer a scholarship to replace Diarra. Kadin Shedrick at Virginia is 6-foot 11-inch 230 pound forward and Essam Mostafa who played at Coastal Carolina is a 6-foot 9 inch 250 pound forward, I’ve seen neither play however Mostafa’s numbers are clearly better.    

Thanks but no thanks
We can debate all day long regarding the talent level of Bronny James. This was written prior to his playing in the McDonald’s All-Star Game however that’s not the basis for this account. I read the headline and the first few sentences; I didn’t bother with reading the entire piece. You remember LaVar Ball don’t you, father of Lonzo, LaMelo and LiAngelo. Two of the son’s earned their NBA stripes although Lonzo has been injured for a period. No disagreement on my part, whether it their talent or LaVar’s training methods it is certainly noteworthy to have two son’s in the NBA.

At this point the praise ends and the statement is made by me, thanks but no thanks. LaVar has suggested Bronny needs to head to Australia after high school rather than college. I stopped reading at this point, we know LaMelo didn’t attend college (he probably wouldn’t have been eligible anyway). My question for you to mull over is this, why in the world would Bronny James need to take advice from LaVar Ball? Don’t get this confused, rest assured LaVar is not texting or calling Bronny James, the suggestion as to what to do is coming by way of the media.

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