Wednesday, January 9, 2013

“Aircraft Carrier”
We all familiar with the description of an aircraft carrier, a naval ship whose sole purpose is launching fighter aircraft and/or helicopters. ESPN broadcaster Dick Vitale has coined another definition for the term “aircraft carrier. “ Vitale uses the term to describe big men who play the game of basketball. Mizzou received a verbal from Keanau Post a 6-11 265 pound center recently. Signing big men is a departure from Mizzou’s previous Coach Mike Anderson. The “fastest forty minutes” of basketball utilized under Anderson did not lend itself to big men. A different offense under Coach Haith meant big men would be included in his offense. This change is evident by this Mizzou team leading the nation in rebounding. Post is enrolled at Southwestern Community College (Ill) about 25 miles from downtown St. Louis (MO). As for his ability I have no idea if Post can play I do however like his size, in addition at the junior college level he can score (12 ppg) and rebound (10 a game). This continues a trend of Mizzou signing talented Canadian athletes; two freshmen are currently on the roster. 6-7 guard Webster Negus-Chan from Scarboro Ontario and 6-11 forward Stefan Jankovic from Mississauga Ontario. The latest commitment Post is from Victoria British Columbia.

Coach Cal
He did it once again; Kentucky and Coach Cal signed yet another blue chip prospect.  January 5th Dakari Johnson became the latest commit to the school.  Rivals list Johnson as a 5-star prospect and number 13 in the Class of 2013.  This 6-10 265 pound center is enrolled at Monverde Academy, Montverde Florida.  Kevin Boyle who coached for a period at St. Patrick in New Jersey is the head coach at this boarding school.       

“I'm attending _________”
You can fill in the blank; I don’t know if we are considered in the information or internet age. I don’t keep up with that stuff, this I do know. ESPN has a monopoly on top prospects announcing the school of their choice. I’ve lost count the number of Top 10 recruits who made their intentions known over “The World Wide Leader in Sports.” Despite my concerns and sometimes critical remarks regarding ESPN when Fox launches its national channel my thought is they will still run second to ESPN.

When it rains it pours
I'm sure you've probably heard the age old statement above.  It certainly applies to my team---the Lakers.  This season is probably down the drain, the season that began with so much promise has imploded in place. Much of it has already been detailed, Mike Brown fired after the first week of the season. Phil Jackson coming on board and then passed over for Mike D’Antoni. Steve Nash hurt during the pre-season unable to play until December. Antwan Jamison signing with the Lakers hoping for an NBA Championship to close out his career. Receiving so little playing time with the coaching change he voices his concern to the media. Same goes for Earl Clark who was in D’Antoni’s doghouse when both were with the Knicks. Then Pau Gasol, tendonitis in both knees, planter fascitis and lost in D’Antoni’s offense. Finally he suffered a concussion and will be out of the lineup once again. I almost forgot about Dwight Howard, in the same game Pau was injured Howard sustained a torn labrum and will also be out. I almost forgot reserve Jordan Hill who sustained a hip injury in the same game. Laker Nation is down but we are not out, we will return.

It doesn’t just occur in Brooklyn
Brooklyn is not the only location lawsuits are generated due to construction of an arena. The Longshore and Warehouse Union is upset with the proposed arena plans for Seattle. “The complaint filed Thursday alleges that legislation on a funding plan for construction will create "irreversible political momentum" in favor of the site. Local 19 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union contend that sitting a third sports arena in the area will create more traffic congestion that will imperil "great working class jobs.” I don’t think I’ve ever have been aware of a union filing a lawsuit with vehicle traffic an element of the complaint. In addition the baseball Mariners have also registered a compliant, their issue is traffic congestion. (Associated Press)