Monday, January 14, 2013

Bits n Pieces

Are you sure this is a done deal? I’m referring to the news that broke last Wednesday indicating sale of the Kings to a Seattle group was complete.  I was reluctant at first to discuss it but several news sources ran with the story. The deal might now be off the table.  According to reports the Maloof brothers want continued operational input regarding the team. Daddy Maloof once owned the Houston Rockets, after he died the family sold the team. The family had difficulty acquiring another franchise and that’s the basis for the hold on the sale. If this story is true it might be one more handshake deal that’s fallen apart involving the Maloof brothers. NOTE: Unconfirmed report from CBS Sports, Mark Mastrov founder of 24-Hour Fitness wants to buy the team and keep them in Sacramento.

Have you seen Shaq’s Buick LeCrosse commercial? Notice how far back the seat is placed to accommodate the 7-1 350 pound O’Neal?  Don’t know if Buick makes an SUV if they do they might consider it over a LeCrosse.

On Friday January 11 there are four teams with better won-lost records than defending champs Heat. The Heat would be sitting behind the Clippers, Thunder, Grizz and Spurs if they were in the Western Conference. As for the Eastern Conference the Knicks are one game behind the Heat, the Pacers, Hawks and Bulls are two games back of the Heat. There are two issues, number one the playoffs are the true test of a champion. More important is the difficulty of defending that championship. If key injuries are not a factor champions always claim their play is just a tough as the prior year. The competition plays them as though the NBA Championship is on the line.

Is there such a thing as “east coast bias?” I believe it exists but certainly not to the extent many believe. Conspiracy theorists claim David Stern wants the Lakers and Celtics in the NBA finals every year and not the Spurs. It’s a fact television numbers are lower when the Spurs compete for the NBA Championship. I have no stats to back up this next statement it’s my belief it’s the team rather than no Lakers-Celtics. Sorry Spurs fans your teams no matter the success play boring, fundamental basketball. NBA junkies are gonna view a championship series no matter the team. As for casual fans that’s another matter, casual NBA fans don’t want to watch the Spurs play that‘s why television viewer numbers dip.

Several years ago a local sports radio host was attempting to get Bobby Knight fired. This host had issues with the manner Knight covered the Big XII during telecasts. I didn’t sign the stations petition then and I would not sign one now. With that said it’s my belief ESPN telecasts would be upgraded if Knight were removed. This is not a knowledge factor far from it; this former coach has far more basketball in his background than the majority of us. I don’t believe he is an effective television communicator, talking to players is a far different matter than talking to a television audience.

Up or down
Mock draft sites are interesting to me; I’ve often noted movement up and down during the course of a collegiate season. Gaining a roster position on any NBA team relies on more than talent alone, for a player who might be marginal it might be the location.  We assume (and are often mistaken) a 12th or 13th man on an NBA team can't play.  We might assume this position because he rarely plays unless the game is a blowout.  Don't allow yourself to be mislead into thinking the player at the end of the bench can't play.  A numbers game exists in the NBA (and other sports too).  There are roughly 420 players on NBA rosters, every year up to 60 additional players are drafted.  If we add free agents to this number there could be 100 players vying for a roster spot every year.  If we consider the players with no cut contracts the numbers might work against a lesser known player.  The NBA Summer League aids the free agents to chose the his team of choice. 

This is interesting
AEG’s Tim Leiwke was interviewed in a local publication recently. He voiced an interesting perspective. Leiwke the CEO of AEG was questioned about the lack of a major tenant at Sprint Center. For those outside the metro one of the promises made by AEG was to secure an NHL or NBA team for the Sprint Center. This is his statement, “an anchor tenant will be bad for Sprint Center, but we'll get one anyway.” Leiweke goes on to state Sprint is the third most successful building (revenue producer) in the nation without a prime tenant (NBA/NHL). "If we bring an anchor tenant here and it doesn’t do well, it will kill this building. It will kill the downtown renaissance that’s been created here “was the Leiwke comment, so be careful. I still think a team’s coming.” At one point at least two NHL teams the Predators and Islanders were rumored to be moving here. The Sonics franchise was never a serious consideration, owner Clay Bennett lived in Oklahoma City. If he moved it would be to his hometown which proved later to be correct. That was not the case for the NBA Grizzlies or Hornets (Pelicans). Both franchises were for sale at a point in time and it was hoped one might locate to Kansas City.  (KC Pitch)