Thursday, January 24, 2013


It’s time for some other agency to begin policing collegiate athletics; the NCAA proves it's no longer up to the task.  The NCAA has continued to embarrass itself in the performance of it's duties.  The problems involving Miami University are just the latest in a continuing pattern of blunders by this agency.

On Tuesday I deleted an acquaintance of mine from my social network, I did it for two reasons. He’s been highly critical of Mizzou and Frank Haith for a period much longer than I will detail. To add fuel to a burning fire the report leaked by CBS Sports regarding Haith and the University of Miami allowed him to reach an obsession. My former acquaintance immediately began his rant; “Haith should be fired” was the beginning statement of his paragraph of dribble. I’ve mentioned on more than one occasion I refuse to become a conspiracy theorist however the timing of this report raises several questions for me.

How did an incomplete secret investigation be leaked prior to its intended June completion? I wonder if my former acquaintance would appreciate if he were fired from his job without knowing why? This has become a tale that might be suited for a James Bond film. Imagine this, “the CBS Sports reporter breaks into the NCAA offices late night and begins rifling through drawers attempting to locate the report titled “Miami Investigation.” Once he locates the file he takes photos and when finished places the file back in the cabinet.

Is that version too farfetched for you maybe this version might work better for you? The CBS reporter contacted a trusted source inside the NCAA; “got any interesting news for me” might have been the question? The employee says “I’ve got this report on Mizzou but it will cost you.” The reporter says; “I’m prepared to pay!” Okay I realize both scenarios are a gigantic stretch but you see where I’m going with this? A top-secret report “leaked” in the middle of the basketball season. After the Shabazz

According to local news reports the same investigator who worked the Shabazz Muhammad case was also investigating Haith. We became well acquainted with the results of that case. Just in case you were not aware briefly the investigators boy-friend was on an airline flight conversing with another passenger. He is reported to have said; “my girl-friend is the investigator and will ensure Shabazz Muhammad will not be eligible to play this season.” An attorney on the flight heard the conversation contacted the Los Angeles Times who contacted the NCAA. Within a few weeks Muhammad was declared eligible with a “slap on the wrist.”

Through some oddity the NCAA hired the attorney of Nevin Shapiro; of course Shapiro is the
song-bird who pointed fingers at the Miami athletic department. Shapiro’s currently in prison having been convicted of a Ponzi scheme.  It's reported he defrauded clients out of $930 million dollars.  I'm a little unsure if I could trust anything this guy might say.  In any event the entire investigation has been placed on hold while the NCAA investigates itself. That would be funny if this tale might not have such dire consequences for Haith his former coaches and the Miami athletic department.  In closing don't confuse my intent, improper activity might indeed have occurred.  Any school found guilty of cheating in some form should be penalized.  With all the missteps I'm just unsure the NCAA is the agency to conduct this investigation.  As for the announcment it would conduct an internal inquiry---good luck with that one!