Monday, January 28, 2013

To bad
Great game yesterday, the Celtics beat the Heat in double-overtime.  The only bad news to come forth is losing Rajon Rondo for the balance of the season, he suffered a torn ACL.  The Celtics were not going to win an NBA Champion with a healthy Rondo however they certainly would be more competitive.  Rondo is a talent who the Celtics will sorely miss.  I remember when he arrived from the University of Kentucky a co-worker was extolling his flair for the game.  I remember this fella said; "the only problem Rondo can't shoot!"  Rondo is still not a good shooter but the other skills (rebounding, assists & leadership) more than make up for his lack of shooting proficiency.

I’m tired
Passion reigns supreme for me regarding the Mizzou Tigers and Los Angeles Lakers. I’m extremely disappointed when one or both are not playing well. Even more bothersome for me are issues unrelated to the action on the basketball court. The continuing University of Miami sage and its connection to Mizzou’s Frank Haith is what I speak of. A story was printed today (Friday) involving one of Haiti’s former assistants indicating “he’d been cleared of any wrong doing.” This is the problem as I see it (maybe you too), I grow tired of reading stories quoting “reliable sources.”

Exactly who are these folks releasing information to the media? I worked for a cable company, I along with other employees were given specific instructions. We were told to transfer any media inquiries to our Public Affairs Office. Is it possible an employee might have conversed with someone in the media, it‘s certainly possible? Who in the NCAA continues to leak information on the Miami investigation without the office issuing a public statement? I cannot do anything about this other than to ignore future “reliable source” news stories. The NCAA has proven to be lacking investigative powers. When contacted prior to hiring Frank Haith the agency had informed AD Mike Alden there was nothing in the past to prevent Mizzou from the hire.

He doesn’t like the name change
Reports indicate Chris Paul is not on board with the Hornets name change. He doesn’t like the name change to Pelicans. I thought Chris played for the Clippers?  I thought you were traded because you wanted out of New Orleans, does anyone consider it important for the owner to secure Paul's approval? If this story is really true I think it’s funny. Maybe Paul cares more than we might have thought, interesting.         

Wonder why I’ve been so quiet
You might have taken note few stories have emanated from my desk regarding the Lakers. I had indicated near the beginning of the season (injuries, adjustments) I didn’t expect a championship this season. I didn’t expect a championship but I didn’t expect them to be this bad. Can any of us believe a team could play this bad with four possible Hall of Fame players in it‘s lineup? Am I going to point fingers, you bet I am? Jimmy Buss you are “The Biggest Loser” for two reasons. You first hired Mike Brown as head coach. You compounded the error by not hiring Phil Jackson when it appeared he was ready to return. I know you have (had) issues with Jackson but couldn’t your concern for winning override your PJ issues. Dr. Buss is out of the picture now having turned over the operational aspects of the Lakers to son Jimmy. I am pleased the Lakers were able to beat the Thunder yesterday but that’s only one game. There I said it and refuse to back down from my statement.

Amateur status
Must we search for scandal any and everywhere? This is so silly, I hate to write it but I’m compelled. Are you familiar with the old adage; “where there is smoke there is fire?” In this instance the smoke is a Gucci backpack. After UCLA’s game last week a Yahoo writer noted freshman Shabazz Muhammad left the dressing room with a Gucci backpack. This reporter returned home and began researching the cost of a backpack. He revealed this backpack might cost a minimum of $1,000. He did state if it was a knock-off it probably could be considerably lower. Naturally the reporter wrote “how could Muhammad afford a Gucci backpack?”

At this point Asia Muhammad sister of Shabazz enters the picture. The sister is a professional tennis player with an Adidas shoe contract. I was unable to locate a record of Asia’s earnings on neither the pro tennis circuit nor the amount of money she’s earned from her Adidas contract. She did respond in a tweet to this reporter, Asia indicated she and her mother had purchased the backpack together. She offered to provide a copy of the store receipt of the purchase. Naturally this story prompted the UCLA compliance office to begin an investigation. Last Friday UCLA confirmed Muhammad had received the backpack as a family gift. Has this become the norm for sports reporting today? In our rush to complete a story we do little if any investigation. We publish a story that could possibly be true but offer no proof.