Monday, December 30, 2013

If you are under age 40 you are spoiled
Have you seen any of the AT&T U Verse commercials? Usually there are two older children discussing what they lacked when they were younger. After pointing out the virtues of U Verse they conclude “these kids don’t know how good they have it.” The point of the commercial is how many options you have with U Verse. Well I’m not promoting U Verse however I can relate to the older children's perspective. I turned on my television Friday evening and with my cable package I had a number of options. In the day of cable/satellite and other devices basketball fans have choices.

I could chose one of two NBA games or a like number of college games. As I wrote awhile back we had the choice of one afternoon national collegiate game and one Big 8 game that was it. As for the NBA after the Christmas day game we could look forward to a Game of the Week on Sunday afternoon that was it. Once upon a time the semi-finals and the championship NCAA game was it, telecasts from start to finish didn’t exist. The same for the NBA, the first championship won by Magic Johnson was not telecast live. Fans were forced to wail until 10:30 Central Time to view the game. Should I repeat the U Verse theme again, no need you see the picture.

What do you think?
Did you happen to check out the tee-shirt jerseys on December 25th? Is it thumbs up or thumbs down on them? Better yet have you even formulated an opinion on them? I have my thoughts but this time I’m going to leave the question unanswered from me.

I wonder

I’m a Kobe fan but even with him I have limits. Question, why is Kobe leading Western Conference back court voting, he’s only played six games? Same for the Eastern Conference voting, Derrick Rose is in third place. Rose has played in 10 of the Bulls 28 games.  I forgot All Star voting is in the hands of fans, that explains it.

Why does the NBA return after the fact to say “sorry we made a mistake?” I speak of the Blake Griffin ejection in their game against the Warriors. To simply say he shouldn’t have been ejected fixes nothing. Are the officials under the type of pressure that forces them into incorrect decisions?

Did the Nets make the correct choice in hiring Jason Kidd? No debate on his decision making as a player, as for coaching decisions that might be another matter. The NBA requires more than OJT (on the job training) for a head coach. On the other hand it seemed to work for the Warriors Mark Jackson.

It matters not because it’s only a mock draft, what is it I speak of? The rise of
Kansas center Joel Embiid since August. has projected Embiid as the number one pick in their 2014 mock draft.

“Amazing Grace and Chuck"

Was the title of a 1987 movie featuring Alex English; English starred in the movie as a fictional Boston Celtics player. Although he played for more than one NBA team he never wore Celtic green with the exception of this movie. English spent 17 years of his Hall of Fame career as a member of the Denver Nuggets. This slim 6-7 190 pound sharpshooter scored over 25,000 points and retired with a 21.5 ppg average. The career numbers for English fail to provide you an adequate and true picture of him. His Hall of Fame selection speaks volumes for the player he was, English was voted in as a member of the 1997 Hall of Fame class.

“He marches to the beat of a different drummer”

I’ve always taken the above quote to indicate rather than follow the pack you establish your own method, so it is with Greg Popovich. Media was always fond of poking fun at Phil Jackson for his sometimes informal manner of coaching. Well Phil has long since retired however he’s got a clone in San Antonio in Greg Popovich. The two might be total opposite personality it’s just the manner they chose to coach. Last season Pop got in trouble with the NBA for sending Duncan, Parker and Ginobili home early.

The three didn’t play in the last game of a road trip; of course Pop was fined by the NBA. We no with travel and back to back games NBA teams don‘t really practice. They will go through a morning shoot-around and that’s about it. The Spurs had a heavy road schedule during November and December. Pop was asked by a member of the media when was the last time the Spurs practiced. It’s reported he said he couldn’t remember he’d been giving his team the day off.