Wednesday, December 4, 2013

This is my last report----until!
I have a number of unpublished features regarding prospect Dante Exum. You remember Exum, he’s the 6-6 190 pound point guard from Australia. His high school class graduated in the fall of 2013, circumstances allows him eligible for the 2014 NBA Draft. At the same time he been mulling over scholarship offers from a number of schools in the U.S. It should be of note none of the recruiting websites have him listed however every NBA mock draft site does. My reasoning for no future stories only extends to February 2014. Sometime during the month this youngster will make his decision known, either college or the NBA Draft for him.  Exum is projected as the 5th pick, below is the sum he would receive in each of his first three NBA seasons. If he’s a higher or lower choice the monetary amount would be affected significantly.

Year 1           Year 2             Year 3
$2,812,200    $2,938,700     $3,065,300

Naturally any shoe deal or ad revenue from other products endorsed is extra dollars in his pocket. I’ve been wrong before so allow me out on the precarious tree branch. I say Exum declares for the June Draft. College is always there, he could take the route of Vince Carter and Shaquille O’ Neal who played but managed to graduate while continuing their NBA careers. 
Salary figures-Hoopsworld

Clue me in please

I'm watching ESPN’s First Take the post-Thanksgiving telecast. I believe all of us realize Stephan A. Smith and Skip Bayless are supposed to “stoke the fire” on issues in the sports world, it’s my belief they struck out on this one.  They were discussing "Sodagate,” the Jason Kidd soda spilled on the court during the recent Nets-Lakers game. The soda was spilled during a crucial point near the end of the game; the Nets had no timeouts left. Cleaning up the court allowed Nets assistant coaches to draw up a end of the game play. The shot was missed by Pierce and the Nets lost the game. I don’t remember any discussion on whether they thought Kidd did it on purpose I do remember they thought the $50, 0000 fine levied by the NBA on Kidd was far too substantial. They gave us their take now here is mine. For unknown reasons the NBA unlike other professional leagues has operated under a cloud of suspension.

You’ve heard the stories, the draft lottery is “fixed”, how could the Cavs receive two number one picks in the space of three years? I almost forgot the Patrick Ewing bent card draft. Patrick Ewing was in the 1985 draft and the Knicks would be guaranteed the pick. We could include the Tim Donaghy referee gambling scandal, I’m sure there are others I’ve missed. Stephan A. “believed this was the Stern action as he leaves office in February.” I certainly have not been in agreement with the commissioner on several of his decisions notably his veto of the Chris Paul to the Laker trade. This I believe, how can a league appear competent when it fails to police the actions of rule breakers? For a couple of media types who appear to operate by the letter of the law the stance taken by both was interesting. What do you think was the Kidd fine justified by the NBA?

He said it and I agree

Most of the talk about tanking or losing on purpose began during the summer. It’s progressed into the fall with an unidentified NBA general manger claiming he thought a team might entertain the idea. Of course the basis is the potential of a rich 2014 NBA draft and the opportunity at a franchise player. That type of conversation is just that, we have no idea if Andrew Wiggins or Marcus Smart will become All-Pro. Michael Jordan was asked the question regarding his Bobcats. I’ve stated all along I couldn’t be a fan of any team I thought might be losing on purpose. It turns out MJ agrees with me, I say it’s good because you read my opinion and you may agree with it or maybe you don’t. You could do the same with MJ’s view however regardless of his success as an owner he’s got creditability. 

Officials don’t cause your team to lose
This is written a day after the Broncos beat up my Chiefs. I noticed a number of Chiefs fans were making derogatory comments regarding the officiating. I was on the road traveling from Dallas so I only had a radio picture of the game. Officials miss calls all the time especially in my sport, basketball (and football) are played at a pace which probably causes officiating errors time to time. If your favorite team loses it’s not due to the officials it’s due to elements of your teams’ game breaking down.